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This artist/band can do no wrong in your eyes...


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Ordinarily I would go with Buckethead but he's released some questionable stuff in the past year or so....but previous to that....i'd go with Faith No More....loved that band and everything they did.


How about you?


Hmmmm... not a fan of all of the White Stripes stuff, but I do like his work with Raconteurs (can't find a bad song) and the Dead Weather (even before I knew White was drumming).


I would say Black Keys, I love everything they've done. Seem like real cool guys too [thumbup]

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Led Zep




Both had some weak spots in the catalog.

For example, Zep's In Through the Out Door.

Money Talks is AC/DC's worst beyond a doubt.



Still, I regularly run through the entire Zep catalog and Page stuff with the Black Crowes.

AC/DC with Bon Scott is timeless.

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The bands I'm listing all have weak spots but even their weak spots have good qualities.


The Beatles. Magical Mystery Tour is my least favorite but it is what it is.


Radiohead. Had I not heard their amazing stuff, their weak stuff wouldn't seem weak.


Pinback. I absolutely love everything pre-Autumn of the Seraphs but again, had I not heard their great stuff I would love Autumn. Pinback also has really cool side project bands like Systems Officer, Goblin Cock, Three Mile Pilot, etc.


Modest Mouse. This is a tricky one because once they lost their original lineup they went downhill but I think it's still good music. Their early-mid stuff is the best though IMO.

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The Beatles, but that book is closed.


Currently it's gotta be The Black Keys. Dan freaking rips the stage open with his fuzztones, and great vocals and Patrick sets a great heavy rhythm. I saw them 7/31 and they seemed humble, down to earth, but then again, they were on stage and I was in the audience, so my perspective is pretty skewed. I'd love to see Patrick cut loose once for a 5 - 10 min solo, he seems like he has that energy in him. And the diverse types of guitars that Dan plays adds some 'coolness' factor (for lack of an accurate word) for me.

Some shots of the night (camera was better at video than low light concert pics, sorry)


Chop and Change:




SRV had very few weak songs IMO.

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