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What're your strong points?


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I know we're all a bunch of humble folks who don't like to toot our own horns (or strum our own guitars), but I'm sure we all can think of something we're good at. Not even necessarily compared to other players, but there are some things we all do better than others.


Me. I think I'm pretty good at improvising and thinking on-the-fly in live situations. Many times a song takes an unexpected turn or I end up having to take a lead I wasn't planning on and I can usually roll with it and make something work.


I think I'm also good at playing "with" other musicians. I try to play appropriate fills that compliment the song and not step on other peoples parts. I have a pretty good feel for dynamics and a sense of when to play loud, soft, accent certain parts etc.


Who's next, and leave criticism out. Only positive comments about yourself this time [biggrin]

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Like Shred, I'm a good riff writer and can usually come up with something tasty pretty quickly that will work with an existing song or as the basis for a new one.


I'm an okay lead player, but my sense of rhythm is very strong and I can lay right into a groove.


I listen to what else is going on in a song and know when to lay back and when to slather it on. I play for the song.


I'm really good looking. </tongue-in-cheek>

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I'm a good sax player (voted best in the state when in school) but I consider myself an adequate guitarist (I've only been serious about it for about 2 years now).


On the guitar my strongest suit is improvising.


On the sax and wind synth, improvising and "faking" - sitting in a song I don't know in a jam session and playing like I know it.


Playing "fill in" lines behind a vocalist (sax, wind synth and guitar)


Emulating other instruments on the wind synth (I've fooled guitarists and trumpet players into thinking someone was playing their own instrument)


Reading the crowd while gigging and calling appropriate tunes at the appropriate time (most of the time anyway).


Other than that, arranging, sequencing, and style writing for an auto-accompaniment program (Band-in-a-Box).


Oh, and modesty ;-)



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I'm more of a melody writer.

I can write the hook that's the foundation for the entire song.

When words become music or vice versa I know I've got a good foundation for success.

Also, the groove. If it's in the groove, everybody loves it. Howlin' Wolf said that.

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Playing guitar.

Being faithful to one woman (my wife) after 23 years of marriage, even through some tough times.

Always willing to learn something new and teach something new to my Guitar and Bass playing twin sons.

Never turn down a challenge.

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Strength... willingness to work rather hard at figuring how to play and do something I want to figure out. That's likely because, lacking talent, I work hard to develop what I can, and that's a degree of skill.


Weakness... a congenital failure to have that desire to figure exact covers of stuff unless I've no real choice 'cuz I'm playing music with others or I'm working on a "classical guitar" piece.


But then... I'm not certain that the latter is simply part of a root rebelliousness triggered most generally by anyone telling me I just "have to" do or believe X, Y or Z... Most so-called "rebelliousness" always seemed to me to be more along the lines of joining a group where there was a group-think. I don't care for "group think" whether it's music or politics.


That ruined me for being a "beatnik" or a "hippie" in youth since a "group" and "group-think" seemed inherent with both. I also figured - and still mostly figure - that if somebody wants to hear mostly exact covers or a specific type of "stuff," they should hire a jukebox, not a musician.




I guess that's why mostly I play solo stuff. <chortle>



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