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How often do you play out?


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I took my Acoustic to my friends cottage for the first time ever a few weeks ago, it was kind of nerve wracking but I think I did ok.


See, I lost my Grandfather to Cancer this year, he was a great man, and quite musically talented. The only problem was he was too shy about sharing it and not being "good enough" so he rarely did. Music teachers he had when he was younger told my Grandmother that if he'd only share what they knew he could do it would be awesome.


Well before he passed away he told me some things, and among them one of them was to share, share my music and play with other musicians. Life is way too short to worry about what someone else thinks of your playing, and if they do look down on you, f**k em, it's not worth the time worrying about it.

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We play out usually every week. Right now we have several gigs a week. We play the usual bar/pub gigs, small festivals, charity benefits and a party here and there.


I'm trying to convince the band to stop playing out so much - mainly the dive bar gigs - and get our songs and performance down super tight so we can focus more on festivals and charity events. We are playing a set for the Detroit Marathon next month and we seem to be getting in good with the event coordinators. Thats the path I want to be on .We've played enough dive bar gigs, that I dont feel they benefit us much at all anymore. Its time to take it to the next level.

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I'm doing more fill in now days for 3 groups I've got friends/acqaintences in. So I'm playing out a lot less than I used to. I really enjoy doing a gig, but I definitely don't miss luggin gear around at all hours, the loading/unloading bits and worrying about gear disappearing. The showing up to help out and fill in is a sweet setup for me. B)

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About 1-4 times a month. Depends on the season. It's all local bars,

and small clubs, as well as county fairs (outdoors, usually), and such.

We're working on trying to do more...but, circumstances (family, farming,

work related activities, etc.) as well as lack of places TO play, dictate

a lot of how often we play. They are paying gigs, but we (mostly) do it

for fun, being an "old geezer" band. ;>)



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I have never played out. I want to be part of a band, but I can't find anyone else--and at the same time, I'm not sure how well I would do in a band environment. I mean, I can hold my own with riffs, rhythm and solos (in other words, I can handle anything I might run into at least somewhat decently,) but I have never played with a drummer or a bassist.


I have, for a long time, wanted to be part of a blues-rock power trio (a la Cactus, Blue Cheer, Johnny Winter Trio, etc.) and I figure we could probably play a set list that consists mostly of re-interpreted standards (i.e. recently I put together a killer, very heavy arrangement of Willie Dixon's "Evil," and frankly I wouldn't mind an all-Willie Dixon set list [thumbup][biggrin] ) and some original material. I just don't know where to start as far as finding members. Oh well--I'll get there eventually. Then I will be a very happy guitarist.

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Since my last band broke up on May Day 2008 it has been a few times a year and most of the time I get called up for drumming gigs. Wonder what that says about my guitar playing?


Two weeks ago my old band, that I played drums in, had a reunion show. It was very low pressure which helped me to relax and rock that kit. Forgot how much I loved those old songs.


Would I like to gig more? Hell yes. Life just gets in the way now. Finding your way musically later in life can cause mass chaos. I do have a new project in the works. Since we cannot find other members were are going to go out as a two piece and do the vocals ourselves. Look out Chicago!

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Finding your way musically later in life can cause mass chaos.


What he said.


I only play in front of an audience at an annual party that the other guitar player throws and about 2 other smaller parties a year. I tend to play better with an audience, nervewrecking but my pride gives me adrenaline.

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1: A couple of times a year - sometimes more.

2: Festivals


The majority of our fan base is in Europe. We can't afford to go over there often.

We do a couple of metal festivals a year and maybe some singles along the east coast and out westward.

Within a 24hr drive one way radius.


We just released our boat anchor of a drummer and got someone more willing and flexible, so we should be able to focus more time to playing. 2011 will be more committed than the past year.

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It's varied for me the past 10 years or so...


Some years a bit more than a once a month average; this year a lot less. Work and some organization stuff I'm involved with intrudes.


I'm doing a benefit this weekend for a little ranch community hall. Already will be the "organist" I think at a church for Christmas night. I use an electric, but classical "finger style" for Christmas music in the sort of "church organ" style people can sing the stuff with.


Small saloons are great fun. Playing out is great fun whether a solo gig or as an ensemble.



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Once every weekend in the Clubs and Bars. We do have a couple weeks off right now so we're working on some new stuff for our Halloween Gig. This winter we already have the Ski Resorts lined up, several local bars and Two out of town that very much like what we do.


This summer was the best Gigging Summer I've ever had, and I can't tell you how rewarding it is to have that kind of success with a project I started from the ground up. So many Naysayers, so many flaky band mates (I should say 2), so many calls to uninterested bars, then you land the first gig, then a second, before you know it you're having bar owners call you to fill in for flaky bands. Then, before you know it you it, you turning down calls from bar owners because you're booked already.


So, there we are. We had our best summer, have prospects going into winter, and our holidays are already filling up (I don't want to Jinx anything, but we have a New Years Gig on the line, we just have to land it). But this is no time to rest on any laurels, this is just the beginning for us. Next year promises to be even more productive, we want bigger gigs in more towns. Ever Forward, Always Up. You're only as good as your last performance, and The Audience is Listening.

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Without miss, once a week (Every Sunday at my church). Then whatever pops up. I'm doing a wedding in October, etc...


Once my wife and I went on a cruise on the Baltic Sea, and the guitar player/singer of a band and I struck up a conversation about his Strat. One thing led to another and he let me play a song with his band later that night.


Funny thing is he was all relaxed sitting in the audience and once the song was over he looked at me and said "that's it"? I said "you want me to play more?" and he said "Yeah, if you want", I said "It's cool, that was fun, thanks!". I didn't want to take "his" time... And it was just cool to play in "Europe", LOL.

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Every Sunday at church.

Occasional acoustic sets with a young local singer/ guitarist.

One offs through out the year like community days and the gig in 2 weeks as guitarist in the house band for a huge Gospel concert. We get one week of practice to learn all the music for all the singers and choirs participating. A lot of R&B / Jazz type stuff.

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