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I've got to say, while I admire your openness on this, you use your real name, you talk about where you live, and where you work, you talk about your gear and then you talk about going away for a week, with your missus. You're clearly smart enough to know the implications but I would never do that personally. It's a worry.

That's why it's a good idea to post pics of your gun collection, and then talk about how you like to pretend you're on vacation while lying in wait for would be criminals. Like the spider, I await the vibrations of my web.


By the way, I keep a key under the back door mat. Of course, there's only one way out of my back yard. Care to find it. I also have an agreement with my neighbor, we can shoot each others trespassers when we're not at home. [flapper]

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I've got to say, while I admire your openness on this, you use your real name, you talk about where you live, and where you work, you talk about your gear and then you talk about going away for a week, with your missus. You're clearly smart enough to know the implications but I would never do that personally. It's a worry.




I am going to turn over a new leaf - while I'll still be the Matt people like Surfpup know and love; I am only going to mention about trips AFTER I have been there...


Good points [thumbup]

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what's your real name Tman5293? I had been meaning to ask as I find it impersonal using internet jargon type names




My real name is Tyler. I respect your wanting to use real names to address people. Very friendly of you.

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1335163896[/url]' post='1185481']

My real name is Tyler. I respect your wanting to use real names to address people. Very friendly of you.


You are a friendly guy too - with one exception... when a certain computer companies name is mentioned - you turn into Hulk LOL

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I'm not real sure what I could do to be more "real". The picture to the left is me. The name over the picture is my real name. The web is full of posts, interviews, videos and podcasts I've done. But even all that can't give someone a 100% clear picture of who I am and once in a while someone will meet me that only knew my from a forum of my videos and say "You're not what I expected".


I do think posting to the web under your real name tends to make you think a little more before you post something.

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So I was at a beer "festival" today...an IPA Challenge. 32 beers...it's a ful weekend showdown...as I drank the tasty IPAs, I started thinking about people.


I thought about people on forums. I decided that there are two types of people on Internet forums.


1) people who are pretty legit...and represent themselves as they are in real life...pretty straightforward and honest...


2) people who represent themselves differently online than they are in real life. These people tell fibs, exaggerate, and make vague statements about their lives and the "excitement" it contains.


It amazes me that some people can't tell the difference between these two types sometimes. Usually I feel it's pretty obvious when someone is playing character# 2...or I suppose, some people don't care or pay attention to that. U guess that's fair.


On a scale of 1 to 10...how close to your real life personality do you portray on Internet forums?


I'd say I'm about an 8 for the most part. Which type are you??


I think my posts would be a lot more interesting if I made stuff up........

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I use my real picture and name.

I don't give out too much info as to my exact location or where I work but the person I represent is actually me.

The stories I relate are true. Not everyone understands my sense of humour so I tend to dummy it down a bit to avoid any misunderstandings.

I guess I would rate around a 9.

I like to believe that most people I interact with here are genuine. Maybe a little naive on my part.


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I would dare say I am a 10. I am here what I am on the street. There is none other than the real me.


Same here.............9.3............And I know and have met quite a few members as well in person.............I have only one account as well,


despite what one member keeps posting..............

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I venture a guess that no one is actually a 10 no matter how much they doth protest. :) After all, it's easier to "talk big" or get into a conversation you might not got involved with in real life when you are online in a forum. It's not just about fibbing or pretending you are someone you are not, although that happens i'm sure.


The ones that say they are a 10 are the ones that worry me lol!!! Thundergod rated himself the lowest (5-7) and I found that interesting.


When I posted this I thought everyone would rate themselves high...not doing so would "out them" so to speak and ruin their cover! :)


I rated myself an 8 but i tihnk i'd probably bring that down to a 7. I tend to get involved more in debates online than I would offline with people I don't really know. If i know them well, I can debate for hours mind you. I hold grudges longer online as well...i'm trying to work on that actually. Why hold a grudge against someone I don't know.


And as far as multiple accounts go....I don't care much about that. That's for the mods to sort out...I like to think i can usually spot someone's writing style but i don't spend a whole lotta time on it.

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I rated myself an 8 but i tihnk i'd probably bring that down to a 7. I tend to get involved more in debates online than I would offline with people I don't really know. If i know them well, I can debate for hours mind you. I hold grudges longer online as well...i'm trying to work on that actually. Why hold a grudge against someone I don't know.


This is true for me, too. It is easier to debate someone on line because you can say what you really feel for the most part and still remain fairly anonymous. To me, that is being more honest, not less. I really don't like arguing with people on-line, and I know that this comes as a surprise to some of you. I really can't help defending a position I feel strongly about. I apologize for that. #-o B)

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Rating yourself is one thing, how others perceive you is another.


How you perceive yourself is yet another, I mean you may think you are being honest or that you are a rock star.


That's the beauty of the Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk thread.

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Rating yourself is one thing, how others perceive you is another.


How you perceive yourself is yet another, I mean you may think you are being honest or that you are a rock star.


That's the beauty of the Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk thread.


I agree with most of what you said. But that thread only really covers the musical ability part of everything. :)

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