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Cleaning your strings


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Been on here a long time and I don't recall anyone ever talking about cleaning the strings. I'm just sitting here going over some of the tunes for tomorrows band rehearsal and noticed the strings felt kin of, icky... I don't feel like changing the strings so I'm thinking of getting a cloth and some alcohol and one by one running the soaked cloth up and down each string and then finish them off with some fast fret... What do you guys do when you're too lazy to changed the strings or get a little more life out of them?

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Been on here a long time and I don't recall anyone ever talking about cleaning the strings. I'm just sitting here going over some of the tunes for tomorrows band rehearsal and noticed the strings felt kin of, icky... I don't feel like changing the strings so I'm thinking of getting a cloth and some alcohol and one by one running the soaked cloth up and down each string and then finish them off with some fast fret... What do you guys do when you're too lazy to changed the strings or get a little more life out of them?

I always try to clean my strings after maybe an hour of play time. I think it makes them last longer and they certainly feel WAY better... it gets of dirt grime and grossness in general... (even if it isn't substantial) they just feel way smoother! I use Dunlop string cleaner now but I used to use alcohol and that worked pretty well. [thumbup]

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Did it. Strings feel better but they keep going out of tune.... :huh: I'm guessing running the alcohol up and down the strings heated and cooled the string making them unstable for a time... We'll see how it goes after playing for a while...

Did you clean the nut? I find that that helps with tuning.

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I've heard the boiling too... never did it. Wiped 'em in the old days when I used flats on one electric for rock. Just ran the nylons until it was obvious they hadda go. Ditto some 8s I used for several years on another electric and when I finally changed 'em, they had little bends where they went over the frets. Then again, I never was much for specific tone as long as the strings would stay in tune.


Nowadays I use the Elixirs on most of my guitars and unless my fingers are grungy, I don't think they need much cleaning. I'm doing some experimenting with some light gauge flats too, but normally the hands ain't been eatin' finger food first.



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Used to boil bass strings and it sort of works but takes something else out as well as the dirt. Usually use a thin cloth and under the strings too if I have time.

I heard the guitarist in U.K Hendrix/Z.Z.Top tribute band "The Hamsters" sometimes sprayed WD40 all over the neck at the start of a set! That would clean 'em too - sort of!

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Used to boil bass strings and it sort of works but takes something else out as well as the dirt. Usually use a thin cloth and under the strings too if I have time.

I heard the guitarist in U.K Hendrix/Z.Z.Top tribute band "The Hamsters" sometimes sprayed WD40 all over the neck at the start of a set! That would clean 'em too - sort of!


Issshhh.... I hate to think of what that does to your fingers... [scared]

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It really helps to increase a string's lifespan by giving them a wipe after each time you play-that also cuts down greatly on neck crud building up around the frets.Planet Waves makes a cool string cleaning kit that comes with a cleaning solution and 2 small plastic tools that hold 2 small felt pads that you wipe along the length of the strings after you soak the pads with some of the solution.That stuff works like a charm.You can pick them up in any guitar store.


I always give my hands a good washing before I play and that really cuts down on the amount of oils and minute flakes of skin that come off while playing.

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I try to wipe the strings down after i play with a cloth or more often a sleeve. I never clean the strings, I'll change them quite often though, back when I was gigging, I'd change them every 2 weeks or so. Now I'll change them every couple months as I don't play as often.

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Been on here a long time and I don't recall anyone ever talking about cleaning the strings. I'm just sitting here going over some of the tunes for tomorrows band rehearsal and noticed the strings felt kin of, icky... I don't feel like changing the strings so I'm thinking of getting a cloth and some alcohol and one by one running the soaked cloth up and down each string and then finish them off with some fast fret... What do you guys do when you're too lazy to changed the strings or get a little more life out of them?

For me, I always wiped them after with a soft cloth. That seems to work for me.

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