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They're Giving 15 Of Them Away


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That's weird, I read that Americans only also, but why would they allow for Postal Code in the submission section if that were true? Oh well I entered anyway and IF I do win I'll cross that bridge when I get there, maybe one of my American friends on here can claim it for me and send it my way. I hope at least one person from here wins one so we can all hear it or at least read about it.



I remember when I posted the Santana guitar heaven contest and I got a runner up prize of free cd/dvd combo for entering. Can't win unless you play thanks Californiaman

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Too bad about the non-Americans not being allowed to enter.

I've been entering this since they sent out the email January 26th.

Yeah I bought one. I figure if I win, well if one Green Rhino works well, two will be dynamite. [thumbup]


I wonder how that would sound....two of them stacked? Hmmm....

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I was going to sign up but I couldn't bring myself to lie my way through that stupid poll.


Yeah, the poll was pretty lame.


This brings up an interesting question--what's more important, one's dignity or a Way Huge Green Rhino?


I guess it depends on the person, and...well, let's just say I didn't have much dignity to begin with! [biggrin]

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Who cares about the survey, I didn't lose any of my dignity answering questions vaguely linked to my interests to enter a contest. At least it wasn't one of those;


Do you play Guitar?

A: Yes that's why I'm trying to win a pedal


If So, How long have you been playing Guitar?

A: None of your damn business I just want the pedal, ok?


List your guitar influences.

A: The voices in my head


If you could have any guitar and amp combo what would they be and why

A: asnfjofihjosaoijdknarjrjasa3r349mm


Have you purchased any dunlop products in the past 6 months? If so list what you liked about them.



List what you did not like

A:If I wasn't at work right now the words that would be coming from my mouth would make a prisoner in Death row blush.


THANKS! Please enter your email and we'll email you the link to complete the survey





[those surveys always annoyed me, when it's just button clicking ones I'm a okay]

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