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23 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

never go fishing with french people, they eat the bait.  

This is true. There was a bait shop in my area that closed and reopened as a sushi restaurant. In my opinion, it's not that much of a difference.

Back to bad jokes.

Why did the old man fall down the well?

He didn't see that well.

Edited by gearbasher
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2 hours ago, gearbasher said:

What did the Zen master order at the hot dog stand?

One with everything.

...And when he asked the hot dog vendor "where's my change?"

The vendor replied "change comes from within".


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Two cannibals start eating a guy, one starting from the head, the other at the feet. After a while, the “head” cannibal had worked his way down around the neck. Without looking up, he asked the other cannibal how things were going on his end. “Great! I’m having a ball!” The first cannibal said, “wow, you eat fast!”

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Years ago, before Big Pharma began making pills to enhance male endowment, guys lacking down there got their enhancement advice from locker room "wives' tales".  One sad lad eventually asked one of his better built friends what he could do to grow a bit more. His friend told him that he had been told to rub butter on it, which he had done to great effect.

A few weeks later, the sad lad complained to the friend who had given him the butter advice, that "it wasn't working".  Worse yet, he indicated, "it was having the opposite effect."

"I'm really shocked that butter isn't working for you, because it really worked for me.",  said the friend.

"Well, butter is pretty expensive and my Mom would have noticed if any of the small amount of it we keep in the fridge, went missing. But, since Mom substitutes Crisco for butter, all the time, in her recipes, that's what I've been using.",  the sad lad explained.

His friend shouted, "You idiot, Crisco is SHORTENING!". 

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Posted (edited)

Why do married men end up with "dad" bodies?

Because when you're single, you go to the refrigerator and there's nothing you want. So, you go to bed.

When you're married, you go to bed and there's nothing you want. So, you go to the refrigerator.

Edited by gearbasher
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Once upon a time, a handsome prince asked the most beautiful woman in the kingdom for her hand in marraige. She said: "No". So the handsome prince walked away and lived happily ever after,

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A young man was nervous as he attended a dinner party at the house of his girlfriend's parents for the first time. 

He drank modestly, mingled with the family, and was on his best behavior. 
Things were going well. 

Come time for dinner, everyone was seated, and the young fellow found himself placed between his girl and the patriarch of the family. 
The family dog wandered in after grace was said, settled in on the floor by Dad's feet, and the supper began. 

At one point however, the young man began to have painful gas cramps. 
He was afraid to get up and excuse himself for fear of drawing attention to his nervous state. 

As the table dined and everyone conversed over desert and coffee, he finally and discretely lifted one cheek, and quietly passed some gas. 

Within seconds, the Dad leaned over and admonished the dog, "Duke"!!

The young fellow quietly cheered inside his head. 
"Her father thinks that it's the dog that's farting!"
He discretely smiled, and shifted in his chair. 
More gas was passed. 

Again, the father spoke sternly to the dog. 
"Duke," he said again. 

The dinner party settled into cocktails and conversation, and the young suitor finally let out the last of the flatus, with a slightly noisy flourish, no less. 

The girl's father finally slammed his fist down on the table, and shouted to the dog, 
"Duke, move your *** away from the table before this jackass shiits all over you!!"


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A woman is sitting in the dentist's chair having a tooth abscess drained. She was overcome with the need to pass gas and it happened despite her best preventative efforts. It made a noise that sounded like Honda. She was mortified but unable to do anything about it. A few minutes later as the dentist was draining away she did it again, another loud Honda sound. Just then the dentist placed his instruments on the table and exclaimed, "I guess it's true what they say. Abscess makes the fart go Honda."

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