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1 minute ago, fortyearspickn said:

So - you just lay the bait out and wait for someone to take it?    Nice.     I'll nibble ...  

 I'd never heard of him or AFPAC ... had to Google it:  all the top 10 hits make it clear the organization is to the RIGHT of .... or is it to the LEFT of ....  fill in your favorite Historical Extremist.              I  guess I'm fixated on other things.     What does bringing that group and person up have to do with the thread?  Aren't you the one that always says "This is a GUITAR forum!"  Possibly  Nick Fuentes would think  you are the nut job.  

I don't think I've ever made the comment "this is a guitar forum".   


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8 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

So - you just lay the bait out and wait for someone to take it?    Nice.     I'll nibble ...  

 I'd never heard of him or AFPAC ... had to Google it:  all the top 10 hits make it clear the organization is to the RIGHT of .... or is it to the LEFT of ....  fill in your favorite Historical Extremist.              I  guess I'm fixated on other things.     What does bringing that group and person up have to do with the thread?  Aren't you the one that always says "This is a GUITAR forum!"  Possibly  Nick Fuentes would think  you are the nut job.  

In the New World Order everyone on this planet thinks they are RIGHT. And if you don't believe me I'll make a Tic Tock about it to prove my point.

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I'll take the blame here. I should have resisted making a snarky comment on a certain person and organization.

Back to COVID fog. 

I have had all vax and boosters up to last spring. I did end up catching it in May and 5 days later I was at Del Fest having a blast. 

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I’ve had friends & family die from Covid. Not a laughing matter to me.

After havin 2 Moderna & 1 Pfizer Booster I’m still here. But, I do not feel the same as I did before those Shots. I’ve had extreme Body ongoing body pain everywhere I’ve had injuries over the course of my life. My energy level has diminished. I’ve developed extreme chronic Cough, Allergy & Cold symptoms that Dr’s can’t figure out what they are or how to heal them.. They throw Rx Meds & Physical Therapy at it.. After 2 1/2 - 3 years it hasn’t gone away.. 

This Man made Virus is an Unknown.. Dr’s won’t discuss the possibility of my symptoms & condition being Side Effects from the Vaccine's.. They completely avoid that conversation.. I’m told it’s because it’s outside Medical doctrines they’ve taught & since it isn’t in the Flow Chart they avoid any conversation about it..

I honestly think it will take years to understand the ramifications of the Covid Vaccines…

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I just felt like I had a mild cold.  Thought that's what it was until I found out a nephew and his entire family(him, wife and two kids) tested positive the day after a family gathering I was at too. In fact, that day after was when the cold symptoms started.  So I went for a test and was positive.  Was told to isolate and retest 10 days later and that 10 days later I tested negative and was feeling fine.


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32 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

I’ve had friends & family die from Covid. Not a laughing matter to me.

After havin 2 Moderna & 1 Pfizer Booster I’m still here. But, I do not feel the same as I did before those Shots. I’ve had extreme Body ongoing body pain everywhere I’ve had injuries over the course of my life. My energy level has diminished. I’ve developed extreme chronic Cough, Allergy & Cold symptoms that Dr’s can’t figure out what they are or how to heal them.. They throw Rx Meds & Physical Therapy at it.. After 2 1/2 - 3 years it hasn’t gone away.. 

This Man made Virus is an Unknown.. Dr’s won’t discuss the possibility of my symptoms & condition being Side Effects from the Vaccine's.. They completely avoid that conversation.. I’m told it’s because it’s outside Medical doctrines they’ve taught & since it isn’t in the Flow Chart they avoid any conversation about it..

I honestly think it will take years to understand the ramifications of the Covid Vaccines…

It is not a laughing matter, but what it is, is a respiratory disease. And smokers, older folks, and people with COPD and asthma, ect, are affected by it more than someone not in those categories.  I had it and I've had colds that were worse, but that was me, and you are you. Some that have it are carriers, and do not even know they have or had it.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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2 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

It is not a laughing matter, but what it is, is a respiratory disease. And smokers, older folks, and people with COPD and asthma, ect, are affected by it more than someone not in those categories.  I had it and I've had colds that were worse, but that was me, and you are you. Some that have it are carriers, and do not even know they have or had it.

It will be years before they accumulate enough data to have any real knowledge the Side Effects & other ramifications caused by the Covid Vaccines.. 

Many People I know who have the most recent Booster.. #4 are really sick & in pain for days after taking that Shot..

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5 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

Given my wife's culinary skills -  I'd be scared shyteless if I couldn't first smell and then taste what she was serving up.  Could have been turpentine laced tacos ! 

!LOL!  I wouldn't have thought turpentine would work with tacos either,  I'd usually go for a habanero sauce to bring in the heat.  

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1 hour ago, Larsongs said:

It will be years before they accumulate enough data to have any real knowledge the Side Effects & other ramifications caused by the Covid Vaccines.. 

Many People I know who have the most recent Booster.. #4 are really sick & in pain for days after taking that Shot..

I agree. This disease is so new, we are just at the tip of understanding it. Like I said, I got the first two and I am not going further. I've had CV-19 and I may have antibodies or not, but one thing I am gonna do is live my life and not live in fear, or wear a mask anymore unless I have to. Like yesterday. I had a doctors appointment, and it was the first time I  had a mask on in maybe 4 months.

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8 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

I agree. This disease is so new, we are just at the tip of understanding it. Like I said, I got the first two and I am not going further. I've had CV-19 and I may have antibodies or not, but one thing I am gonna do is live my life and not live in fear, or wear a mask anymore unless I have to. Like yesterday. I had a doctors appointment, and it was the first time I  had a mask on in maybe 4 months.

I still wear a mask when I'm shopping. It's the one thing I think works. Have you noticed the last two flu seasons were mild. I think it was from wearing masks. 

As I said, I didn't get the vaccine at all. It was pushed through to fast. And, I've never had a flu shot, either. 

I might have just jinxed myself.

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1 hour ago, gearbasher said:

I still wear a mask when I'm shopping. It's the one thing I think works. Have you noticed the last two flu seasons were mild. I think it was from wearing masks. 

As I said, I didn't get the vaccine at all. It was pushed through to fast. And, I've never had a flu shot, either. 

I might have just jinxed myself.

In your words not mine. "It's the one thing I think works". If you think it works then you don't know for sure. People and the Health Care Professionals think the new vaccine works. Well, I got  the vax and got it, so maybe not.

The condom broke, but I don't think your gonna get pregnant. The immortal words of a soon to be dad, or child support payer.

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1 hour ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

In your words not mine. "It's the one thing I think works". If you think it works then you don't know for sure. People and the Health Care Professionals think the new vaccine works. Well, I got  the vax and got it, so maybe not.


Of course I don't know for sure. I'm just making a common sense assumption. Same as I believe the vaccines don't work. These are just assumptions based on what I'm seeing / reading / experiencing.  I'm far from being "qualified" enough to state facts. And, it seems that most of the health care "professionals" don't look too qualified either.

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6 hours ago, gearbasher said:

Of course I don't know for sure. I'm just making a common sense assumption. Same as I believe the vaccines don't work. These are just assumptions based on what I'm seeing / reading / experiencing.  I'm far from being "qualified" enough to state facts. And, it seems that most of the health care "professionals" don't look too qualified either.

Some Professionals say they protect you & some say they protect others but not you… 

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2 hours ago, Murph said:

Never vaxed.

Never put a mask on. Worked in Ky. where they were quick to pass anti mask legislation, and our company was anti mask/anti lockdown anyhow.

Didn't miss a single day's work.

Never tested so don't know if I ever had it.

I'm close to your situation, murph.
Sort of.  In spirit. 
Had to work, in flight test operations, so I never locked-down. 
I might have 'tele-worked' five or six times in the past few years. 

My government flight test agency has had to play the same games that the rest of the military is forced to endure, so we go weeks where we pretend to wear masks. 
And then when some nebulous covid infection rates go back down, we continue on happily without the pretense. 

I took the jab, and later the booster, dutifully. 
Thinking that the government would make it difficult for me if I didn't (I was right, by the way), and also because my wife's daughter refused to come visit us unless we vaxxed. 
In the end, she never came down from New York anyway, and I feel kind of stupid about it all now. 

As I said before, I will never take the jab ever again. 
Too many risks, too many unknowns about the side effects of the thing, and I'm just plain weary of it all. 

My decision to retire and go on Social Security here (in exactly 104 days) has been influenced strongly by all the shenanigans and monkeyshines that go on at work, re; the covid nonsense. 
A lot of other factors at play, of course. 
I'm tired of working. 
I'm increasingly more fearful of flying the helicopters at test altitudes. 
Less days ahead of me than behind me, and I want to relax a bit, for the first time in my life. 

But the covid hijinks figure strongly in my decision to hang it up. 
At home and on my land, nobody can make me wear a mask, and nobody asks me for my covid vax papers. 

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16 hours ago, gearbasher said:

Of course I don't know for sure. I'm just making a common sense assumption. Same as I believe the vaccines don't work. These are just assumptions based on what I'm seeing / reading / experiencing.  I'm far from being "qualified" enough to state facts. And, it seems that most of the health care "professionals" don't look too qualified either.

They have actual experts who go to college three times over before they give medical advice.  They're called doctors.  I'm an engineer and doctors are like gods to me.  But I've been in bad trouble before where I really needed them.

The truth is very sciency.  If you believe vaccines don't work then you are either not able to understand it or you're just full of baloney.  And it's not that hard to understand.

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10 minutes ago, sparquelito said:

I'm close to your situation, murph.
Sort of.  In spirit. 
Had to work, in flight test operations, so I never locked-down. 
I might have 'tele-worked' five or six times in the past few years. 

My government flight test agency has had to play the same games that the rest of the military is forced to endure, so we go weeks where we pretend to wear masks. 
And then when some nebulous covid infection rates go back down, we continue on happily without the pretense. 

I took the jab, and later the booster, dutifully. 
Thinking that the government would make it difficult for me if I didn't (I was right, by the way), and also because my wife's daughter refused to come visit us unless we vaxxed. 
In the end, she never came down from New York anyway, and I feel kind of stupid about it all now. 

As I said before, I will never take the jab ever again. 
Too many risks, too many unknowns about the side effects of the thing, and I'm just plain weary of it all. 

My decision to retire and go on Social Security here (in exactly 104 days) has been influenced strongly by all the shenanigans and monkeyshines that go on at work, re; the covid nonsense. 
A lot of other factors at play, of course. 
I'm tired of working. 
I'm increasingly more fearful of flying the helicopters at test altitudes. 
Less days ahead of me than behind me, and I want to relax a bit, for the first time in my life. 

But the covid hijinks figure strongly in my decision to hang it up. 
At home and on my land, nobody can make me wear a mask, and nobody asks me for my covid vax papers. 

You just say stuff.

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My niece and her husband and kids came for a visit last year and the husband was all jacked out about how the Government is all this and that about COVID and tells us how he quit his aircraft maintenance job over it.  He's all ashamed of himself and what he's done to his wife and kids - quitting his job.  WTF does this guy think when he starts whining to a small private employer?  The guy is ex military and he has few options outside of Govt. work.  But he's too stubborn to work for a living cause he can't play by the rules. 

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I'm a bit... Well, I definitely believe the vaccine saved me from getting sick once I got it (yeah yeah, contradiction in terms. You get what I'm saying). 

OTOH, I had COVID this summer and should have hybrid immunity now, which should see me through the winter, if I understand correctly? 

So I'm on the fence about another booster. 

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11 minutes ago, badbluesplayer said:


 If you believe vaccines don't work then you are either not able to understand it or you're just full of baloney.  And it's not that hard to understand.

My objection to the vaccines, and my resolve to never, ever take one again are founded in a good and scientific analysis of all the available data. 
And a healthy grain of salt at all the misinformation, disinformation, and political spin that we have been fed, non-stop, since the beginning of all this. 

I do know that the vaccines might work. Sort of. 
I know also that they aren't all that effective.
The head of the CDC admitted as much recently, and also issued a public apology for what a terrible job they have done over the past few years. 

My main objection is that close friends of mine have nearly died after taking the jab, and at least one has died after taking the jab. 
(Two or three other friends have perished, possibly from the jab, but also because of other confounding pre-existing conditions.)
The blood-clot aspects of their demise, and the same involved with the two surviving friends, has me very understandably wary of the vaccinations. 

Look, I salute and respect everyone's right to choose. 
If you want to get vaccinated and boosted again and again, then I say happily and proudly, "You go do it, and please enjoy good health".

If somebody chooses not to get vaccinated and boosted again, then I say fiercely and proudly, "You have that right, and please enjoy good health". 

I reject the Government's heavy hand in forcing people to get vaccinated, and I reject any and all scorn and sneering ridicule from those who don't share my opinions and my resolve. 
My body, my choice. 

I seem to remember a lot of ladies saying that recently. 



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11 minutes ago, sparquelito said:

My objection to the vaccines, and my resolve to never, ever take one again are founded in a good and scientific analysis of all the available data. 
And a healthy grain of salt at all the misinformation, disinformation, and political spin that we have been fed, non-stop, since the beginning of all this. 

I do know that the vaccines might work. Sort of. 
I know also that they aren't all that effective.
The head of the CDC admitted as much recently, and also issued a public apology for what a terrible job they have done over the past few years. 

My main objection is that close friends of mine have nearly died after taking the jab, and at least one has died after taking the jab. 
(Two or three other friends have perished, possibly from the jab, but also because of other confounding pre-existing conditions.)
The blood-clot aspects of their demise, and the same involved with the two surviving friends, has me very understandably wary of the vaccinations. 

Look, I salute and respect everyone's right to choose. 
If you want to get vaccinated and boosted again and again, then I say happily and proudly, "You go do it, and please enjoy good health".

If somebody chooses not to get vaccinated and boosted again, then I say fiercely and proudly, "You have that right, and please enjoy good health". 

I reject the Government's heavy hand in forcing people to get vaccinated, and I reject any and all scorn and sneering ridicule from those who don't share my opinions and my resolve. 
My body, my choice. 

I seem to remember a lot of ladies saying that recently. 



Eloquently put. 

My thinking is, when I got COVID I'd had the third jab, and I got over it in no time. I DID get really, REALLY sick, like a super bad flu - but for a day or so. And then I was fine. I don't believe for a second the vaccine didn't have anything to do with that. 

But if I have hybrid immunity, which I should - for how long? 

I do believe I'll do some reading up before jab four. It's been 3 months since I "achieved" hybrid immunity, so it's unlikely there's any rush. Then again, what variant did I have? 

Ugh. Balls to this. I'm gonna go play guitar. 

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Yep...  As Sgt.Pepper wrote - this is relatively new.   Sort of reminds me of HIV:  Scientists and Govt were confused, media kept it quiet for the first few years.   Since it affected a different demographic and was transmitted in a different way -  and we were less suspicious back then - keeping it on the download was handled without much pushback.   Took 50 years to see Big Pharma come out with tv commercials advertising pills for it.  I wonder if they actually researched scientifically to get there, or if they accidentally stumbled on a cure - for example while trying to make chewing gum last longer.    

BBP -  I've never met a medical doctor I didn't trust, and I've met many.  My concern is with the ones who, in spite of the M.D. after their name, do not see patients - and get wound up in the politics of medicine.  And eventually, whether it is in Research,  Medical Schools, Lobbying or  simply making and selling drugs and supplies - the cash causes them to forget the "First, do no harm." part of their oath.    Not sure if Dr. Mengele took the Hippocratic oath. 

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1 hour ago, badbluesplayer said:

They have actual experts who go to college three times over before they give medical advice.  They're called doctors.  I'm an engineer and doctors are like gods to me.  But I've been in bad trouble before where I really needed them.

The truth is very sciency.  If you believe vaccines don't work then you are either not able to understand it or you're just full of baloney.  And it's not that hard to understand.

Y'know, there are people who claim they got the vaccine but still got Covid too.  But still more who claim they vaxxed and never got Covid.  And also WAY more who got the vaccine and suffered no ill effects and some who suffered only mild effects compared to those who got the vaccine and claimed they suffered miserably from the side effects.  

There are those who claim they heard or read where some people DIED from th vaccine, but those were an EXTREMELY rare few and due to EXTREMELY rare existing health issues.  Bottom line being the vaccine for some might not do as good as hoped, but still doesn't really do any harm.  Generally.  

The only side effect I endured was four hours of the chills.  Compared to the possibility of life on a ventilator or death, four measly hours of the chills ain't so bad.


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