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Favorite Way to Spend New Year's Eve


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We have our oldest friends over for dinner and brownies and bud. We reflect on our lives in 10 year increments, recalling a most memorable experience from '99, '89, '79, '69 and 1959. I was only a year old in '49 so don't have much in the way of conscious memories that far back. Then we all sit there and have a good laugh at ourselves for being such fossils. By 7:30 or so we're pretty done in. [woot]

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I'm not sure whether to cast my vote for "Playing My Guitars" or "Other". I've had a standing New Years Eve concert gig for about 7 years now, http://www.grandcenter.org/firstnight/ , before that it was a standing nightclub gig for a few years with another band. So I guess I spend most NYE's "working". That's OK, it keeps me out of trouble.


Our current NYE concert engagement gets us finished at 9:00 p.m., about 9:15 we'll be driving out of downtown, and by 10:00 we'll all be safe in the 'burbs at a bandmembers house for a little band/family party to ring in the new year. So I guess I get the best of both worlds, a nice paying gig, AND New Years Eve with family and friends.

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I prefer to play NYE gigs! Usually have good crowds, and

they're in a decent mood, most of the time, too. I'm playing

one, this year...9 PM to 1 AM, at the local Bar/Grill. Not another

gig, going on...for at least 50 miles around, so we should have a decent

crowd! Hope so, anyway.




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Gigging, like I have done every year since I was a sophomore in high school (except one, thanks to that )%*@^&! double-crossing agent).


At the stroke of midnight I'll have my sax in my hand, playing Auld Lang Syne, my best friend/lover/band-mate by my side, and an hour or so later go home with a pocket full of money. It doesn't get much better than that.


I voted "other" because it's more than just playing my guitar. It's playing my guitar, my saxophone, my wind synth, my flute, singing, and being the life of the party.



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