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The fool on the hill


McCartney said of the song:

“ 'Fool on the Hill' was mine and I think I was writing about someone like Maharishi. His detractors called him a fool. Because of his giggle he wasn't taken too seriously ... I was sitting at the piano at my father's house in Liverpool hitting a D 6th chord' date=' and I made up 'Fool on the Hill."



Is this the fool of which you've taken the Nick?



Obviously thats where i had taken my nickname from, Now can we get back to the subject at hand i do not think Dynadude would appreciate us hijacking his thread so we could have our own little tea time discussion.


If you want to address me send me a PM i feel no need to take up all this bandwidth for things that are irrelevant to the topic.

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My only child was killed in a wreck when he was 17............and I have no other relatives

that are musically inclined, the older ones think i'm "bad blood" and the younger ones

would sell whatever I left them for a meth-rock.


My wife has a 3 yr. old neice that loves to drag the "plastic pre-recorded electric" guitar

that I gave her for her last birthday around........and she makes as much noise with it

as humanly possible.......... so she's getting the "whole shebang" when I check out.


Thats why my Mrs. never squalks when I want to add to the collection, and actually

offers suggestions on nice guitars she'd LIKE to see me buy.

Now THATS a good woman!!!!!!!!!


EDIT: we've already planned on getting her an appropriately sized acoustic, and lessons

when she's mature enough to "get some good" out of both...........

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Death is spontaneous to plan it out is pointless' date=' When i die i will become one with the earth and will have no worries for worldly things who ever needs a Guitar and a Amp when i am dead then mine is there for the taking.


I am to busy planning my means for survival the last thing i want to plan is death, The only thing i ever want when i am dead is for my tomb stone to read "He was just here a minute ago".[/quote']


It could read "The fool on the hill is dead in my basement"

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Death is spontaneous to plan it out is pointless' date='[/quote']


The topic is not planning one's death, it is planning for the disposition of one's musical equipment and instruments upon one's demise. Surely the difference is obvious.



When i die i will become one with the earth and will have no worries for worldly things who ever needs a Guitar and a Amp when i am dead then mine is there for the taking.


You already stated you were going to auction everything off...not a bad plan for someone who says he isn't planning for his death.


I am to busy planning my means for survival the last thing i want to plan is death


To quote an old friend' date=' "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."


The only thing i ever want when i am dead is for my tomb stone to read "He was just here a minute ago".


In the absence of a death plan, exactly how do you propose to have this accomplished?

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My wife gets them all if I kick the bucket before her. After that the kids will divide the guitars 3 ways or if one doesn't want any, 2 ways etc... I just have to make sure I leave enough that can be divided by 3.


Right now I have 12 so they each get 4 guitars. Now, if I get a hair and decide to buy one more it is no loger divisible thus I HAVE to buy more to equal them out. Pretty good plan in my book me thinks.


I had a friend who died a few years ago. We played in an all original acoustic jazz band. When he died his brother emailed me and said he believed Jerry would have wanted me to have his Alverez Yari classical guitar so he sent it to me.

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Interesting post. That sucks Dynadude, I know how you feel though. When my grandfather passed I inherited his 50's Country Gentlemen. I only take it out every once in awhile, but I value it like crazy because it was his. Besides my brother, he was the only person who was very supportive of me playing music. He never got to have a will drawn out, so I was lucky enough that it was given to me and not just randomly/carelessly given away like some of his other things were.

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Thanks for the input folks.


I know it's not a real fun topic, but I thought it might be one that is important to discuss, because like a few here said, if you don't plan it, there's no telling where your gear will end up.


I'd rather mine went to someone that would value it somewhat for the enjoyment it gave me, and that would appreciate quality stuff, than to someone who is realted, but didn't give a hoot.

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It's sad but important to plan it our when your still around. I have two sisters that barely talk after our father passed away and they feel that they were not treated fairly in the division of goods with a stepmother etc and her kids involved. I honestly didn't care since anything my dad had that I really wanted I had borrowed and never returned years ago like any good son...


as for my Gear the wife gets the stuff I made and any guitars she has a inkling for including the originals. A niece that I almost raised as a daughter gets the rest of the high end customs etc. (she already has four she's borrowed [-() the rest go to a music school for challenged kids I teach at.

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A couple of guitars and guns I own have specific recipients in line for them - both family and friends.

The wife knows this, and will take care of it as she sees fit.


The rest?

She knows the relative value of most of the guitars, but also has a huge circle of friendly resources to ask for advice.


I really don't care if she keeps or sells anything, as long as she doesn't let it slip away on the cheap.

Either get fair market value for it, or give it away with no strings attached - no middle ground.


I'm sure Mrs. Neo will do just fine.

Once she cashes the life insurance check, her and her new boyfriend will be set up good!


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