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What do you think of this new Gibson model?


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Who would buy one now anyway with the way Gibson after a few months

drastically drops the price hosing the original buyer. I remember a resent

price drop on the Original Robot and now the Darkfire. Just a bad idea to

but something they have been dropping the price on after it's been out a while.




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To anser a few questions/concerns:


MSRP people. It's higher than the sticker price.

Yes they have all been sold to retailers and such. Mostly collectors will buy them in the hopes that it is an investment.


I actually like the look and features (but I prefer carved top on LPs, not flat). The only beef I have with all these extra bells and whistles is that it there is more that can go wrong and probably not too many people that can fix it. For that reason alone, I would not buy it. If either I or a local repair person can't fix it, I'm not getting it. I will never buy any guitar that can only be fixed at HQ. That's just me.

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I like it. Not that particular piece of wood, but...



I understand the direction they're moving in, I think. We have so much technology available today; one of the current paradigms is to converge it into a single device. Think cell phone/browser/game console/mp3 player/digital camera/HD video camera/modem. I know folks who can't stand it when a newer, better phone comes out.


+1 on the "not getting in on the first ones out". Perhaps when they make the Swamp Ash Tiger...

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[laugh] Meh, it's okay. Not really my thing, but someone will probably dig it.


I wish Gibson would just concentrate on making some cool variations of the classics. For example, I'd love some SG's in different burst finishes. Or, make an SG Standard with a big headstock like they had in the 70's -I think those were so cool. Anyway, I'll shut up. *Gets down from soapbox*

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