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Ok calm down I mean your face not the ladies we've had that post already. I know this has nothing to do with guitars but the caveman thread made me think of it and this one bugs me and if others (no names used to protect the insane) rant on like a homeless alcoholic on a month long Sterno holiday. I'm blowing off some righteous anger.


I just ordered razor blades and had to do it on-line from Germany to get a bulk order of standard double blade old style razor blades. Why someone might wonder?


Well my wife says I'm a caveman but come on razors have got to be the most over engineered product in the world. sharp metal to scrape off fuzz does not require five blades in a cheap *** plastic handle that is also a mini vibrator (I refuse to think about who came up with that idea and what he was doing at that moment)? Now I refuse to use electric or these stupid multi blade POS's they sell now, I still use a straight razor to block the beard and sideburns than a good solid machined steel razor to shave the rest and it's a old fashioned double edged razor blade.


They say it's safer and easier to use the new multi-blade wonders but this has to be the end of Darwin if a boy can't learn to shave his face without harm that's natures way of taking them out of the gene pool. That's why I believe shaving starts at puberty not only testosterone driven but it's a test that you should have to master before you can reproduce.


Ok so I'm done and I feel better any other CAVEMEN out there or did most fall for the lady bic crotch shaver when they made it black?

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I've used the Gillette Mach 3 since they came out. I can use one blade for a couple of months.


Try that with your safety razor.


Yep, got wise to the fact that a real man does not have to walk around with bits of red toilet paper stuck on his face, or suffer razor burn daily either. The safety razor was great 80 years ago, but if they'd had these new razors back then, everyone would have thrown them in the trash.


Well, almost everyone, it seems.

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I can use one blade for a couple of months.


Try that with your safety razor.



Good Point's, I guess and I am truly glad that your happy with a Mach 3 shave, but try a barbershop shave done right with good equipment and someone skilled someday. It's like surfing, it'll change your soul and so


In defense to your points I might add:


That I've had a straight razor for 20+ years sharpen it every couple weeks takes about five minutes. about every two years it goes out to be honed and shaped which costs about $30.00 try that with your Gillette. I honestly can't remember the last time I cut myself and I pay 11 cents for a blade, you however pay about 1.49 if you buy the big package (16+) at the National average cost for that brand it's $2.16 for the five pack and trust me as sad as it is I have worked out the costs for shaving over the extended timelines and believe me you don't want to go there. (sorry but I have a Masters in Mathematics, so it's beyond my control).


And it was a Mach 3 that pissed me off I was traveling and bought one since I left my kit at home and the Mach was the only thing at the hotel shop $13.00 and probably the worst shave I had in years, and that's how I know it had a vibrate setting!

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To each his own. I used those "safety razors" before the new style razors came out and was really glad to be rid of the safety razors. Every hirsute guys I knew hated them especially because they nicked themselves more than other people. Good luck.


I'm very glad for the simple disposable razors. They seem vastly superior than the old style.

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I grow a beard. Trim it up about every two months with an electric trimmer. To be perfectly honestly, I haven't used a razor of any kind in.... 5 years.


Besides, the better half LOVES the beard. I believe she once told me it's the only reason she's at all attracted to me. :) =D>

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I hate shaving.

I use whatever mach 8 500 blade razors are on special at the supermarket when I run out.

Used to shave twice a week and my head once a week. Recently upped it to two each.

You've never had a shaving cut until you've cut part of your scalp off, trust me.

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A journaist up here recently did a piece on 2 fellows who are developing sharpeners for these mach3, five blade wonders. He reoprts that they work quite well in keeping a single blade sharp for shaving. One of the fellows has used the same mach3 blade for over 2 years just by using the sharpener he developed.

Gillette or Schick will probably offer them obscene amounts of money for their inventions thereby keeping us hostage to buying new blades all the time - unless of course you grow a beard.

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meh, i use ridiculously cheap 2 blade razors. My face doesnt really get irritated (and i do actually have facial hair, not peach fuzz) and i dont use shaving cream. Shave every day tho.


Thats probably it. If you shave daily, the zillion blade razors are great cause they just do everything so quickly and smoothly. But yeah, if i had a full beard, i would get a barber shop shave.

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I had a double edge Gillete -- was 50 years old but broke a couple months ago so not I use the crappy plastic kind. I like to use the brush on Saturdays though. If you want to buy a double edged razor now they cost a fortune. (on line)

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