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   23 hours ago,  fortyearspickn said: 

Atlanta Braves soon to follow.  

Why would that be? The Atlanta Braves Mascot is called Blooper.

What is wrong with him?



Sorry Brad,   I clearly wasn't clear -  the 'Braves'    name will soon follow Sambo's namesake, not necessarily the Braves mascot. (He'll have to get a new jersey at least!)    Same as when the Cleveland Indians changed their name to Cleveland Guardians. 

Here in San Antonio, our struggling Minor League Baseball Team - "The Missions"  have been shifting to rebrand themselves. They play under the old name - "The San AntonioMissions" but for approximately 1/4 of their games they play under a new name  "The Flying Chanclas de San Antonio".  Different Jersey's hats, etc on the field and in the Gift Shop.   Same players, of course - just wearing much brighter colored jerseys.   With the logo being a flip flop and not the Alamo.   

The name -  esoteric to Mexican Culture -   'flying chanclas'  is   flying sandals.   Female authority figures in the family - mother, aunt or grandmother would  throw their sandals/flip flops/etc  at unruly children.   In keeping with that,  the team has a mascot that throws flip flops during the 3 minute entertainment offerings between innings.   

So, changing a name in use for nearly 100 years.  And a mascot. 

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2 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:



   23 hours ago,  fortyearspickn said: 

Atlanta Braves soon to follow.  

Why would that be? The Atlanta Braves Mascot is called Blooper.

What is wrong with him?



Sorry Brad,   I clearly wasn't clear -  the 'Braves'    name will soon follow Sambo's namesake, not necessarily the Braves mascot. (He'll have to get a new jersey at least!)    Same as when the Cleveland Indians changed their name to Cleveland Guardians. 

Here in San Antonio, our struggling Minor League Baseball Team - "The Missions"  have been shifting to rebrand themselves. They play under the old name - "The San AntonioMissions" but for approximately 1/4 of their games they play under a new name  "The Flying Chanclas de San Antonio".  Different Jersey's hats, etc on the field and in the Gift Shop.   Same players, of course - just wearing much brighter colored jerseys.   With the logo being a flip flop and not the Alamo.   

The name -  esoteric to Mexican Culture -   'flying chanclas'  is   flying sandals.   Female authority figures in the family - mother, aunt or grandmother would  throw their sandals/flip flops/etc  at unruly children.   In keeping with that,  the team has a mascot that throws flip flops during the 3 minute entertainment offerings between innings.   

So, changing a name in use for nearly 100 years.  And a mascot. 

The name "Flying Chanclas" honors the matriarch of the Latino family, the Abuelita (grandmother), and her symbol of strength, discipline and love with its on-field persona for this special series of events. The chancla has long been symbolic of the Abuelita as she maintains the structure and order of the family.

If they had any huevos they would have an aging rock star as their mascot and the logo would be him relieving himself on one of Texas's monuments.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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2 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:



Here in San Antonio, our struggling Minor League Baseball Team - "The Missions"  have been shifting to rebrand themselves. They play under the old name - "The San AntonioMissions" but for approximately 1/4 of their games they play under a new name  "The Flying Chanclas de San Antonio".  Different Jersey's hats, etc on the field and in the Gift Shop.   Same players, of course - just wearing much brighter colored jerseys.   With the logo being a flip flop and not the Alamo.   


I would have figured "The Alamos" wold be ideal for a team from San Antonio.  Heck, you might even say they'd be unforgettable!  [wink]

1 hour ago, gearbasher said:

This backfired. Though it did some good.




Ha!  Love it!!   Other possibilities....

The Pittsburgh Peckerwoods

The Hoboken  Honkies

The Orlando Ofays

The Minneapolis Squareheads

The Boston Limeys

Y'know, there really was never any offense intended in team names like The Cleveland "Indians"  or Atlanta "Braves".  but I sort of get the "Redskins" complaint.  But the team could have gotten around that by changing their logo from a Native American profile to an image of a potato.  [wink]  But at least the logo represented a recognizable Native American visage which was more factual than this......



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5 hours ago, Whitefang said:

I would have figured "The Alamos" wold be ideal for a team from San Antonio.  Heck, you might even say they'd be unforgettable!  [wink]

Ha!  Love it!!   Other possibilities....

The Pittsburgh Peckerwoods

The Hoboken  Honkies

The Orlando Ofays

The Minneapolis Squareheads

The Boston Limeys

Y'know, there really was never any offense intended in team names like The Cleveland "Indians"  or Atlanta "Braves".  but I sort of get the "Redskins" complaint.  But the team could have gotten around that by changing their logo from a Native American profile to an image of a potato.  [wink]  But at least the logo represented a recognizable Native American visage which was more factual than this......




Here in Toronto, we have a sportswriter who takes every opportunity to rail against the Chicago Blackhawk logo, which he feels is offensive to Indiginous People.

I completely disagree, as I think it is the most beautiful team logo in all of sport, and is not derogatory or demeaning in any way.

However, as has been pointed out, it is not my place, or the place of any person to tell another group how they should feel about how  members of their race are described or portrayed. Regardless of whether any offense was intended or not,  if it offends them, then by definition that portrayal is offensive.



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That reminds me.....

My 1st car in the 70s was an Austin minivan; 998cc tranverse engine, manual gearbox, sherwood green,  registration HEJ 976G.

I put a gofaster racing steering wheel on it (pah) and would drive to concerts with a passenger in the front and 2 or 3 people in the back, which is ILLEGAL now.  You had to have new sills every 2 years but it was a faithful little van and I slept in it many times.

I daresay not many young people ride pillion these days either......:-k

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1 hour ago, RBSinTo said:


Here in Toronto, we have a sportswriter who takes every opportunity to rail against the Chicago Blackhawk logo, which he feels is offensive to Indiginous People.

I completely disagree, as I think it is the most beautiful team logo in all of sport, and is not derogatory or demeaning in any way.

However, as has been pointed out, it is not my place, or the place of any person to tell another group how they should feel about how  members of their race are described or portrayed. Regardless of whether any offense was intended or not,  If it offends them, then by definition that portrayal is offensive.



In Toronto you obviously have The Maple Leafs, which leaves out (get it), and is the only Hockey team named after a leaf. All the other types of leaves are not represented, or allowed to be a team name. That is called segregation.

Please note no leaves were harmed while posting this, and no testing was done on them.

The trees should all be kept equal by hatchet, axe and saw.

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The other leaves have not been subject to segregation.

But rather no other sports team  except Toronto's has ever deigned to name themselves after the foliage of a botanical species. Should that happen, I'm fairly certain no one will object, or be offended.

If this subject is so dear to your heart, perhaps you might suggest that the Boston NHL team change their name and logo by adapting a new name: The Boston Prunes. Not a leaf, but still a botanical theme. And it would suit them so well.


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My take on it is that if you belong to whatever group that is supposedly offended by what is supposedly offensive, you get to be offended if you want. 

If you're a rich white writer/journalist/Twitter ****, then no, you don't get to be offended by, say, the Cleveland Indians. 

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46 minutes ago, Pinch said:

My take on it is that if you belong to whatever group that is supposedly offended by what is supposedly offensive, you get to be offended if you want. 

If you're a rich white writer/journalist/Twitter ****, then no, you don't get to be offended by, say, the Cleveland Indians. 


By using the terms "supposedly offended", "supposedly offensive", and "offended if you want", you are trivializing the feelings of those who take offense at these symbols or stereotypes. For them these feelings are real, despite the opinions of anyone who is not a member of their group.


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48 minutes ago, RBSinTo said:


By using the terms "supposedly offended", "supposedly offensive", and "offended if you want", you are trivializing the feelings of those who take offense at these symbols or stereotypes. For them these feelings are real, despite the opinions of anyone who is not a member of their group.


I just meant IF you find it offensive. I can't tell you how many times someone from what is labeled a minority group have told me they're nowhere near as offended by things labeled offensive to them - by outsiders - as the usually wealthy whites who spend 24-7 being offended on the behalf of others, without those others' consent.

It's a point that flies over most people's heads, especially those who have little to no interaction with the groups they claim to protect. Which is ironic. 

It's not complicated, nor controversial. 

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I know a lot of Americans don’t like hockey as much as other sports, but it to me is the best game on earth. Got to see some great hockey in the days of the Red Wings claiming Detroit was Hockeytown and stuff… I played too when I was a kid. 

When are the Leafs gonna win a cup? Feels like it’s been a while

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In an attempt to steer the thread away from things that offend related to race, national origin, etc... but stay with the tangent regarding sports  under the heading of 'Things Many Young People Will Never Know" -  how about Dodge Ball ?      Who exactly got that ball rolling?  Woke up one morning and decided to be offended by a kids game.    

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20 hours ago, RBSinTo said:


Here in Toronto, we have a sportswriter who takes every opportunity to rail against the Chicago Blackhawk logo, which he feels is offensive to Indiginous People.

I completely disagree, as I think it is the most beautiful team logo in all of sport, and is not derogatory or demeaning in any way.



I too agree about that logo.  And I'm a Red Wings fan!  [wink]


18 hours ago, RBSinTo said:

If this subject is so dear to your heart, perhaps you might suggest that the Boston NHL team change their name and logo by adapting a new name: The Boston Prunes. Not a leaf, but still a botanical theme. And it would suit them so well.


What!  Do you feel the current name and logo is somehow an affront to BEARS?  And really, there is NO BEAR image in their logo.

15 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

I know a lot of Americans don’t like hockey as much as other sports, but it to me is the best game on earth. Got to see some great hockey in the days of the Red Wings claiming Detroit was Hockeytown and stuff… I played too when I was a kid. 

When are the Leafs gonna win a cup? Feels like it’s been a while

I'm kinda anxious to see what Stevie and the new coach do with the Wings this season.   Too bad we can't see any of those pre-season games.


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20 hours ago, Rabs said:


Ha!  I grew up in the latter half of the 50's and thru to the mid '60's.  This video captured a lot of what we did then that were still done in the '70's.  The biggest difference in the '70's was that kids had cooler toys.  [wink]

It's also been a long time since I've seen any kids riding "double" on bicycles.  


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3 hours ago, Murph said:

People have always been offended about crap.

The difference is, now they think if they whine about it, somebody cares.

The freedom to offend is in our d.n.a.

The difference is today almost everyone in the world has a device in their hands that gives them the ability to make and post a video, or type words on a blog, or post to a forum.  Back in the old days you had to march, or riot, or have a sit-in to make a statement and then maybe a TV or radio station would report on it.

But people being offended by something is certainly not new as Murph stated.

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41 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

The difference is today almost everyone in the world has a device in their hands that gives them the ability to make and post a video, or type words on a blog, or post to a forum.  Back in the old days you had to march, or riot, or have a sit-in to make a statement and then maybe a TV or radio station would report on it.

But people being offended by something is certainly not new as Murph stated.

Right, but what is "new" is the # of people who will now cater to the few among us who find almost anything to be offended by.

Ergo, the problem..


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16 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

I know a lot of Americans don’t like hockey as much as other sports, but it to me is the best game on earth. Got to see some great hockey in the days of the Red Wings claiming Detroit was Hockeytown and stuff… I played too when I was a kid. 

When are the Leafs gonna win a cup? Feels like it’s been a while

100% with ya on Hockey

I will watch almost any 2 teams go at it.  Coming from Bruins Country, it's definitely a thing here.  Not like Canada, but probably a good runner up.  

I remember  the game my Dad took me to a Bruins / Red Wings game,   we got there early and wandered down to the boards,   skating right by me during warm ups, Gordie Howe,...   The respect that guy got from everyone was pretty uncanny.  

the other game I remember vividly was when The Esposito's played each other (Black Hawks and Bruins)  The B's were SHELLING Tony that night, Phil skated by and said something that just lit Tony's rockets,  he tossed of his gloves and mask and tackled his brother at about the Hawk's blue line..   That was enough to empty the benches.  The old garden crowd went beserk!

Good times!


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5 minutes ago, kidblast said:

Right, but what is "new" is the # of people who will now cater to the few among us who find almost anything to be offended by.

Ergo, the problem..


Lots of people want to be a Tic Tock star today, and think if they post some ridiculous video of them complaining that Five-Bucks didn't make their Mocha Latte Carmel No Foam Crap-uccino correctly they think other people in the world care. Some might, I do not give a rats arse. 

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4 minutes ago, kidblast said:

100% with ya on Hockey

I will watch almost any 2 teams go at it.  Coming from Bruins Country, it's definitely a thing here.  Not like Canada, but probably a good runner up.  

I remember  the game my Dad took me to a Bruins / Red Wings game,   we got there early and wandered down to the boards,   skating right by me during warm ups, Gordie Howe,...   The respect that guy got from everyone was pretty uncanny.  

the other game I remember vividly was when The Esposito's played each other (Black Hawks and Bruins)  The B's were SHELLING Tony that night, Phil skated by and said something that just lit Tony's rockets,  he tossed of his gloves and mask and tackled his brother at about the Hawk's blue line..   That was enough to empty the benches.  The old garden crowd went beserk!

Good times!


Lol yeah nothing like a good ol fashioned hockey brawl to get the spirits up. I like it when hockey players smile and reveal their lost front teeth haha! What knocked their teeth out back then, pucks or fists or both 😆

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Just now, NighthawkChris said:

Lol yeah nothing like a good ol fashioned hockey brawl to get the spirits up. I like it when hockey players smile and reveal their lost front teeth haha! What knocked their teeth out back then, pucks or fists or both 😆

ha!  yep...  less of that today with the mouth protection getting better, but 20/30 years ago, I'd love to be the fly on the wall at these guys Dentists office after a game on any given day.

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