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Don’t Believe The Hype


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Well hey Pippy, you are obviously a clever fellow.  Sorry you are somehow offended by the fact that I'd heard such stunning reviews about CS guitars, and was left highly disappointed by the product I received, and the incredibly poor customer service! This is no troll, just a disappointed customer. If you are too much of a fan girl to hear that they pumped out a sub par product. well then I think you need to pull up yer panties and report to the nearest safe space!

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Harmonics101 - Did you read the post? "Don’t buy a guitar online. Also, don’t buy into the vaunted “gibson custom shop” bullshit. Hold the guitar in your hands and inspect it carefully. " I bought online! I screwed up! And when I went to pick it up I just assumed it was friggin awesome because it was  a CS guitar! I should have inspected it more carefully in the store, and refused it. I was just too excited excited to get home and start playing it. The flaws are not huge or terrible, some ripples in the finish by the pickup selector, but seeing as I am a working stiff and I payed twice as much as I would have for a regular Less Paul, my expectations were high. Shoot me. But please shoot Pippy first! What a Seee You NT!

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6 hours ago, Fred0 said:

Well hey Pippy, you are obviously a clever fellow.  Sorry you are somehow offended by the fact that I'd heard such stunning reviews about CS guitars, and was left highly disappointed by the product I received, and the incredibly poor customer service! This is no troll, just a disappointed customer. If you are too much of a fan girl to hear that they pumped out a sub par product. well then I think you need to pull up yer panties and report to the nearest safe space!


Stop talking piffle.

You bought a dud. That was your fault. From whom did you buy the instrument? A dealership? A private individual? Under what terms and conditions? Did you buy the guitar new or used?  You say the case was shoddy but you might get a replacement so why cannot you get a refund if the guitar is as bad as you suggest? YOU need to accept liability because there is no-one else who made this mistake - it was YOU.

What was your real purpose in signing in to this forum? To moan about your purchasing error here? To tell folks here that CS instruments are actually pretty rubbish? How much experience do you have with playing Custom Shop Les Pauls? To say that CS instruments are no better than the regular USA-line examples is simply untrue - as most of us here have discovered for ourselves.

Grow up.


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6 hours ago, Fred0 said:

was left highly disappointed by the product I received, and the incredibly poor customer service!


I think this goes back to the complaint that is sometimes heard in the brave new world of online retail; the retailer is abdicating responsibility.

Yes, if the guitar isn't up to par, you can be disappointed with Gibson, but your real beef is with the dealer.

Why won't they take it back, or address the problem? You've just made a very substantial purchase and you're very unhappy with the product they supplied. Make their sales manager's phone ring, 24/7.

If you bought used or from a non-authorized dealer, then it's caveat emptor.  Under those circumstances, are you, um, quite sure that the guitar is what it purports itself to be?

If you bought from a dealer, though, well the high cost of these guitars also includes the dealer's cut - so why pay for a service you're not receiving? Badger the dealer.



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15 minutes ago, Lord Summerisle said:


I think this goes back to the complaint that is sometimes heard in the brave new world of online retail; the retailer is abdicating responsibility.

Yes, if the guitar isn't up to par, you can be disappointed with Gibson, but your real beef is with the dealer.

Why won't they take it back, or address the problem? You've just made a very substantial purchase and you're very unhappy with the product they supplied. Make their sales manager's phone ring, 24/7.

If you bought used or from a non-authorized dealer, then it's caveat emptor.  Under those circumstances, are you, um, quite sure that the guitar is what it purports itself to be?

If you bought from a dealer, though, well the high cost of these guitars also includes the dealer's cut - so why pay for a service you're not receiving? Badger the dealer.



thinking the same thing and wondering where the purchase was made from, as  all most of all the usual suspects (GC, Musicians Friend, Sweetwater) all have fairly liberal return policies.

Hope this gets resolved some how Fred

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This is a classic, textbook troll posting.  Nothing more, nothing less.  I mean, what the heck is this post going to accomplish?  It's one thing to be forthcoming, provide pics, explain where you bought this from and relevant conditions, but it's one thing to come on here spouting garbage and cry when people are giving you good advice regardless of bedside manner.  For all I know, you bought this unpictured LP in the back of an alley from a so-called doctor who performs coat hanger abortions...  Just be a man and share the facts on the details, because if you don't what the heck do you expect anyone to do for you? 

Bottom line, you aren't going to convince a single person CS Gibson guitars are garbage.  Had my mind made up for over 2 decades on this and have some spectacular Gibson guitars.  Not doubting that there are some Gibsons albeit CS ones that have flaws, but you can't blanket all CS LPs because you have a supposed dud - again unfeatured.  I'm not trying to be disrespectful here, but you started this thread with a sour attitude and you get back what you put in.  Being that you can't try to work with anyone and you just want to pitch a b*tch over nothing when your beef like others have said is with whoever you bought the Gibson from in the first place - if you even have any legitimate case to do so I might add.  Again, lack of details on our end and sour attitudes don't go too far here - or anywhere in life for that matter. 

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7 hours ago, Fred0 said:

my expectations were high. Shoot me. But please shoot Pippy first! 

Sorry Pip, I have to admit that was funny.

Fred posting some pics would really help your cause, perhaps we can make some suggestions. 

Otherwise you're starting to look like one of the trolls that comes in here often using different profiles stirring up the pot and using a lot of caps and calling people childish names. I wonder if this is what Pip is smelling. I'm getting a whiff of a Wild Bill with a bad case of the Mad Clap! 

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14 hours ago, Harmonics101 said:

I'm quite sure we'll be hearing from FredO again


Apparently a disgruntled customer

I have to say, if you buy in person, there is no excuse for these sort of posts


yea, I think we have by the number of down votes dished out. lol

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15 hours ago, Harmonics101 said:

I have to say, if you buy in person


I don't have anything negative to say about buying online as a concept. For those of us in very rural areas, the likes of Sweetwater brings an entire range of instruments to our front doorstep, and that's far more appealing than driving 4 hours to Guitar Center in the DC metro area to see what's hanging on the wall.

That raises the question of what is the consumer paying Sweetwater for? It sure as hell isn't to take a box off one truck and put it on another. I expect the dealer to inspect the merchandise and ensure all is well before supplying it to the customer. That's what they're being paid for - customer service. I guess that's why Sweetwater touts its inspection of instruments before shipping them.

*I am aware that we don't know this guy bought from Sweetwater, I know that Sweetwater has several big online competitors; I used them as an example because that's who I buy from - and dealing with them, I've never had a negative online guitar buying experience, in the sense I've never ended up stuck with a guitar I didn't want.

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Nothing wrong with buying guitars online boys and girls, do it all the time.  Not our fault you don't pay attention to the terms of a purchase that has absolutely zero to do with anyone but the seller and buyer.  Most reputable places have return policies that are more then long enough to evaluate your Gibson purchase.  If you're willing to hand over CS dollars "online" for a guitar and don't look at your options to back out if necessary, that's not too responsible, but hindsight is 20/20.  That's not what I want to fault you for here.  But what else is there to add about this - you don't like a guitar that has "flaws" no one here has seen for a length of days since you started this post, start off negative, return negative...  Wow man, were you hoping to change our minds, have someone to wipe the tears from your face?  Really convincing method to talk on a Gibson forum about a "Gibson" guitar no one has any history on, where it was bought - just no details other than your verbal devaluation of the Gibson brand.  Plead a case properly, please!  Give us something to work with here! 

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Buying from a place where you can touch, test drive, is of course a great idea...

it also is not reality for many of us.

There are a few Guitar Centers with in a an hours drive.  But, I'm not too keen on doing a lot of that kind of business with them.  I've had a few real boners that I've had to work my way out of from GC.

The local store is good,, if your 15 years old and you want an Epiphone, Squire or Washburn.  They don't have anything I would be interested.  Neither are they a Fender, Gibson, or any major USA brand retailer.

I've been working with one guy from Sweetwater for over 10 years now.  When I'm on the hunt, he checks out what I'm looking for, (he's a player that's been at it for many years himself.  I trust his insight)  he calls me back and discusses details, if I ask he sends me additional photos, and from there,  if everything checks out, it's game on.

If there's a problem, and there was one time.. --  it was literally resolved in a day.   all the other purchases have gone off without a hitch.

What ever place Fred was dealing with, (wont take a return) sounds off...  It'd be nice to know who that is so we don't ever call THOSE guys..



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Imho, buying an instrument without a fully disclosed & liberal return policy is courting disaster.  I've never done it, and never will.

To pull the trigger, a full refund (or reasonable restocking fee) less shipping must be part of the stated transaction.  There are many honorable entities out there to buy from - why settle for less & assume all the risk?

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Wow! This has become quite a shitestorm! I can't believe, FredO, that you have resorted to name calling! I don't care what your beef with Gibson is but, Pippy is a reasonable, well spoken, and often very humorous fellow. Your response has made me wish that I could downvote each of your posts more than once! I, too, am a bit sensitive to criticism but, I still attempt to construct a well reasoned riposte when challenged. Perhaps a few photos and a humble request for help will do the trick. There are a lot of very knowledgeable folks on this forum and I don't think that there is  an inordinate number of "fanboys" present. Please reconsider your response: we could all use a bit less Sturm und Drang!

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On 8/29/2019 at 11:08 PM, Fred0 said:

Hell I wish I could send it back! THEY WON'T TAKE IT!!!

Have you bought it online? Have you paid with a credit card? If that is the case, send it back with tracking and dispute charge with your credit card.  Before you do that, document all the defects, take the pictures, etc.

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