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Back in Boston


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Hi ya'll,


I'm here in Boston now. Got here this past wednesday… This is a very difficult trip though, my mother has been in and out of the hospital and not doing very well at the moment. She just turned 89 non the 4th of this month but the last couple years we have seen a sharp decline in her health and mobility which also affects her state of mind. It's so difficult to see this happen to someone you love.


Anyway I just wanted to let you know why I haven't been around as much as usual. I will be here with her until the 3rd of February when I have to return to Spain.

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Hi ya'll,


I'm here in Boston now. Got here this past wednesday… This is a very difficult trip though, my mother has been in and out of the hospital and not doing very well at the moment. She just turned 89 non the 4th of this month but the last couple years we have seen a sharp decline in her health and mobility which also affects her state of mind. It's so difficult to see this happen to someone you love.


Anyway I just wanted to let you know why I haven't been around as much as usual. I will be here with her until the 3rd of February when I have to return to Spain.



Dave, I see it all the time with my Uncle who is 91. He's not unlike your mother with his demensia, he aslo shuffles now instead of a walk of a confident able bodied man.

Fortunately for us he's been able to stay away from the hospital.

Hope you find some ray of sunshine in your trip to Boston.

Good luck.

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HI Dave,


Sorry, to hear of the reason for your trip! It's never easy to see one's parents,

or other loved ones, ill, or slipping slowly away. I lost my mother, 10 years ago,

this past September. She was just 2 months shy, of 95! Sharp as a tack, too..but,

her body just gave out, finally. There isn't a day, since, that I don't miss her,

her love, warm sense of humor, and fierce intelligence! We used to have such GREAT

convesations, on almost anything. I never stopped learning, from her, either!


So, best wishes, to your Mother, and you! God's blessing, on you both!



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Hi ya'll,


I'm here in Boston now. Got here this past wednesday… This is a very difficult trip though, my mother has been in and out of the hospital and not doing very well at the moment. She just turned 89 non the 4th of this month but the last couple years we have seen a sharp decline in her health and mobility which also affects her state of mind. It's so difficult to see this happen to someone you love.


Anyway I just wanted to let you know why I haven't been around as much as usual. I will be here with her until the 3rd of February when I have to return to Spain.


Just wanted to say i send a prayer that and hope as others said you can find just a small ray of sunshine of late, take care.

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Dave.....i'm always slow to respond to this type thread because I never quite know what to say.

I really feel for you.....and you and your Mom and Family are in my thoughts!

My Mom passed in '05 at 75, after a terrible 2 yr battle w/cancer.....so bad that it was merciful for her when she passed. We weren't really close, but I did see her almost daily toward the end, and was the last person to see her before she passed.


I wish y'all peace !

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Hang in there, Dave. My mom is 90 and I am the only one to look after her. She is still living independently in a senior apartment, but dimensia gets worse by the month. She pretty much stays in her own apartment and I think that keeps her from getting sick from all the germs that get spread around these days. It must be hard being out of the country at times like these. Hope your mom's health takes a turn for the better.

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Really very sorry to hear about the circumstances and I echo jax's sentiments about enjoying as much time together as you are able.


Here's hoping things stabilise for a time. I'm sure your presence will be a help her a bit by just being there for her.



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I'm pulling for your mom.


Good luck, David.


I lost one of my Pugs yesterday..... she went to the vet's on Friday, and they couldn't save her...she was only 11.


I know a dog is not a human,, but most here know what my dogs mean to me.


I feel like I just lost a trusted friend.

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Dave so sorry for your circumstances , I know you will cherish these days spent with your mum.

lost my dad 3 years ago at 91 he also had dementia.

One time driving him home after a Dr. Visit we stopped for a bite to eat. I ordered him lunch and a vanilla milk shake .When I was a youngster we often shared this ice cream treat together. This time it was different and when he tasted it he was astounded since he had never had one of these things or so he thought ! What a thrill for me as I watch him enjoy his " first milk Shake" raving about how good this " thing was" and I realized he had also shared my first taste of a Milk shake so many years ago and now I could share that same joy with him again from his perspective. That is one of my treasured memories with my Dad. Enjoy your trip,Dave and do indeed cherish those special moments that may come unexpectedly.

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Sorry to hear about your mom Dave. My mom is 82 and it's very difficult seeing her become frail. She worked piecework as a seamstress, getting up at 4:30AM and working 12 hour days. My dad had heart problems so she didn't want him to do anything. She would shovel snow a foot deep so that my dad could drive her to work. It's tough remembering those days when she was such a strong woman, but that's what I try to do. All the best for you and your mom.

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I'm so sorry, Dave. :( We went through this for a year with my Father-in-law as he battled Lung Cancer. It is so difficult seeing someone so strong fade almost in slow motion (at least it felt that way at the time(, but as others have said, cherish every moment and celebrate every victory (no matter how small it may seem).


I am so sorry you had to come home on such sad circumstances, but I hope she will get better.

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