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My new pets. (sorta)


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I like how the first one looks like he's tripping balls in that tree, and the second one, ( a great horned owl I think) looks like a Ninja.


Maybe the first one is hiding from the second.

Plus as my name implies I love Owls anyway.

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Hi When WILD animals seek you out or just like to be your neighbor, Americian Indian folklore says it is intentional and reflects on the energy your putting out. As you can see, I had a Falcon find me in NYC. That can't be normal. the falcon was listening to acoustic jams in DADGAD TUNING. What kind of music are playin' in the back yard:-k

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Hi When WILD animals seek you out or just like to be your neighbor' date=' Americian Indian folklore says it is intentional and reflects on the energy your putting out. As you can see, I had a Falcon find me in NYC. That can't be normal. the falcon was listening to acoustic jams in DADGAD TUNING. What kind of music are playin' in the back yard:-k [/quote']


DADGAD is bluegrass tuning which aint hard rock.

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Cool Axe!


I have an owl or two across the road from me, on my neighbor's house I guess.

Pretty noisy at night.


Doves like you wouldn't believe - it's the desert....

Dogs gave up even chasing them, too many I guess.

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I am absolutely dumbfounded those two tolerate each other. I thought owls were very territorial and didn't tolerate other owls or predator birds in their hood or should I say Hoo-d.


The horned one (Great Horned I believe) appears to be a juvenile.


Maybe, just maybe they are sizing you up and figuring out the best way to divide the spoils once they get you down. :)


Don't make any attempt to feed or get closer to them. They will be with you a long time. Enjoy their presence.


Here's an owl page that might help identify the, apparently, two species.




Is it possible they are a mating pair and that the male and female of the species have different phenotypes?

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