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Would you (really) want to make it "BIG?!"

charlie brown

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There was a time (probably for a lot of us), where you "dream"

about making the "big time," ala The Beatles, or Stones, Rush,

Led Zep, etc. BUT, how about "now?" Still have those goals,

dreams, fantasies...or, do you just enjoy what you're doing,

as big or modest, as it may be? And..."why," IF you care to

elaborate, that is?



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I guess I want to make it as "big" as I can but with my bands style I don't think we can make it too big. Were not exactly appealing to all peoples tastes.... Or many people's taste at all probably. I guess my band is just making music that we want to make and if people like it then that's cool. If not, I don't really care.


But it's a dream...

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It's a tonic for me> I play on my own most of the time cuz I really enjoy it. Get together with a few other buds now and again and have a blast.

My brother plays bass professionally and really loves doing it> He's playing tomorrow night at his son's stag. How cool is that? The band he is in is really tight. No ambitions of making the big time.

They have opened for bands like Kim Mitchel, April wine, Foreigner...

Back to the original post...no I would not like to make it big>

I've already done that with my family, friends and co-workers. good enough for me.



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When I was 14 (barely), I saw The Beatles, on Ed Sullivan....like millions of other people.

Prior, to that night, I had an interest in guitar, and had been attempting to play Ventures,

Beach Boys, Chantays, stuff...but, after seeing The Beatles, I really felt like I had a direction,

to my life, Finally! (Hey, I was 14...what did I know? ;>) ) So, I practiced mercilessly, formed

my first band, with some classmates, who were almost as "crazy" as I was, and away we went.

Played in bands, of one form or another, for 10 years. Got "close" a couple of times, to being

Regional "Stars," but...something always seemed to happen, to thwart our efforts. Finally, as

the mid 70's hit, and "Disco" took off, I just stopped, and went to College, started a new career,

did that for 30 years, and made a decent living at it, too. But, music was always in the background,

even if I didn't play, anymore. Then, an odd thing happened, where I went to see "Almost Famous,"

and there is a scene, in that movie, where they used the Allman Brother's version of "One Way Out,"

and....I don't know...I almost jumped out of my seat, got the "bug" again...and went out the next day

and started looking for a Les Paul! Been playing ever since, but I'm pretty satisfied, now, just doing the

bar/small club thing. Having not played, for 30 years, and (basically) starting over, made me realized

just how far behind, I really was. Sure, most of it comes back, fairly quickly, but the "old" fingers don't

seem to move quit as quickly, and the CRS can be a problem, too. So, I...for one, am happy, just doing

what I'm doing, Now! No "Big Time" needs, anymore.


What about you all?



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I'd like like to have success with the guitar whether it be in my band or writing music. I still think that can happen, you never know... I write pretty commercial stuff so a decent tune and a low budget video on YouTube could be the ticket. Now a days it's possible to get out there even if you are not signed to a big label. I'll take 15 minutes or more...

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Is it a "dream" for riches and fame' date=' or just some kind of acknowledgement that all the years spent broke and struggling amounted to something...anything?[/quote']


Playing the hell out of your guitar and having fun!

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I enjoy playing in half-rate cover bands. I try to put my own spin on the covers I play, but I know I will never be anywhere near as talented as the artists I cover. I'm fine with that though. We play bar gigs and parties and have jam sessions and everyone has a great time for the most part.


Sure, I still fantasize about making a living playing music, but I also know that's all it is...a fantasy. Reality is, I probably wouldn't enjoy playing music so much if it was my "job". [biggrin]

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Do I still dream? SURE. There's a line from a movie I can't remember, but he line I do, "when you loose your dreams you die".


I thought I could smell it, but not quite taste it, a couple of times. I guess to some people I am somewhat successful as a musician (from an artistic, media, P/R standpoint, not a financial one), but to me there is always another level to strive for.


If I did make the big time now in my 50's, I'm sure I would be able to handle it better than had I made it in my 20's (if you know what I mean[cool] ). Not only from the maturity and "life's experiences" standpoint, but also from the appreciation of having worked so long and hard to accomplish something that finally happens.


AND, I do have probably the biggest concert I've ever played (headlined) coming up in August, so maybe, just maybe, this might be the one.

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Do I still dream? SURE. There's a line from a movie I can't remember' date=' but he line I do, [b']"when you loose your dreams you die".[/b]

I thought I could smell it, but not quite taste it, a couple of times. I guess to some people I am somewhat successful as a musician (from an artistic, media, P/R standpoint, not a financial one), but to me there is always another level to strive for.


If I did make the big time now in my 50's, I'm sure I would be able to handle it better than had I made it in my 20's (if you know what I mean[cool] ). Not only from the maturity and "life's experiences" standpoint, but also from the appreciation of having worked so long and hard to accomplish something that finally happens.


AND, I do have probably the biggest concert I've ever played (headlined) coming up in August, so maybe, just maybe, this might be the one.


That quote, or movie line, is from "Flashdance"...just FYI. But, in some ways that's true.

Gotta have "dreams," and be open to the possibility, however remote it may seem. I

never say "never," but I'm realistic too. Maybe the "realistic" thing, is the problem? LOL!




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Mainly I just want to be rich from doing what I love. Have all the sweet guitars. That kind of thing.


I don't need to be rich. If I could make enough money to get by playing music that would be awesome.


My band is planning on playing in Hollywood/ LA alot to try and get out there. We figure that would be a god place to play and it's close by so why not. Were trying to book a couple shows at the whiskey.

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I wanted to make it when I was young. I tried hard. But it's a corrupt business. It's not about the music. It's who you know. Over here it's nearly always London based acts. I suppose I sound bitter. But I learned some good lessons. Don't forget that it's a business. It's in the title. Music business. It's hard. If you want to get on you have to be ruthless and calculating. Plus, don't have second rate musicians because they're 'mates'. If only we could be 15 with the wisdom that comes with age?

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Never really had inspirations to make it "big" like Led Zeppelin or something like that. In all honesty, I went to q101 Jamboree, a bigger concert and I really only enjoyed the side stage with smaller bands. Some of them had CDs out, and some bigger names like Crash Kings were there, but it was a blast. I got to talk to some of the guys, and they were just up there having fun. I know they have to say that, but you could tell they honestly enjoyed what they did. THAT's what I want to do, get to play some larger venues, nothing huge, but make enough money so its worthwhile. I don't want to get signed by a record label by any means (well maybe a smaller one [biggrin] ) but I want to make music to express myself and enjoy it.


I guess that's a lot to ask for, but you asked

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I came real close to "breaking in" a FEW times and feel that drugs and alchohol (and God) probably were the roadblock, and furthermore that the drugs and alchohol would have finished me off. By the time I started getting my sh1t together I had too many obligations to drop it all and dive in, and now I'm too old to be marketable.


Having said that, I've done more live gigs than John Lennon, Jimi Hendricks and Jim Morrison combined......


I wouldn't change a thing.

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I play death metal.

Im rejceted from society.


I'm pretty sure it's not just because of your choice of music.;)


I used to, but then reality slapped the shi!t out of me! Had to get a job, pay bills, get a car etc, so now I play for pure enjoyment. I might jam from time to time, but as far as "making it big"? I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen anytime soon.

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At one time, I'm sure everyone dreams of playing sold out shows to thousands of sreaming fans, touring all over the world, being able to buy anything you want with the millions you've made from those albums that have gone platinum....but for me, I know that's never gonna happen. Kids and family have become the priority in my life and I wouldn't change it for anything.


I'm content to jam with my buddies on occasion, but mostly I enjoy just messing around in the studio now. My big hope is that my kids get involved with music so I can help them out. My 10 year old is learning to play the guitar right now. If I can just get my 8 year old interested in playing bass or drums, I'm halfway there!!! HAHAHA!

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Guys get into bands when they are young for one reason...Females.

I was in a few when I was a teen. It was alot of fun except for one thing. I had terrible stage fright.

It got to the point of me being sick to my stomach or having anxiety attacks.

Im not so bad now, but I do only jam with a few close friends and always in a garage etc.


Part of me understands why guys like EVH had to have a few drinks before a gig...Im not a drinker so I didnt have that option.

I read Carly Simons book years ago....she had the same thing, so im not alone.

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