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brain bleed

Guest Farnsbarns

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Guest Farnsbarns

Last night I was attacked on my way home. I was punched repeatedly. The police were called but because I was a little drunk they took the attitude that it must have been my own fault, they had no interest in whether I was injured. A couple of hours later, at home, I started feeling very woozy, sick and headachey. When I realised my vision was going blury I really started worrying. Then I started slipping in and out of consciousness and my wife called an ambulance. I was taken to hospital and x-rayed, even one of the nurses said I should just go home and sober up. After that I started pushing to be taken seriously and was given a CT scan. That's when they realised I had a brain bleed. I am still in hospital until at least tomorrow.


If you're young and you've dared to enjoy a few pints all establishments assume you're trouble in this country. It's sickening.

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Some folks in authority can be just plain a$$es. They seem to have the same attitude for ladies of the night. If you are a victim of crime, then you should be given the same respect as anyone else regardless if you had drank a couple of beers.

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Farns I hope you are ok. That sort of thing can kill.

Presume this was on the way home from the blues gig?

Were you on public transport?

Please keep us informed.

My best wishes to you.

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Yeah the so called authorities often have no clue.

My buddy who lives in South Lake Tahoe is often followed around by law enforcement. They often think he's the problem just because of the color of his skin.

He's had to write letters to the cops bosses and even notified the NAACP about continued harrassment.


I'm glad you're on the mend and hope you're out of the hospital soon.

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Ohh man.. that freekin sucks.. So sorry to hear that



Total scum of the earth out there doing that sort of thing.. and I also know from experience the police couldn't care less.. It is sickening as it pretty much means people can do almost what they want and get away with it.. It makes me want to go out there with a baseball bat and dispense some of my own justice (not that I actually ever would, but id like too).



I wish you all the best man and hope nothing too serious or permanent is wrong..


Let us know..

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WTF is wrong with the healthcare pros at that hospital? Beatings are dangerous. Hope you get well soon.


Izzy, the Police, and the Hospitals in this country are at an all time low. It really doesn't surprise me at all to hear that both parties involved were negligent in their duties. :angry:

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Hello Farnsbarns,


your news itself shocked me the same as the circumstances you reported. I think the scum knows that understaffed police and healthcare systems will try to avoid as much work as possible. Since your lines appear clear and sensible to me, I hope you will recover completely and without any long-term consequences caused by your injuries.


The female vocalist of a former band of mine suffered from a brain bleed six years ago after bouncing her head on a marble windowsill. She suddenly was next to death two days after(!), but she was in one of the best hospitals of Germany (the employers mutual insurance association hospital in Murnau) that time. They had to open her skull to drain the bleeding in order to bring down the pressure. She recovered in a way that nobody is able to notice any loss of speech, memory, skills, language or anything else.


The bassist of one of my cover bands has an infection in his brain due to years of despair since he is not allowed in nowadays economy to do his job in all conscience. (This once was my trouble, too, in a completely different profession.) He suffered three brain bleeds within five days. Luckily, there obviously was nothing lost or is at least up to now. Sadly, the infection has affected his heart, too, he is in need of a valvular transplant. The surgery may take place not before the infection is cured completely in all his body. It is rather difficult to bring antibiotics across the blood-brain-barrier, and still is unclear how the bacteria managed it. He actually takes a holiday abroad with his wife and his two children, and we all hope that he will recover soon.


This is what I hope for you, too. I think to stay cool is best for your health, and so I also wish you calmness and serenity to overcome it all.


With best regards,



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WTF is wrong with the healthcare pros at that hospital? Beatings are dangerous. Hope you get well soon.

I think they don't take your words serious if they you have drunk. But what if you appear to be drunk but indeed are suffering from a brain bleed, and nobody does realize that? I just don't want to think about it...


You're absolutely right, beatings can be dangerous in any case, and nobody has a right to doubt reports about them without a conscientious examination.

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Farns, sorry to hear of your altercation, and injuries! "Drunk" or not, injuries

should be taken seriously, by both police, and the hospital folks! One should not

have to demand to be taken seriously, when there are obvious injuries present. But,

none of what happened to you, after your assult, surprises me, in the slightest!

It's inexcusable, but...in my experience, WAY too common. [cursing][unsure]



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This very thing is the reason why I intend on getting my concealed carry license when I turn 21. There are too many idiots out there to not carry some form of deterrent, lethal or not. Since I'm not old enough to legally carry a loaded firearm, I carry an assisted opening Kershaw knife with me everywhere I go. I refuse to be left defenseless in a bad situation.


Hope you feel better Farns. Doesn't sound like a good situation to me.

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Guest Farnsbarns

Thanks for all the good wishes, I really appreciate that. I should be going home today with any luck. There is lasting damage unfortunately, they think it will be limited to difficulty concentrating bit no one knows really.


I just want to say that there is good and bad in all proffesions and that goes for the police and nurses/doctors too. Because we rely so heavily on police and hospitals the bad ones are very noticeable and have a huge impact on us. A bad mechanic or shop assistant goes almost un-noted. Of course, bad coppers and bad nurses need weeding out where as bad shop assistants are cheap and keep prices low so we accept them. I do intend to take action because going quietly home and saying nothing results in the next person that police officer attends having a similar experience and that is not something I'll sit by and ignore.

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dammit that sux Farns !

I wish you the best, & Mrs.B. & I will say a word to the "Great Spirit" for your recovery.


this sort of thing isn't new, or isolated to the UK......my best friends' Dad was a well known (in our community) alcoholic, with serious health problems.

one day, he walked into our citys' hospital E.R. and told them he was having a heart attack.

the "desk clerks" response was to inform him that he was "just drunk" and to go home before she called the Police.

10 minutes later he was found dead, in the E.R. parking lot, from a massive heart attack.

my buddy tried to sue the hospital, but he was incarcerated, and ineligible to sue, and by the time he was released (3 yrs) the "statute of limitations"(2 yrs) had run out.



if I had a crystal ball, i'd see some self defense classes in your future Farns.......

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