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Age is just a state of mind.


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Thanks everyone for the sincere kind words. You guys are the best.



I've said this before.....

Everyday I wake up I feel inside like I'm twenty.

Of course this only last till I get to the bathroom mirror. ( some mornings are more startling than others) LOL!!


I always expect to see the guy on the left.




Time is truly relentless.

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Time is truly relentless.


You look exactly the same apart from shorter hair and beard. You've definitly aged better than anyone in my family. I have baldness to look forward to in a few years time. Yay -.- My parents keep joking that I had better get married before that happens

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Happy birthday - I definitely know where your coming from since I'm also 51 (November) and have been married 30 years to my best friend. Those easy days of summer are sure gone, it really was true I would leave home right after breakfast and I was gone the only rule I had in the summer was that I was supposed to be home when the streetlights came on at the latest for dinner. I usually made it with only seconds to spare as the lights started flickering and I would come sliding into the front door like it was home plate at a championship game. Then I blinked and I'm 51 years old and retired it really does go by quick.


I pretty well understand the feeling young part also, I get up every morning still feeling like a young man but then my knees usually remind me guess I should have been a little more careful with my poor body. . The only time I really think about age is shaving and then ,monthly when I get my hair cut the place I get it done has a black floor which is kind of mean since it's not always easy to see that grey hair lying around the chair.


A young late twenty something lady in one of my art classes last week told me she thought I was 35, felt like hugging her so I guess I must be feeling the age a little. [unsure]

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Again thanks so much to everyone that took the time to post. There are common threads between all of us and getting older is clearly one we all eventually deal with.



One memory that has never left me is the smell of my first electric guitar when I got home an opened up the case. A beautiful japan copy SG all shiny and new, nestled in it's black hard case with yellow lining. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

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