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The Best Drummer Ever ??


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:- holy crap tht was the funniest freakin drummin ive ever seen. and he did a great job lol, i woulda took out an audience members eye with my luck.


but im a die hard Zeppelin fan so I'll say John Bonham, also Jason Bonham is pretty great to

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[cool] Excessive.


Main Entry: ex·ces·sive

Pronunciation: ik-'se-siv

Function: adjective

Date: 14th century

: exceeding what is usual, proper, necessary, or normal


— ex·ces·sive·ly adverb


— ex·ces·sive·ness noun


synonyms excessive, immoderate, inordinate, extravagant, exorbitant, extreme mean going beyond a normal limit. excessive implies an amount or degree too great to be reasonable or acceptable <excessive punishment>. immoderate implies lack of desirable or necessary restraint <immoderate spending>. inordinate implies an exceeding of the limits dictated by reason or good judgment <inordinate pride>. extravagant implies an indifference to restraints imposed by truth, prudence, or good taste <extravagant claims for the product>. exorbitant implies a departure from accepted standards regarding amount or degree <exorbitant prices>. extreme may imply an approach to the farthest limit possible or conceivable but commonly means only to a notably high degree <extreme shyness>.

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Peart would certainly be at the top of my list, but he'd give the nod to Buddy Rich. Peart himself has said that he can't do some of things that Rich did, although I thought he held his own at the Buddy Rich Memorial Concert...



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