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Rumours was and is an iconic album of that time. On Sound City there is a nice interview with Mick Fleetwood and also Stevie. Yes she was so attractive in those days. I saw her at the 40th Montreaux fest in '06 and it was bizarre. Robert Plant was there and played all Honeydrippers, not a single Zep song. Stevie came out and sang Rock and Roll (adolescent goat perhaps but she nailed it, absolutely nailed it). I was hoping Robert would join her but there must have been some contract weirdness going on.

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Two confessions, haters can enjoy Hate2.


To the English among us: Long ago, when I was young and powerful, and for a long time, I would have left Kate Bush on Christmas morning, presents under the tree, for Stevie Nicks. I'm sorry, but there it is.


To the guitar players from everywhere: I have heard everything Peter Green did with Fleetwood Mac exactly once. meh. That's all I had for it back then, and I haven't listened to that stuff since.


Fleetwood Mac will always be those two witches. I still love them terribly. So laugh at me, I don't care. I'm not interested in out of phase reversed pickups, I'm just not that cool. I don't give a crap about Greenie, but man I love that Rumors record and a couple after it and my BluRay of the last shows with Christine and all of Buckingham/Nicks and all of her solo stuff.


I'm sorry.






That's OK, I don't give a rats @$ about that stoned hag Nicks and never did. Christine Perfect really can't sing and never could. While she gave Stan The Man Webb a run for his money as a singer in Chicken Shack, she wasn't up to par of Green or Kirwan for that matter...


The chicks ruined that band, period! (Actually acid, schizophrenia, and psychosis ruined that band, but I digress)


I'll give Lindsey Buckingham the nod for bein' a damn good guitarist too, but that don't make up fer the loss of Green or Kirwan...


I didn't even know Black Magic Woman wasn't a Santana tune until I was 42 and had dismissed the hype I'd heard about Peter Green until I stumbled on original footage of the original Fleetwood Mac on Youtube when I was 42...


And then it was all over, I was immediately a disciple when I saw and heard it for myself!!


As for Nicks or Chrissy. I couldn't care less...


Hate if U want, I really don't care...

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You never fail to surprise, Jimi. Drugs and psychosis did force personnel changes in that band. You gonna blame that on the witches. Say what you want about Christine's voice, but she wrote many of their best songs. And Welch and Kirwan both needed FM.

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What about the Bob Welsh era. He was on about 5 albums I think.

Not my cup of tea.


I know FM were in a terrible state when he was brought in and without his influence the band would never have met up with Buckingham / Nicks so in a few ways, quite literally, he saved the band from disappearing altogether but I don't like the style of music the band was putting out during his time with the band.


"A tour would have been an absolute menagerie of vested interests and the very essence of everything that's sh*tty about about big-time stadium rock. We were surrounded by a circus of people that would have had our souls on the fire. I'm not part of a jukebox!"

Whilst I would love to see Zep play I have to say I admire Plant's stance on this point.


On the subject of who is not interested in re-forming the band;

I thought I had read that it was JPJ who didn't want to go touring as a part of Led Zeppelin anymore? I could, of course, be mistaken.



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Led Zep reunion. Hm. In my opinion all big reunions failed so far. None of these bands could reach to such heights they were at before. It's disappointing for the audience, and for the musicians too. Even if it's really not about the money - doing it for nostalgia leaves a bitter taste in the mouth for everyone: the band and the listener. I agree with Mr. Plant.


And there is another side of the coin too. Mr. Page might want it - but He is a guitar player. His situation is not the same as a singer's. You can play guitar at 92 - as Mr. Les Paul did -, but singing can be very challenging at age. For example: Ozzy. Listen to Him live, listen to His records with all those effects on the vocal tracks. Judas Priest quit touring just about time too. (Un)fortunately enough we are mortals...


Best wishes... Bence

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You never fail to surprise, Jimi. Drugs and psychosis did force personnel changes in that band. You gonna blame that on the witches. Say what you want about Christine's voice, but she wrote many of their best songs. And Welch and Kirwan both needed FM.


No Ziggy...


Again I failed to get my point across is all... To me I posted the same way the thread originator did... I thought I mirrored his original thought, which also seemed to me to be as guilty of doin' some hatin' as he was expectin' others to be of his personal opinion... which he confessed to not caring with some glib defensiveness that betrayed some reality.


Perception is reality and it gets easy to think we're above emotionalism or defensive knee-jerk reactionary when we actually do it all the time for ourselves and our own...


Clearly I cannot argue with the massive commercial success of the chickified version of Fleetwood Mac. Considering American FM airplay, I actually knew no different reality until I was in my 40's... Nor did I know they were a British band. (originally anyway)


They were as big as any group or band ever was and held the world in the palm of their hand! I also understand how incredibly short of a run Peter Green had with Fleetwood Mac and/or John Mayall's Bluesbreakers for that matter. Basically it boils down to about 3-1/2 years with Fleetwood Mac. The fact that it's still relevant and talked about alot and quite seriously these days is amazing and special I think.


The lady version of Fleetwood Mac pretty much does nothing for me. I'm a Blues-Hound and I don't think much of pop or most forms of rock for that matter, and that's just me. That's fine, that's my own personal discriminating taste to which we're all entitled.


I just thought it humorous and it made me laugh that anyone would think it important to express a little hatin' on of their own and then toss in the gratuitous disclaimer of; don't be hatin' on me for my hatin' on...


It made me chuckle is all. I suspect that was the intent too...


I begrudge no one their personal opinion whether I agree with it or not. That's the miracle of a Free America, free thinking, and the liberty and democracy we've forged by example throughout the world! God Bless our creator endowed and unalienable rights!


If he really feels put upon by folks that are big PG & PG's FM fans, that seems rather intellectually dishonest. I suspect it's not a true source of turmoil or persecution in his life...


Clearly my intent was a little too buried by the devil in the details of the post I created and it didn't convey well at all...


No I blame Nicks nor Christine McVie for the demise of PG's FM, they simply filled the void left by the self-imposed self-destruction they endeavored for themselves. Nor do I blame Peter Green for his mental illness, I do however blame him for exacerbating the acute nature and extent of it with the self-indulgent drug abuse. Clearly that compounded what might have been a treatable/livable condition that could possibly have been kept in check without the introduction of mind-altering narcotics and alcohol abuse... Maybe...


Hell I hate on Peter Green myself partially in my love/hate relationship with his persona and existential reality. I love him, what he brought us, and what he was dearly and at the same time I hate him for taking it all away from us at least partially by his own hand by self-indulging in the drug and substance abuse... True enough, that's his liberty and his choice and he was free to make that choice for himself; as much of it as he could considering the dynamic factors of mental illness which cannot be blamed on him... It's a dilemma for sure...


I also don't agrue that both Welch and Kirwan needed Fleetwood Mac. Although I would suggest by the time Christine was collaborating w/Kirwan in Fleetwood Mac and by the time Welch came onboard, Danny was probably already too far gone for them to get along. She's openly stated she didn't like him and never got along with him, (because she couldn't due to the damage from his own mental instability) but I don't blame her in the least for that, the damage was done before she came along and it wasn't her fault.


I actually liked a few of Welch's songs with them very much and found them haunting and piquant as I do Buckingham's work. I thought Welch a bit of an oddity though... But who wasn't, especially considering the band's history...


No Ziggy, don't blame the girls, or even truly dislike them for that matter, just don't really think much of them one way or another, and seems to me U reacted exactly to me the way I was perceived to have reacted...


Seems to be a fun little exercise in Freudian conjecture all the way around... msp_biggrin.gif

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FM was what it was with Peter Green, and once he was gone and Christine became the most influential writer in that band, the entire tone and imagery of that band changed... for the better? Maybe yes and maybe no... depends on what you like. Even though Welch wrote the majority of the music while he was part of the band, it fell right in line with the tone and imagery that Christine had established, and that didn't really change much when Buckingham and Nicks joined. Nicks became the face of that band and the primary reason for their commercial success.


What I like most about music is melody, and FM's music after PG had that in spades. I also like an edge and a strong back beat. Blues is great. Behind jazz, it is my favorite genre. But sometimes I enjoy a simple song with a strong melody.

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...Welch wrote the majority of the music while he was part of the band, it fell right in line with the tone and imagery that Christine had established, and that didn't really change much when Buckingham and Nicks joined...

That's not quite as I hear FM's music from '71-'75, z-z, but we all hear things in slightly different ways, I suppose.


But I agree fully as regards the melody / songwriting aspect of any of the post-P.G. incarnations of the band - hence my comments earlier on (post #20).



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No Ziggy...


Again I failed to get my point across is all... To me I posted the same way the thread originator did... I thought I mirrored his original thought, which also seemed to me to be as guilty of doin' some hatin' as he was expectin' others to be of his personal opinion... which he confessed to not caring with some glib defensiveness that betrayed some reality...


Perception is reality and it gets easy to think we're above emotionalism or defensive knee-jerk reactionary when we actually do it all the time for ourselves and our own...


I just thought it humorous and it made me laugh that anyone would think it important to express a little hatin' on of their own and then toss in the gratuitous disclaimer of; don't be hatin' on me for my hatin' on...


It made me chuckle is all. I suspect that was the intent too...


If he really feels put upon by folks that are big PG & PG's FM fans, that seems rather intellectually dishonest. I suspect it's not a true source of turmoil or persecution in his life...


I'm not sure how you arrived at the conclusion that I was put upon by anyone.


I was listening to some solo Stevie stuff and then some FM while on the treadmill, which is where I get a lot of good listening in. I hadn't realized how much I just dug that stuff back then, and still hear the pop music awesomeness of it today.


#1. "To the English among us..."


It's no secret to the Limes here that I have been the lone Amurrikin male that has been madly in love with Kate since she was on SNL, so it was funny that I would have tossed her for Nicks. Or not.


#2. "To the guitar players..."


As long as I've been around guitars and the internet I've heard much Peter Green, Green modded guitars, Gary Moore and his Green modded guitar, the Gary Moore Green Modded Signature Les Paul, the Gary Moore Not Green Modded Signature Guitar, and on and on and on. And it's fine. I was never a fan. So I come out as having listened to him only once, and I still can't get into it, but I still dig them two babes.


The reference to h8rz was me heading off the usual guitar players up on their boxes about the evils of pop music and how if it isn't blues it isn't music. Which is fine too, I was once like that myself.


Yer way over thinking this stuff bud.


If you were in a band in the 70's, and your rehearsal space did not include the following:


1. Farrah Fawcett* poster.

2. Stevie Nicks poster.

3. Chicago Transit Authority poster with Terry Kaths' head cut out of it.


your band was doing it wrong.




*I can't believe I miss her so much I totally mangled the spelling of her name.

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I'm not trying to argue with Jimi or anyone else here. But the tone I detected from rct's OP was that he couldn't care less about the Peter Green era of FM and he really likes the Nicks/Mcvie period. :-k He feels the need to apologize because he knows this is a guitar forum (Gibson at that) and that PG and his Les Paul guitar with the reverse pickup hold some sacred status to many people around here.


Maybe I'm reading his OP wrong?


Edit: RCT beat me to it with his response :rolleyes:

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Hey, we like what we like, and don't what we don't. No big deal...is it?


I happen to like all incarnations of Fleetwood Mac. I'm ok with what they

did, and each direction they went. The more "Pop" version, that most other

people are familiar with, was brilliant! IMHO. It's really no use comparing

the various incarnations, as they were quite different. The last, being the

most different. So what? It's ok!


And, why disparage Stevie's, or any of their voices, or abilities, when they've all done

a Hell of a LOT more, than any of us! Goat voice, or not. [flapper][biggrin]




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Perception is reality

NO it is NOT.


You have written that before.


You'll find out.



Lol,, ya, that comment jumped out at me also.

Sorry Jimi but that is one of the most ridiculous things I have heard said on here.


Whose perception? What I perceive is completely different from what you perceive.

And reading your posts I know that for a fact.


Your perception is your reality,, not mine.



Now if you are somehow confusing the definition of perception I apologize and please disregard this post.

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I don't think "Cloth-Ears" needed to apologise at all...


Except, perhaps, to Katie.







Cloth ears??? lol

[lol] [lol]


Good one Pip...

He kinda does look like an upholstered Jar Jar Binks doesn't he?



The way I see it your not an official member until ole cloth ears hurts your ity bity feewings.

Suck it up Princess.


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...I mean come on Aero-Zeppelin?!?! Who would want to see that?...

You don't think the idea would float?

Perhaps just too much hot-air and no gravitas?

Just a bunch of over-inflated egos?

A few old wind-bags who are over the hill(s and far away)?

(O.K., That's enough of that nonsense!).


I thought I'd read after the O2 thing JPJ said he'd not want to go back on the road because he didn't want to leave his family etc. but I'll be happy to know that I might be mistaken.



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Nah - everything I've read and seen on the topic (quite a lot now I think of it) has it as firmly in Robert's court.

I'm a real fan of JPJ but (bless him) he ain't ever going to be calling the shots on this, but likes to make his point periodically (refer HoF induction...). I reckon if he was the one with an issue they'd probably go on without him (refer Unleadded...).


I reckon its all over now, but they went out on a high showing they very much still had it! [thumbup]

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Nah - everything I've read and seen on the topic....has it as firmly in Robert's court.....

It seems I was mistaken and I thank both yourself and Donny for having aided my understanding of the situation!




...I know Peter Criss cant play drums as well now due to damage from shooting up for years. Drummers suffer if they are not healthy, that is a tough gig.

I hadn't heard that, Donny. KISS were never the same draw to me as they were to you but that's a sad piece of news. I'm truly sorry to hear it.



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Two confessions, haters can enjoy Hate2.


To the English among us: Long ago, when I was young and powerful, and for a long time, I would have left Kate Bush on Christmas morning, presents under the tree, for Stevie Nicks. I'm sorry, but there it is.


To the guitar players from everywhere: I have heard everything Peter Green did with Fleetwood Mac exactly once. meh. That's all I had for it back then, and I haven't listened to that stuff since.


Fleetwood Mac will always be those two witches. I still love them terribly. So laugh at me, I don't care. I'm not interested in out of phase reversed pickups, I'm just not that cool. I don't give a crap about Greenie, but man I love that Rumors record and a couple after it and my BluRay of the last shows with Christine and all of Buckingham/Nicks and all of her solo stuff.


I'm sorry.






Not laughing… and no apologies necessary. I am right there with you.


I am a guitarist who loves melody, and will always put well-crafted, flawlessly executed and tastefully-produced songs before things like technique and "virtuosity". By virtue of these things…


For me, Fleetwood Mac is 1975 - present...

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I'm not sure how you arrived at the conclusion that I was put upon by anyone.


The reference to h8rz was me heading off the usual guitar players up on their boxes about the evils of pop music and how if it isn't blues it isn't music. Which is fine too, I was once like that myself.


Yer way over thinking this stuff bud.


Par for my course, I over-analyse everything... My brain races far ahead of myself constantly, and it's easy to find perceptions in typewritten text that don't exist or only exist for each unique reader, and I think that was another of my points I didn't make well too...


If you were in a band in the 70's, and your rehearsal space did not include the following:


1. Farrah Fawcett* poster.

2. Stevie Nicks poster.

3. Chicago Transit Authority poster with Terry Kaths' head cut out of it.


your band was doing it wrong.


I'll agree with the Farrah poster! I was diggin' Elvis in my single digit youth and remember a lot of posters of him still kickin' in alot of circles too...


No offense or dig of any kind intended!


I'm a writer, I don't talk/speak the way I write, I write as a form or art and take pride and pleasure at how words are orchestrated and arranged in my prose. It is a visual thing to me and I can easily lose a meaning from my words by orchestrating them to look a certain way that fits my minor OCD. I get a little anal over grammar and punctuation sometimes and freak-out when I screw it up, (and I do often enough) even in simple conversation on an internet forum among friends and fellow enthusiasts...


I wrote alot of poetry in my youth, but grew out of it and feel it's a little too self-centered and insipid... When I matured I realized everyone yearns and nobody's yearning is paramount above other's yearnings and finding of themselves...


Hell I was a Doors fanatic when I was in high school and was morally certain that Morrison was still alive... Now that Ray Manzarek is gone, I can't keep that candle burning...


I get pop, but in pop the singing is probably even more the focus than guitars and since I can't sing worth a spit, it held no interest for me in my own personal music sojourn. I wish I could sing and my hat is off to all those that can and do!


I like pop and there are certain songs, probably rather obscure that I particularly like...


I will even confess to liking bob Welch and alot of his work. I find I'm particularly drawn to "Hypnotized." I'll also confess to my ignorance making me think "Oh Well" was Lindsey Buckinham's song until I discovered Peter Green in my 40's...


I suspect my passion for Peter Green and his Holy Grail Les Paul tone is rather paramount to me for a couple reasons... I didn't really even learn about him and his original version of Fleetwood Mac until I hit my early 40's, so it's still recent and new to me. I had my own guitar/music hiatus and during that period void of my own personal music sojourn, I evolved from a Fender Strat fanatic to a hard-tail Gibson guy... I had personal revelations and a revival that drew on personal inspiration from my daughter finding my electric guitar buried in a closet and taking it up. She wanted me to teach her and it brought my own music passion back. I was always a Blues-Hound because it's what I like to hear; electric guitar Blues.


I'm now a Les Paul disciple, a Danny Kirwan & Peter Green disciple, and pretty much a British Blues disciple... I still find it amazing how many bands I thought were simply American born from FM radio play growing up, that I had no idea were British...


The Brits owned FM radio waves here during the 70's & 80's especially, during my youth and adolescent age of maturity and right of passage...


It's all good, and I love a good intellectual discourse!

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Peter Green is an icon to many guitarists and wannabe's and no doubt defined the band in the first incarnation...


Huge respect also to Mick Fleetwood for laying it all down with such taste and economy... [thumbup]


Nicks/Bucks were and are a dream team with just the right smooth Cali artistry to contribute


Perfect brings blues, passion, deft piano skills and beauty...


McVie goes way back to the John Mayall days of Brit Blues...


Love it all to bits... [thumbup]


Must admit to being bored by yet another 'Dust my Broom' type 12 bar on many early albums..





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