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classic songs you CAN'T stand anymore...

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I guess you could put me into the camp of if I liked it then, I probably like it now - and that's even in spite of overplay of certain songs and ignoring better ones (IMHO) on "oldies" radio.


I'll make kinda one exception, though. Proud Mary that, as Larry noted, left me playing it maybe three times the last set of the night, seemingly every night, back in the '70s.


There'd inevitably be a dozen females barely able to walk (watching them dance was a gas) who'd scream "Pulayyy Purrrrow' Mry," first one and then others would jump up and join in like prairie dogs from their holes. The management had the choice of tossing 'em out or having us go ahead and play it. Since the other patrons were usually not that far from the same state of inebriation, or the guys wanted to see the drunk "ladies" dance, we played it, and it didn't chase away customers.




But that's the game. I've gotta admit a cupla times I really wanted to play it at a ballad tempo and style. <chortle> Never did it, though.


EDIT: Come to think of it, I really don't listen to much commercial radio either - and you young guys are listening to stuff I've never heard. <grin>



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I can play:


ANY Creedence song. They must have wore out every pressing ever made, on every station, until someone reissued them.


In a Blues bar? Not the "mustang sally"!!! not again. Big problem, cause if you play it once, then they want to hear it again. And again. And again.


And...whenever I hear more than one NIRVANA song in a day, I kinda feel like life sucks and I want to put a gun to my head.

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I'm (currently) Trying, to get my band, to broaden it's horizons, a bit...

as far as "Classic Rock" goes. To do other songs, that don't get played

by every friggin' other band, in the area, or country, for that matter.

I swear, you can go to any bar/small club, anywhere in the country and

here the same songs played (to differing degrees of competence) in every

place! In the "boon docks," or the big cities. Doesn't matter. I love

all those old songs, but...after awhile, you just want to hear, and play,

something else, you know?! I've stopped short, of resigning, but...to be

honest, I've thought about it! I just love to play, too much, to do that.

Especially, when "live music bands" are so few and far between, out here.

But, I'm going to continue, to "lobby" for a greater variety, in both the

"Classic Rock," we do...and, for adding more current styles, or diversity,

in genre's, even. If they just "refuse," then...I'll start another "band"

with other players, and stay with the one I'm in, and do that, also. [tongue][biggrin]




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1. Stairway to Heaven

2, FreeBird (too many OTHER good skynyrd tunes out there)

3. Smoke on the water( but I dig Highway Star)

4. 90 % of what;s currntly over-rotated on our "local" classicrockstation,


There are just too many other great tunes waing to get played.

(sigh)... [crying][crying][crying]

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Don't Stop Believing by Journey has to be number one (well; all their stuff really - but this one in particular EWWWW), Love In An Elevator - Aerosmith, Crazy Nights - Kiss, Bed Of Roses - Bon Jovi , in fact this last song (the Bon Jovi one) has never been the same since a pupils mum, a divorcee in her 50's, told me how she used to like to make love to her boyfriend with it playing! She was really proud of this too [cursing] LMAO [thumbup]

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Can't think of any right now, but for the longest time I had an aversion to Pink Floyd after my step-brother played The Wall for six months straight.... that's ok, I got even when Metallica came out with Enter Sandman - made him sick of the whole album by the time I got bored of it.


In the past few years there isn't much that I'm that sick of anymore...I can even stomach the occasional Floyd song.


........ oh, just thought of something - heard more than I care to of Nickleback. Is it just me or does every song they've put out since the album Never Again was on sound the same? based on something they'd put in one of their videos a couple of years back, at least they admit they suck...or is that just the typical Canadian thing where we tend to have a low self opinion of ourselves despite what the rest of the world thinks? lol

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RE: your pupil's Mom...


If she had any class brag about using Wagner's Liebestod for such activities. <grin> Hmmmm. A petit mort? Will Tristan rise to the occasion or end the opus?


Ah, the potential of puns in all that.




Here's the bit with the original German and also English sorta translation. I hope you have good speakers. BTW, one doesn't tire of this one as one might with Bolero... But again the ... musical technique is quite different.



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And yea, "Hotel Califirnia" was OK for me, until about maybe the 100th time or so, but of corse we have to hear it at least the beginning about 10 times that much.


I live!!


Cheers Stein




RE: your pupil's Mom...


If she had any class brag about using Wagner's Liebestod for such activities. <grin> Hmmmm. A petit mort? Will Tristan rise to the occasion or end the opus?


Ah, the potential of puns in all that.




That really would be a ride of the valkyries!!!!


She was a very nice lady but had gone through a bitter divorce and re invented herself as a new age woman who smoked pot, went on spiritual retreats and talked about auras, orbs and other 'new age' terms. She also told us WAY too much information; like when she went to Glastonbury and hooked up with a guy 20 years her junior who had the biggest 'ding dong' she had ever seen LMAO.


Now combine the above with the image of wrinkley bosoms and then back to the original song Bed Of Roses and you have a song that double whammy's as a bad image reminder!!!



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She was a very nice lady but had gone through a bitter divorce and re invented herself as a new age woman who smoked pot, went on spiritual retreats and talked about auras, orbs and other 'new age' terms. She also told us WAY too much information; like when she went to Glastonbury and hooked up with a guy 20 years her junior who had the biggest 'ding dong' she had ever seen LMAO.


Now combine the above with the image of wrinkley bosoms and then back to the original song Bed Of Roses and you have a song that double whammy's as a bad image reminder!!!




LOL!!! Too funny!msp_lol.gif

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Songs that I like have often been overplayed on the radio. For me then it's time to put them aside for a while. But after a little time has passed, when I hear them again I still like them. It's like visiting an old friend.


So I still love Bohemian Rhapsody, Stairway To Heaven, Nights In White Satin, Hotel California, and just about all the songs that I ever liked. It's just that I don't want to hear them every day -- I also like new listening experiences.


I feel the same way about the symphonies that I love. I'll never tire of Dvorak's 7th, 8th, or 9th, Tchaikovsky's 4th or 6th, Beethoven's 4th or 7th, and dozens of others. These are really complex pieces of music that have more to listen for in them, and I will probably love them 'till the day I die, but I still don't want to listen to the same ones every day.


Like CB, I don't listen to radio. I have almost 10,000 tunes on my iPod culled from my extensive record/CD collection and some tunes that I purchased on-line. They include the classic rock tunes I love (and mentioned above) along with old top40, jazz, Latin American, short classical pieces (I save the symphonies for my CD player), and some "world music". I listen to it in the car. When one of the classic oldies comes up on the random order, I really enjoy it like an old friend.


Notes ♫

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This thread breaks my heart. I remember when classic rock radio had DJs that could play loose with the play lists. At least twice an hour you knew they'd spin a deep cut that was some killer gem that never made it as a single. Of course this was like thirty years ago.


I blame Clear Channel and the Communications Act of '96. Deregulation allowed Clear Channel to gobble up every commercial station from L.A. to New York and start dictating play lists for all of them from some office in L.A.


F that noise! Bring back the deep cuts!

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Just about every song that's played on the "classic Rock/retro" stations.These songs were overplayed to the point that you bacame sick of them when they were first released and now they are being overplayed on these retro-rock stations.The program managers from these stations have the easiest jobs in the broadcast industry.All they have to do is Google the top 50- 100 hits from each year from 1960 to 1980 and they have their playlist.I wonder just how many of them have any idea of the great music that wasn't played on radio from these times yet still were very popular without becoming overplayed to the point that they caused nausea.

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Long time ago when I realized that radio overplay can ruin a perfectly good song for me I stopped listening to the radio.


I play my own songs in my own rotation but there is the inevitable, weddings, bars, etc.

I wholeheartedly agree, I haven't listened to normal radio in years. I used to like satellite radio, but it's been taking the same tact as regular radio, lately.


I was very lucky, I guess, to have been in high school marching band before pop music infused itself. I graduated in '64. The Beatles had just arrived. The "pop" we played was stuff like musicals or pre-rock popular music. I feel for you. That's probably the best reason for hating a song.

John Philip Sousa was a genius, by the way.

Yeah, Show tunes and Band Stuff, I could play all day. In fact I wanted to do a Five Piece Brass Band backin High School, but couldn't get any help from faculty and I couldn't garner enough interest in the students to change their minds. So Top Gun Medley it is! [cursing]


John Philip Sousa has always been one of my idols. That guy could over play anything and make it sound majestic [thumbup]


I guess you could put me into the camp of if I liked it then, I probably like it now - and that's even in spite of overplay of certain songs and ignoring better ones (IMHO) on "oldies" radio.


I'll make kinda one exception, though. Proud Mary that, as Larry noted, left me playing it maybe three times the last set of the night, seemingly every night, back in the '70s.


There'd inevitably be a dozen females barely able to walk (watching them dance was a gas) who'd scream "Pulayyy Purrrrow' Mry," first one and then others would jump up and join in like prairie dogs from their holes. The management had the choice of tossing 'em out or having us go ahead and play it. Since the other patrons were usually not that far from the same state of inebriation, or the guys wanted to see the drunk "ladies" dance, we played it, and it didn't chase away customers.




But that's the game. I've gotta admit a cupla times I really wanted to play it at a ballad tempo and style. <chortle> Never did it, though.


EDIT: Come to think of it, I really don't listen to much commercial radio either - and you young guys are listening to stuff I've never heard. <grin>



Maybe it's my entertainer bone, but soon as drunks start requesting something I love to play it. Watching people get into the tune takes the sting right out of it for me. Foe example, I'll never put "Crossroads" (Cream Version) in the set list, but we'll knock it out if someone askes for it.


Which reminds me, we have to get Stranglehold down. That is the most requested song I've ever come across.

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