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Covid19 How many in your state or country?

Mr. Gibson

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Here's the latest ILI graph from the CDC.  This reflects "influenza-like-illness" activity across the US.  That includes Covid illnesses.  It's not based on tests or deaths but rather medical visits for flu like illness/symptoms.  It's not specific for anything but it is a good indicator of the overall illness burden and trend.  We are now well below baseline and falling fast.


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37 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Here's the latest ILI graph from the CDC.  This reflects "influenza-like-illness" activity across the US.  That includes Covid illnesses.  It's not based on tests or deaths but rather medical visits for flu like illness/symptoms.  It's not specific for anything but it is a good indicator of the overall illness burden and trend.  We are now well below baseline and falling fast.


Is there a chart for hospital admissions? Not ONE person who has had this virus  that i know personally visited a doctors office! They did not want them in there since  there were no tests (had to be on your deathbed and admitted to the hospital to get one) and as of yet they couldn't do anything anyway so medications were called into a pharmacy and you wait it out. Your chart means nothing.

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20 minutes ago, gdecant1 said:

Is there a chart for hospital admissions? Not ONE person who has had this virus  that i know personally visited a doctors office! They did not want them in there since  there were no tests (had to be on your deathbed and admitted to the hospital to get one) and as of yet they couldn't do anything anyway so medications were called into a pharmacy and you wait it out. Your chart means nothing.


First of all, it's not my chart.  It's the CDC's chart.  

So, of all the people you know who "had this virus", who didn't go to a doctor and couldn't get a test, how do you know they had it?

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3 minutes ago, Black Dog said:


First of all, it's not my chart.  It's the CDC's chart.  

So, of all the people you know who "had this virus", who didn't go to a doctor and couldn't get a test, how do you know they had it?

Knew that was coming! Let me edit my statement although changing the wording doesn’t change the facts. “Had flu like symptoms”.  How’s that....How do you know they didn’t?

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Just now, ghost_of_fl said:

They are mainly going off the stats from hospitals since that is the only place you can get tested right now for the most part. 


Who is "they"?  

Who says you can only get tested at a hospital?   Simply not true.  

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2 minutes ago, gdecant1 said:

Knew that was coming! Let me edit my statement although changing the wording doesn’t change the facts. “Had flu like symptoms”.  How’s that....How do you know they didn’t?


So that's the standard now?  How do we know they didn't??  Do you know how many things cause flu like symptoms?  Hum, that's right, you don't.

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1 minute ago, Black Dog said:



1 minute ago, Black Dog said:

So that's the standard now?  How do we know they didn't??  Do you know how many things cause flu like symptoms?  Hum, that's right, you don't.

Doesn’t change the fact that drs didn’t want you in their office with flu symptoms. So if your not counted on a chart somewhere because you didn’t get a test means it never happened right? By the way up until a week ago, no you couldn’t get a test and they are still not readily available to everyone.

What does me knowing how many things cause flu like symptoms have to do with anything?

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Dauphin County is up 18 cases, York County is up 23 cases, total state is up 825 since yesterday.

I would think that is a bad thing but I'm told that it's actually quite good because we now know that more people are infected which somehow means it's better than it was.

At first glance one would think it is simply spreading like the plague.

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1 minute ago, 'Scales said:

I sincerely hope this is very wrong - we need the US to be up and running well asap!   CDC projection of rapid rise in deaths from 14 May:




Thank You 'Scales, we do need to be up and running.

Unfortunately for us, this will be Fake News and just more attempts by the Democrats to control via chaos, and a second attempt by China to undermine our Superiority, and a few other conspiracies thrown in.

If it wasn't so tragically stupid I would be laughing out loud as I type it.

Ok, I am laughing out loud.  Nothing chuckles you like good old fashioned stupid people.


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8 hours ago, rct said:


So if we test more and more people for cancer do your odds of DYING from it go way down, WAY DOWN?

People aren't afraid of getting it.  People have been told by their doctors, not the media, not the president, their doctors, NOT to get it.  There's a big difference.

Go on a cruise, wear that fearlessness on your sleeve brutha.  Get out there!  Don't let THE MAN keep you down MAN!!!  Be the PATRIOT you love to tell everyone you are!!!!



The "death rate" goes down as they test more people, meaning the odds of dying per hundred, per thousand are dropping like a rock. Most people don't die. Most people don't even get sick. Why is this so hard for you to grasp? You're so angry man.

The total deaths in the entire state of Illinois are 2662 as of today. Out of 63,840 who've TESTED positive. You know many thousands more will test positive.  Most of that is up North around Chicago. It's not killing masses of people in Southern Illinois. It's just not.

All of the hardware stores, lumber yards, farm stores, mower stores, auto parts stores, grocery stores, Walmart's, banks, gas stations, and  liquor stores are open. We're doing business.

I'm not "going on a cruise". Ever. Everybody gets sick on cruises, it's been on the news for years.

I'm just going to work every day. With other Patriots.

If you want to cower in your house, that's your right.

It's my right not to.

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8 minutes ago, Murph said:

I'm just going to work every day. With other Patriots.

If you want to cower in your house, that's your right.

It's my right not to.


Why is everybody cowering?  I have an 83 year old father, a post bone marrow transplant brother, and a sick wife.  Maybe I just give a fukk ehy, ever think about that past yer friggin nose?

It's your right not to.  And it is your right to be that guy walking around coughing and sneezing because he has "allergies", making people like my family members sick and possibly killing them, but hey, yer ok, right? If you don't have anybody in your life good for you, lots of people do.

The whole fukking world is not ButtScratch Illinois, just like to you the whole world isn't New York City.

Patriots, going to work and cruising state capitals dressed like they are playing Game of Thrones.  Makes ya proud to be 'murikkkan.


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4 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

They are mainly going off the stats from hospitals since that is the only place you can get tested right now for the most part. 


4 hours ago, gdecant1 said:

Knew that was coming! Let me edit my statement although changing the wording doesn’t change the facts. “Had flu like symptoms”.  How’s that....How do you know they didn’t?


Man that's great.  The CDC and NIH still think we need a test.  They don't know that all people need are your phone numbers so they can call you and you'll tell them if they have it based on hospital stats and their symptoms!

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4 hours ago, gdecant1 said:

Is there a chart for hospital admissions? Not ONE person who has had this virus  that i know personally visited a doctors office! They did not want them in there since  there were no tests (had to be on your deathbed and admitted to the hospital to get one) and as of yet they couldn't do anything anyway so medications were called into a pharmacy and you wait it out. Your chart means nothing.


And what happened to these people you know who so badly needed a doctor and a test but got neither?  Did they survive?

That gets to the other point you made which is correct, that people are going to doctors ER and urgent care less.  People say the virus is widespread and it is.  But if it makes people so sick why are they not seeking care?  It's because they're not getting very sick.  That's why the ILI graph is so good because like I said, it reflects the overall severity and burden of ILI activity.

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22 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:


Kind of like the logic in saying that statistically speaking, rich people are diagnosed with cancer more often - thus simply being rich can increase your risk for cancer, right?  But being rich doesn't increase your risk for cancer.  In increases your odds of having the time and money to go see a doctor for cancer screenings.  


There's three kinds of people in this world.  Those that understand complex math and those that don't.


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40 minutes ago, Black Dog said:


And what happened to these people you know who so badly needed a doctor and a test but got neither?  Did they survive?

That gets to the other point you made which is correct, that people are going to doctors ER and urgent care less.  People say the virus is widespread and it is.  But if it makes people so sick why are they not seeking care?  It's because they're not getting very sick.  That's why the ILI graph is so good because like I said, it reflects the overall severity and burden of ILI activity.

Yes they did survive. What does that have to do with the chart that you posted? 

They are seeking care via TELEPHONE! They call to make an appointment for flu like symptoms. Some questions are asked and again they tell you they have no tests, stay home, call in medications and tell you if it gets to be life threatening go to the hospital. I am now beginning to question your credentials.

Example, Husband and wife get sick with flu like symptoms. Husband is over twenty years military and still at it. He is told to stay home. Medications called into pharmacy. Military sends the local health department to administer test. Did not test wife. Said they have too few tests and if you have it she has it.

I have more!

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1 minute ago, ghost_of_fl said:



Actually, I have some bad news about people who "so badly needed a doctor and a test but got neither"...

Staggering Surge Of NYers Dying In Their Homes Suggests City Is Undercounting Coronavirus Fatalities



Fake News in 3...2...1...

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4 hours ago, gdecant1 said:

Yes they did survive. What does that have to do with the chart that you posted? 

They are seeking care via TELEPHONE! They call to make an appointment for flu like symptoms. Some questions are asked and again they tell you they have no tests, stay home, call in medications and tell you if it gets to be life threatening go to the hospital. I am now beginning to question your credentials.

Example, Husband and wife get sick with flu like symptoms. Husband is over twenty years military and still at it. He is told to stay home. Medications called into pharmacy. Military sends the local health department to administer test. Did not test wife. Said they have too few tests and if you have it she has it.

I have more!


And what do you find wrong with that?

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3 hours ago, Black Dog said:


And what do you find wrong with that?

What was wrong ? ..... YOU and your comment  stating the number of office visits to a doctor was an indication of the severity of this pandemic. Your not really in the healthcare field are you? I wonder if all those people that went through  the drive through testing sites were charged for an office visit and are on that chart. 

To say  because they didn't visit a doctors office they couldn't be that sick is just stupid and would never come out a healthcare professionals mouth.

Edited by gdecant1
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14 hours ago, Murph said:


The "death rate" goes down as they test more people, meaning the odds of dying per hundred, per thousand are dropping like a rock. Most people don't die. Most people don't even get sick. Why is this so hard for you to grasp? You're so angry man.

The total deaths in the entire state of Illinois are 2662 as of today. Out of 63,840 who've TESTED positive. You know many thousands more will test positive.  Most of that is up North around Chicago. It's not killing masses of people in Southern Illinois. It's just not.

All of the hardware stores, lumber yards, farm stores, mower stores, auto parts stores, grocery stores, Walmart's, banks, gas stations, and  liquor stores are open. We're doing business.

I'm not "going on a cruise". Ever. Everybody gets sick on cruises, it's been on the news for years.

I'm just going to work every day. With other Patriots.

If you want to cower in your house, that's your right.

It's my right not to.

patriot in mid sentence needs no capital,  signed  Tree Hugger...

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6 hours ago, gdecant1 said:

What was wrong ? ..... YOU and your comment  stating the number of office visits to a doctor was an indication of the severity of this pandemic. Your not really in the healthcare field are you? I wonder if all those people that went through  the drive through testing sites were charged for an office visit and are on that chart. 

To say  because they didn't visit a doctors office they couldn't be that sick is just stupid and would never come out a healthcare professionals mouth.


People seeking medical care is absolutely an indicator of severity.  You could almost forget every other number and just look at hospitalizations and deaths.  And, yes, at our drive through site they are charged for a visit because they are evaluated by a health care provider (either a PA or Nurse Practitioner) in person in the drive through.  

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