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5 minutes ago, SteveFord said:

Riding motorcycles without wearing layers of clothing, a polar rain suit and electric gloves.


I don't even know what a "polar rain suit and electric gloves" are,  but man that sounds cool as sh!t!

That has to wind  up in some lyrics of mine somewhere in the future.

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Now is the first time that its properly heating up here in the uk. So much that for the past couple of nights I've kept the upstairs windows open. This is so much better! Fresh air and the fresh scent of the sea and of the garden. A bit of blow through keeping everything cool as well. 

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Summer is great, my old Harley still runs, fishing, steamed crabs, naps in an air conditioned house ...  lots of gigs to play. the Fall is my favorite. especially October. football has started, World Series & Halloween. and the bike runs cooler ...

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18 hours ago, Black Dog said:


Yeah, this question does depend a lot on your local climate.  I grew up in South Florida and I hate the summer weather there.  November through February was my favorite time there.   

It can get pretty hot here sometimes, but usually in the summer it's 70s-80s and very low humidity.  

I always thought, Florida was way worse than us on Humidity? 97 here for the top and its already at 94 degrees with 74% humidity. Heat index will get over 106 or so they say. I've been wanting to walk Sundance some when it gets cooler a bit in the evenings but due to all the flooding here of the Missouri River the mosquitos are terrible. I walk around and have to stop at every post, doorway and wall corners to rub my back like a Bear itching  here and there. Deb laughs at me and says I remind her of Baloo the Bear on Junge Book.  Haha, So now when I stop to itch , I sing..."Look For The Bear Necessities." LOL. 

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We don't have fall here. We have summer (wet) and winter (dry). The colors of the plants change, but it more subtle a change than it is in the temperate zones. Spring starts in late February but you have to look for it. The live oaks push out new bright green leaves before the old dark ones fall, same for others. There are some trees that lose their leaves, cypress, poincianas, and a few others, and they push out new leaves in March or April.

I spent a year in Michigan back when I was in a road band, and the snow was fun --- for about a week.


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8 hours ago, kelly campbell said:

Summer for all the reasons stated above, especially the women...Also really like fall and hate winter.  And yes it does get mighty warm in the central valley, I spent a summer in Lemoore in the Navy.

Thanks for your service Kelly.  Our son was in the Navy for 6 years. He spent 2 tours over seas in Bahrain.  He told me some stories.  I thought he told us it hit 140 degrees there.  He'd take a shower and come back out and it was instant sweat again. 

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Here's a good one, summer baseball in London (Bo Sox vs Yanks).  I've got a 10am game here (Boston time) tomorrow morning.  I love Sunday morning baseball!   ...unfortunately the Sox are laying an egg this season, while the yanks look like a steam roller gathering strength - ooooof.

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Hottest day of the year so far in UK;  34c in W London, a little less here with the breeze. 

Too hot to do much outside.  Carnival in town - I walked through the fair but didn't hang around for the parade.....

I'm 65 today and appreciating my life.   Good food,  drink,  jazz gig tomorrow evening.

Lucky me....[smile][thumbup]

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14 hours ago, jdgm said:

Hottest day of the year so far in UK;  34c in W London, a little less here with the breeze. 

Too hot to do much outside.  Carnival in town - I walked through the fair but didn't hang around for the parade.....

I'm 65 today and appreciating my life.   Good food,  drink,  jazz gig tomorrow evening.

Lucky me....[smile][thumbup]

Well happy birthday John..  Heres to another year under your belt and many more to come  👍

Too hot for me too.. 

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The problem about summer being too hot is IMHO air conditioning. People get acclimated to the cool, and that makes the hot seem even hotter.

When autumn comes around 65F -18C seems cold and everyone bundles up.

After the winter when the first 65F -18C day comes around, people go out with no sweaters and it feels warm.

I grew up without AC and never liked it (too dry). Many years ago, I took a job with the phone company that involved climbing telephone poles. The people who lived in AC got overheated quicker, tired quicker, and were more stressed in the heat than the few of us who didn't use AC. I still don't. I painted my roof white, planted shade trees around the house, open the windows and use fans. 

Add to the fact that AC units worldwide consume 37% of the energy generated (and growing), the hot air coming out of the compressors give a 1-2 punch, warming of the planet. The world would be better off without them (except in special cases like hospitals).

I love summer, and love the warm air, the open windows, the smell of the flowers on the breeze, and the sound of the birds chirping.

In the USA there is a state with a climate to suit everybody's tastes. I'm a tropical kind of guy, so South Florida is where I live, and I don't pretend I'm 'up north' by tuning on the AC.

Full disclosure: If guests come over, I'll turn it on to about 80F - 26C to keep them reasonably comfortable.

Insights and incites by Notes

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