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Indoor Concert 2022


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Well, my friend asked me back in the beginning of Nov if I wanted to go to a concert with him a couple weeks from today.  Given all the virus going around, not interested in it, but am I worried about nothing?  I don't believe I am...  I know people that died from COVID.  I know long-haulers...  I had a mild case back last summer and spent some time recovering my taste and smell...  I also had the Pfizer (before infection) and Moderna booster (post infection).  I wear medical-grade masks now wherever I go in public to grocery shop, etc.  I'll visit vaccinated people no-mask indoors, but this concert business has me spooked.  Even if they are requiring vaccination proof to enter, still not gonna feel safe unless masks are mandatory - they're not...  I also am thinking about my youngest who cannot be vaccinated and if I got him sick - because kids are getting hospitalized from the "omi-cold" - I'd be pretty flipping mad at myself. 

People tend to think Omicron is a mild version, but it's killing people and causing long COVID...  If you're vaccinated, they (infectious disease experts) say you are looking like you'll get the omi-cold, but if you didn't get the shots, you are playing with your life.  Until you know someone who has died from this or others that have long COVID, you'll think WTF are we doing today? 

BTW, the people I knew that died were unvaccinated and died alone gasping for their last breaths in their pneumonia lungs with blood clots riddled in there.  It's a horrible way to go, and people think that this is no big deal today still.  Amazing if you ask me.  Nothing but pure astonishment.  Ironic because the people who died were saying this is just a cold and the media's overblown mess before they were dying in the hospital living their lives like there's no pandemic.  I mean, to me, it's like feeling sorry for someone that dies from smoking if you die from COVID and didn't get a vaccine today.  We live in a place where we cannot have public health concerns, because we care more about life and liberty (which I personally think is a farce anyhow) - which ironically is what takes it away from us...  SMH.  I digress... 

My friend is gonna be ticked at me I am bailing on this one, but I have a family to take care of.  They need their dad/husband especially in today's day and age.  Just sucks that this damn virus divides us like this. 

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Chris,   You have to do what is the right thing for YOU!  Anyone who would be pissed because of this decision, that aint a friend you need.   I'm sure he'll find someone else to go along.

We went to see a Led Zep tribute in July, My wife Deb wound up with symptoms a few days later, well of course she tested positive.  It was surely that concert where she picked it up.   We're both vaxed so she basically had a cold, and had to isolate.  More of a disruption than an illness.

I wound up with it last month, no idea where it came from.  Wasn't much more than a few days of feeling like crap, but I did lose my sense of smell, and some of the ability to taste things. and then another X days of not able to do anything or go anywhere.  The smell issue still hasn't totally resolved.  it's been about 5 weeks. 

Either of the times her or I had it, the other did not get it.   It's a very strange thing, so it's very hard to know what to do or not do.  The people that are supposed to know, they really don't know either.  

One of my neighbors told me he tested + the other day,  he's not wearing a mask, and he's going about his business like nothing is wrong.  he's like a little super spreader.  I told him to stay the heck away from me till the 10 days was up.  I'm not "Afraid" of Covid, I'm tired of having to isolate for "what ever # of days it is now" once you get it.

So yea man.. strange times we are in.

Just do what you are comfortable with and let it be.




Edited by kidblast
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I heard vaccinated people aren't as contagious.  Also, start smell training yourself.  I started with a bag of coffee grounds each morning trying to see if I can detect it.  Find other various things that are safe to smell as well.  Best of luck, that loss of taste/smell is a strange feeling...  It just all of a sudden started to come back for me.  I have full sensory though now - thank God! 

I broke the news this morning and he said no sweat.  He was my drummer and he understands.  I just hate to bail on this because of this damn virus...  I'm having hard enough time just keeping my kid in daycare without it closing down because a kid/staff member got COVID.  Happens very frequently these days and it costs me full-price for me to stay home with my child for 10 days while I should be in the office.  Just no coherence these days...  Hard day to be a parent too - I guess when is this ever easy, right? 

Thanks for the input though fellas, I appreciate it 🙂

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2 minutes ago, NighthawkChris said:

I heard vaccinated people aren't as contagious.  Also, start smell training yourself.  I started with a bag of coffee grounds each morning trying to see if I can detect it.  Find other various things that are safe to smell as well.  Best of luck, that loss of taste/smell is a strange feeling...  It just all of a sudden started to come back for me.  I have full sensory though now - thank God! 

I broke the news this morning and he said no sweat.  He was my drummer and he understands.  I just hate to bail on this because of this damn virus...  I'm having hard enough time just keeping my kid in daycare without it closing down because a kid/staff member got COVID.  Happens very frequently these days and it costs me full-price for me to stay home with my child for 10 days while I should be in the office.  Just no coherence these days...  Hard day to be a parent too - I guess when is this ever easy, right? 

Thanks for the input though fellas, I appreciate it 🙂

I give my wife Dutch Ovens on a nightly basis, because I love her and I'm concerned.

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1 hour ago, NighthawkChris said:

I heard vaccinated people aren't as contagious.  Also, start smell training yourself.  I started with a bag of coffee grounds each morning trying to see if I can detect it.  Find other various things that are safe to smell as well.  Best of luck, that loss of taste/smell is a strange feeling...  It just all of a sudden started to come back for me.  I have full sensory though now - thank God! 


yep that is exactly what I'm doing here too

the ironic thing is, the day before the symptoms broke.  That morning it was the Coffee that I first noticed.. I could not smell it.

I knew right then, I must have picked this up some where

so yea, I do the smell test everyday,  starting to come back,  I hope it does for me what happened for you.


and glad your bud understood.  as you pointed out before  too much division has been created with this.  no need for it.



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1 hour ago, NighthawkChris said:

I heard vaccinated people aren't as contagious.  Also, start smell training yourself.  I started with a bag of coffee grounds each morning trying to see if I can detect it.  Find other various things that are safe to smell as well.  Best of luck, that loss of taste/smell is a strange feeling...  It just all of a sudden started to come back for me.  I have full sensory though now - thank God! 

I broke the news this morning and he said no sweat.  He was my drummer and he understands.  I just hate to bail on this because of this damn virus...  I'm having hard enough time just keeping my kid in daycare without it closing down because a kid/staff member got COVID.  Happens very frequently these days and it costs me full-price for me to stay home with my child for 10 days while I should be in the office.  Just no coherence these days...  Hard day to be a parent too - I guess when is this ever easy, right? 

Thanks for the input though fellas, I appreciate it 🙂

It's not only vaxxed aren't contagious, but the vaxxed can contract it, but their symptoms won't be as bad.  I tested positive two weeks ago, and before being tested felt like I had a slight cold.  Never had trouble breathing, or lost my sense of taste or smell.  And happily, my last test came back negative.  And I'll be off shortly to get my booster.  But too, I'll still go along with any mask requirements requested of any store or other business I happen to have to go to.  After all, I might have my "individual rights", but they don't include my thinking I can ignore or supersede any way a business wishes to operate.

By the way....   Which concert is it that you're  passing on?  And yes, I think you have to put those who you're charged with caring for ahead of any personal preferences.  And if any who are "anti-vaxx" or "anti-mask" can't understand that, then more's the pity for them.


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I wouldn't go to any large events (indoor or outdoor)....but I think many are putting the 'lives' on hold...I'm not willing to do that.

I wouldn't go to an even where I knew many people had the flu or a cold either.   Heck, I wouldn't go to a dog show if 'kennel cough' was going around!

I have only heard of one person (world wide) who died from the Omicron variant....and I not up-to-date?

I wear a mask in when necessary for the same reason I wear pants in public...  It's expected of me...so I do....but I'm not at all convinced they do any good.

Each of has to do what they feel is right for THEM.... if you have many 'co-morbidities' then maybe you stay home, but that's no different from someone who has compromised lungs.   My MIL died because my SIL came over to visit and she had a cold.... MIL had severe emphysema, and caught the cold....heck....we're all gonna die of something!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah I also have a gig in May, at the Albert Hall for Jeff Beck.. 

As things stand I am hoping that by then things will be better.. Right now, theres also no way id go to a gig... I just dont think we are there yet and as in the OP I do this mostly for my mother rather than myself.. By keeping myself as safe as I can, I keep her as safe as I can.... And its not that I am a paranoid person at all, just seems like common sense to me.

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One more vote for doing what YOU are comfortable Chris.  Any reasonable friend should understand your risk/tolerance level of possible exposure.  We had a family member pass away last month of natural causes at age 92, but the viewing and funeral was very brief and limited to close family only by request.  Even then some family did not feel comfortable attending and this was understood and accepted by everyone.

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On 1/18/2022 at 8:30 AM, NighthawkChris said:

I heard vaccinated people aren't as contagious.  Also, start smell training yourself.  I started with a bag of coffee grounds each morning trying to see if I can detect it.  Find other various things that are safe to smell as well.  Best of luck, that loss of taste/smell is a strange feeling...  It just all of a sudden started to come back for me.  I have full sensory though now - thank God! 

I broke the news this morning and he said no sweat.  He was my drummer and he understands.  I just hate to bail on this because of this damn virus...  I'm having hard enough time just keeping my kid in daycare without it closing down because a kid/staff member got COVID.  Happens very frequently these days and it costs me full-price for me to stay home with my child for 10 days while I should be in the office.  Just no coherence these days...  Hard day to be a parent too - I guess when is this ever easy, right? 

Thanks for the input though fellas, I appreciate it 🙂

I have heard that. Deb's friend, Missy just got over Covid and told Deb about how it messed up her smell & taste. 

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1 minute ago, Retired said:

I have heard that. Deb's friend, Missy just got over Covid and told Deb about how it messed up her smell & taste. 

My buddy just got ever the Vid. His son brought it home, who works at Wally World. He just got his sense of taste and smell back a few days ago. He's a hard core conservative and is not vax'ed.  

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3 minutes ago, Retired said:

We're both vaccinated with boosters. We have stayed home as much as possible for 2 years now. Deb got tickets to see Santana for my Birthday which we plan on attending. But Masks inside are mandatory and proof of vaccinations. That will be in April. 

Seen Carlos twice. Once in Hawaii and once in California. Be ready for a 20 min conga solo.

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4 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

My buddy just got ever the Vid. His son brought it home, who works at Wally World. He just got his sense of taste and smell back a few days ago. He's a hard core conservative and is not vax'ed.  

Debbie told me she hates to go there,  I didn't know she hated Wally World so much. This one here I guess preys on mugging women in the parking lot. She will not go there unless I escort her to & back. Some friends of hers got purses stolen.

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2 minutes ago, Retired said:

Debbie told me she hates to go there,  I didn't know she hated Wally World so much. This one here I guess preys on mugging women in the parking lot. She will not go there unless I escort her to & back. Some friends of hers got purses stolen.

Get her one of those lady short barrel pistols for her purse, and she will be the cock of the walk, well not literally. 

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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2 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Seen Carlos twice. Once in Hawaii and once in California. Be ready for a 20 min conga solo.

Yes, I remember you telling me that. I watched Him a few times on video, Its all good. I'm thinking, to cut the price down she has us in the nose bleed.  Its at the Holland Center I thought but might be wrong on that?  Where our Symphony plays so they will be strict. Yeah, this will be my only time to see them here. 

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4 minutes ago, Retired said:

Yes, I remember you telling me that. I watched Him a few times on video, Its all good. I'm thinking, to cut the price down she has us in the nose bleed.  Its at the Holland Center I thought but might be wrong on that?  Where our Symphony plays so they will be strict. Yeah, this will be my only time to see them here. 

He's a killer guitarist.  Worthy of all the accolades bestowed upon him. I would go see him again in a heart beat. I think both times I saw him Alex Leigertwood was his vocalist.

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