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Funniest Real Names?


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There was a Glasgow University professor whose surname was 'Butter'.


He and his wife had a son and they christened him Roland.


Yes, really.


Patricide and matricide is almost excusable under such circs.



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Guest farnsbarns

I went to school with a Terresa Green, my wife used to know a Tessa who married a Mr Tickle and my dad has a friend called Dinger Bell and insists it's his real name, my dad is a talented wind up merchant though.

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Only mildly amusing, I know, but a girl who moved into our street when I was a kid was called Karen Valley. The town happened to be in a shallow valley carved out by the path of the River Carron.


...and my dad has a friend called Dinger Bell and insists it's his real name, my dad is a talented wind up merchant though.


Co-incidentally, "Dinger" is the nickname of the five-times Le Mans winner Derek Bell, but I think you probably knew that already!



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I knew a guy that named his child "Idiot Buffalo" Buffalo was the boys last name.

I also knew a Satanist wannabe that named his 2 boys Damien & Lucifer (no, i'm NOT making this up)


One of the funniest though is a friend whos' middle name is "Flippin" (old family name), when stopped by the cops he gives his name as D.Flippin' S. (1st & last names deleted for privacy).

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Hello, Fellow Babies,

What's in a name? In the long-lost days of my childhood, I had a friend who introduced himself as "Hambone." His family called him Hambone. I was still young enough that every new name I encounterd was no more strange than any other; I can still recall the exasperation expressed by one of my new classmates in first grade that I kept mispronouncing his name as "Heaven." Of course our parents thought it was funny, and his sister and her friends teased him unmercifully. We didn't finally become friends until we tangled over the issue. I stopped calling him Heaven, not because I saw the irony in calling the tantrum-prone little monster by such an inappropriate handle, but because I was persuaded by his irony fists. By contrast, Hambone was very laid-back, and had no problems with his name. If I ever knew whether it was a nick name or the real moniker, the memory has faded beyond recall. I expect that "Heaven" is somewhere doing "time." Hambone probably got his own open-air restaurant in a building covered with a galvanized roof specializing in Carolina style bar-b-q. I can see it plain as day. Out in the country - cars, trucks, and even tractors - parked on a big gravel lot maybe near a railroad track - people coming from miles around just to eat that little country boys bar-b-q chops.


For those of you that grew up in the West, you gotta try Carolina style bar-b-q. I started in California, and I figured I knew all there was to know about the subject. I grew up in the days before everything was available in cans, and mothers took pride in knowing how to cook; nobody in my Mom's generation would admit to using a cake-mix. At the hacienda, my Mom made bar-b-q starting with the juice and pulp of freshly squeezed oranges. I grew up knowing one of the main pillars of the universe was the bar-b-q started with orange juice. As I traveled I occasionally ran into people that didn't have their priorities straight. I mean, people in the South didn't use orange juice to make their bar-b-q!? This was a massive insult to all I believed-- are you insulting the memory of my mama's cooking!? The impertinence of these Southerners! But, man o man, I was rrrr. rrrrrrrr rrrr I was wrrrr. Can't admit it. Let's just say I wasn't completely right. Carolina style is really, really good. 'Stead of sweet n spicy, it's vinegar and spicy -- like vinegar potatoe chips. Mmmm-mmm.

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What? No one remembers the Zappa kids? Moon Unit and Dweezle.

^ My thoughts exactly.


Blue Angel, U2s guitarist's (the Edge) daughter, that's a strange one. Joe Strummer's kid, Jazz Domino Holly Mellor.


There are some really strange ones.

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