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For men only!!!! Does your wife (girlfriend) have a favorite guitar of yours???


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My wife LOVES my Gibson Firebird J-30. Likes the color and there is a Phoenix on the headstock, which is her name in Chinese. The other day, she picked up the J-30 from the guitar stand and asked......"Does this guitar make my butt look fat???" (Good thing I had a Twix bar to stuff in my mouth.....)

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I don't really think she has a favorite but she does seem to prefer lighter colored guitars, loves blonde flamey maple, and if not blonde then natural with not a lot of shine. She doesn't like them too plasticky looking and she can quickly predict what color I'd get sick of, no matter how smitten I am at the moment (loud 80s/90s blues and greens on solid bodies par example). She does not like them dark and somber and anything that hides the grain.

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I e-mailed this question to my wife at work. Here's her response.




Yes I do.

My favorite guitar that my husband owns is his Gibson L5. Why do I like this particular one out of the many that he owns?

Before I answer that, let me give a little bit of history.

Before I met my husband I never knew what a Gibson L5 was. I just pretty much knew the Fender name and heard many acoustic ones but never paid attention to their names. I even took lessons when I was young and don't remember the brand of guitar I strummed on.

Larry asked me one day "do you want to see the most beautiful guitar in the world?" Then he proceeded to open the case and pulled out a really beautiful guitar. I saw the pride on his face and the way he handled her. He showed me "around. The inlaid mother of pearl, the tailpiece and all the little details of her body. Then he plugged her in and played. She did sound beautiful. So rich and full bodied. Since he has begun to play more and more jazz, he has picked her up and taken her with him on every rehearsal and gig. He spends hours with her in the basement. I should be jealous of her by my descriptions, but I'm just as proud of her as he is. She has brought a whole lot of joy in our lives and I thank her for it.




And another excuse to post a picture:


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For years the only guitar my wife totally understood my having was my Taylor 612C. I purchased the year we found out she was pregnant with our 3rd child. It was also the first really good guitar I had ever owned. I had just made partner at the Real Estate Appraisal company I was working for and life was good. I still have that guitar in my collection (although that very same daughter has taken to keeping it her room to "practice", but I know her ways.... she thinks it is going to be hers! [crying] )


After that though, my wife thinks my GAS attacks rather dumb but she puts up with them. That was until I got my Gibson Advanced Jumbo (my first Gibson). She would walk into my music room when I was playing it and just listen..... :- and never say anything. About a year ago when I was making a guitar trade, she asked me... "what are you trading away now? [bored] I told her and she said, fine, I just want to make sure it's not your Taylor or your Gibson! [angry] She has great taste.... neither of those (or my LG1) will EVER be on the trading block!

And likely not the Casino I just got either! Anyone have something cool they want to trade for my Ibanez AS-73 Semi Hollow? I am looking for a MIM Strat... Daphne Blue or Sea Foam green????? Anyone????? :-$

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Yup, mine does, but unfortunately I don't own it.


One time my girlfriend and I were in GC, and I tried out a few acoustics.


When I got to the Advanced Jumbo, she flipped. She thought it was the most beautiful sounding guitar she had ever heard.


I really should have bought that guitar... [blink]

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My wife's constantly AMAZED at how each of my guitar acquisitions seem to get progressively more expensive ... and wonders where the train will eventually stop! [confused]


I have been known to buy & sell a few nice ones (guitars, that is) over the years. Some I regret, some I don't. [blink]


Keep 'em guessin' ... that's what I always say.


All joking aside, she is very supportive & she loves any guitar that I'll play for her.

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