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The Most "Awesome" gear setup, you've had...past or current.

charlie brown

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A lot of us are older, here...and I'm wondering, what the most "Awesome"

gear you owned, or used, in a band situation...or, just personally. This

is open to our younger members, too. Past or Current setups...


Mine, was in the summer of 1969, when my dear (now departed) Mother,

co-signed a loan, for her son's band, and we got SIX Vox Super Beatle

Amps, and an Altec-Lansing "Voice of the Theater" PA System...which then,

was all "state of the art!" Awesome tone, from those amps, and clear rich

sounding vocals, as well. Unfortunately, no one bothered to photograph that

set-up, for some odd reason. I'd (practically) kill, to have some photos,

of us, with all the gear, back then. We (unfortunately) later broke up, and I was

stuck with all those amps, save 2 which my best friend,

and our bass player, continued to make payments on, and keep.


I know..."if there are no photos, it didn't happen!" But, trust me...it did!


My next most awesome setup (later that same year), was my Marshall Major (200watt)

Full Stack. I traded in 2 of the Beatle Amps, on it. LOL "Crazy, days of Summer,"

indeed! That, at least, I do have a photo of...it's been here before, but...what

the Heck?!




How about you all? What's your most "Awesome" setup? ;>)



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I have a Sunn T50C, thinking about getting another cabinet for it. I think in the end, its gonna end up being me and my drummer on stage, so I have to rock to fill the gaps.


I runn (usually) my LP - wah (rarely gets used if ever) - big muff - swollen pickle- classic overdrive - distortion + - carbon copy delay - Sunn.


I really want an SG though... Jazzmaster would be cool, but I think I'm gonna end up with a Sheraton and throw on a Bigsby before the SG

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I had an old Ampeg Half Stack and a Guild Thunderbird Guitar. I have been looking for pictures but cant find any. Don't have either one any more but shure would like to locate a Guild Thunderbird that someone was willing to trade off or sell.

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This is my gear in 74, It's a Peavey Musician Head with a 4/12 cab under the cover's and a early 70's Dot.Picture001.jpg

This is my latest gear, Still with Peavey. Peavey Transtube, Supreme, With 4/12 cab. All the rest of the gear is for my PA, Keyboards, and DJ Gear.



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I've been on a Working Mans budget my whole life, so I've never had anything too "Awesome" by gear head standards. However I always thought it was pretty Awesome that I could hold my own on stage against Marshall Stacks and Mesa's with my Pignose Crossmix 150 and 88 Strat.....



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You are right, us 'older' players have owned some interesting rigs.....My biggest rig settup (at ages 17-20) was two ampeg vt-22 heads put into a single vt-22 combo cabinet with custom built powersoaks running four 4X12 ampeg cabinets, and next to the ampegs I also ran my signal through an old Marshall head on another 4X12 ampeg cab, for a total of 20 12" speakers and about 350 watts. I used a morley wah, an old delay and chorus pedal, and usually played a black Gibson LP Custom that weighed a ton...Very loud, good tone, and rediculous in size.....I thought one had to use 'rock star' size rigs to gain credibility; In hind site, my playing gave me the credibility I was seeking, I just didn't realize it at the time.......Still got some big rigs, but they sleep in storage......I keep using smaller and smaller rigs now, my standard being an Egnater 1X12 65/16 watt combo and 5 watt tube heads...Lost a bit of hearing from those days Charlie Brown !!!!!!! Good thread, thanks; jogs the old memories...I remember one gig with that rig people kept pointing at me and I thought they were enthralled with the show, which they were, but they were trying to get my attention to look behind me !! I often slaved the two vt-22s together and ran them through one stack, keeping one stack just for show, and I pushed my low frequencies to the max. The top 4X12 cabinet literally bounced it's way off and crashed to the ground, to the shock, and delight of the audience...One show, we also rigged all these homemade smoke bombs and explosives up, and when they went off, my drummer was blown backwards about six feet, his drum set caught on fire and the large building had to be evacuated, also to the shock and delight of the audience, but NOT to the delight of the firetrucks and many police who showed up; a true Spinal Tap moment !!!!! Ah, to be young and foolish.....No regrets.....

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Hilarious, Damian!


Yeah, I use a "Blues Jr." most of the time, now.

Of course, now I play in small bars/clubs, mostly. For the larger

venues, or out of doors, I use either my Hot Rod Deluxe w/matching

extension cabinet, or my Twin Reverb. But none of them, are on "11!" LOL


Thanks, All...for the posts!

Keep 'em comin' guys/gals. Fun stuff!



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I think what I was playing, when I was playing it, was before the "big stuff" was much in use. So... nothin' ever that was "awesome" by modern standards.


By the time bigger amps than stuff like a twin were available around where I was, I was outa rock and doing country in saloons so I didn't need anything bigger.


And... by modern standards, those tube PA systems were probably laughable. Hmmmm.



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Hilarious, Damian!


Yeah, I use a "Blues Jr." most of the time, now.

Of course, now I play in small bars/clubs, mostly. For the larger

venues, or out of doors, I use either my Hot Rod Deluxe w/matching

extension cabinet, or my Twin Reverb. But none of them, are on "11!" LOL


Thanks, All...for the posts!

Keep 'em comin' guys/gals. Fun stuff!





Thanks CB !! All true..All I have left from that rig is one old EV speaker. That LP Custom was stolen around 10 years ago, it looked just like yours in your awesome photo CB !! Sure am glad that many of us 'old timers' still gig out...You're current rig sounds nice...

( I can't gig currently, agoriphobia and panic attacks hit me when I approach the front door these days.)

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Thanks CB !! All true..All I have left from that rig is one old EV speaker. That LP Custom was stolen around 10 years ago, it looked just like yours in your awesome photo CB !! Sure am glad that many of us 'old timers' still gig out...You're current rig sounds nice...

( I can't gig currently, agoriphobia and panic attacks hit me when I approach the front door these days.)


Damn, man...sorry to hear that! Playing out, is such a "kick" for me, these days. More relaxed, I guess? Who knows? But, I just make a point of having fun, and not worrying about "perfection" anymore. We do our best, but "stuff happens," you know? ;>)



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This is the best I've used.


The amp I bought in 1980 after the mid-'60s Marshall 2x10 I'd been using since '76 died an awful death...


I can't find the snap of it with just the R0 so this'll have to do for now. I'll simplify it a bit later on.




The most ridiculous, yet fun, 'rig' I had was when I was 15. I've told the story before a while back but...


After I had first bought a guitar I got a tiny S/S 3w practice amp made by a company called Zenta. I decided I wanted an "extension cabinet" so built one using wood from old fruit crates and speakers sourced from various tv's, radio's and radiograms found at the local rubbish dump. The whole thing was literally nailed together and I wired it up in parallel to the existing unit. It sounded crap. It distorted brilliantly and was actually surprisingly loud. Playing at home it had to be buried in the bed with all the sheeting/blankets piled on top so as not to annoy my parents too much!


It was Great Fun doing it, though.

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Well I'm only 18 so I haven't been at it that long and I haven't sold any gear.


So I guess my current rig is the best. Gibson SG Standard or Fender Am Standard Tele into a Russian Big Muff then my MXR Classic OD then into my ac30. Sounds pretty awesome I'm not gonna lie.


I just ordered a ZVex Fuzz Factory and it's shipping from IL tommorow (or today technically). I can't wait to get it. That should definately add some awesomeness to my rig.

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I love my "big stuff" set ups for bass and guitar. For bass amplification and massive bottom boom I have discontinued American made Ampeg equipment. I've got a 212 pound Ampeg model PR810H cabinet that I'm glad I don't have to move too often but sounds great! [biggrin] I have an Ampeg SVT 1000 to power it.


As for guitar I have a Marshall Mode 4 amp with corresponding full stack. All of this is in a room that is perhaps 12' by 8. For practice, I use a small Fen--- G Dec 30 which is I think a nice small unit.

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This is my current rig and hands down the best amp I have ever owned.IMG_0730.jpg


Nice and simple. I like it. [thumbup]


As for my rig...


I've kind of exhausted the whole humongous pedalboard thing. I'm trying to simplify my setup. I still play through a 5150 1/2 stack with my band. I'm looking to pick up a 50 watt tube head (single channel would be great...with as few knobs as possible), and a 2X12 cab to play through. Chasing tone is such a fun thing. I just hope I don't turn into some crazy music equipment hoarder. I'm getting there...haha.

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Nice and simple. I like it. [thumbup]


As for my rig...


I've kind of exhausted the whole humongous pedalboard thing. I'm trying to simplify my setup. I still play through a 5150 1/2 stack with my band. I'm looking to pick up a 50 watt tube head (single channel would be great...with as few knobs as possible), and a 2X12 cab to play through. Chasing tone is such a fun thing. I just hope I don't turn into some crazy music equipment hoarder. I'm getting there...haha.


Since scaling back to a three piece, I will be adding a modtone delay, for a touch of slap back.

Also modtone booster, as my EH LPB1 bit the dust after three years of getting bashed on continually.

I like the pedal board just for neatness and ease of setup.

I only use the Bass side of the amp because It has superior tone over the "normal" channnel.




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