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Never mod guitar


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My ES-335 Dot Reissue.

SG 12-string.

SG 61 with Maestro.


Strap locks only.


Thought about doing some mods to my EDS-1275 double neck.

57 Classics and some wiring mods - changed my mind.



My 1993 American Standard Strat is completely unmodded, never needed it.

Already had strap locks.


Ash Tele too, can't see a reason to change anything on it.

Swapped pickguard from white to black for kicks, I guess that's a mod.


My Les Pauls - I've considered different mods for them but they're not especially collectible.

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I don't do too much modding Dave. But I have many 'lesser' guitars and I may mod some of them; I keep many of them in open tunings, don't think that qualifies as mods...As I'm retired, I want to learn about mods, and will. I won't mod any expensive gibbys. I'm getting in the mail a gold top pre modded for me; one HB and one P-90. I am customizing a Jr.; won't say how 'till post pics-Art project...Getting another MIM Tele that I'll modify...Duane V mods his guitars and they look great.....

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A few guitars I have are just too rare or collectible.

The others listed just don't need it.


I'm not opposed to some mods if they are either reversible or very well done.


I've done many mods to many guitars, for myself and others.

Most were minor in nature, I haven't chiseled out a lot of wood or drilled a bunch of new holes.


I would love to have a Bigsby on my 335, but I would NEVER drill the holes needed.

Same for a Les Paul/Bigsby.


But buying one somebody else modded is something I can live with - for the right price.



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The only guitar I own, that I'd NEVER "mod," is my original

1964 Fender Strat. It stays "stock!"



And, any mods I have done to my other guitars, are totally reversible,

if needed. I've kept all the original parts, and there was never any

routing or drilling involved. Just electronics, or some hardware upgrades,

or changes.



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i got a couple guitars that were never modded, cuz i never played them enough. my lp, which i've played exclusively for over fifteen years, pretty much needed the mods from being played so much. the wood and binding is all that's original on it....

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As a general philosophy I don't like the idea of modding

I know some people love it like a hobby

And it can put an individual stamp on a guitar's looks or sound

Some guitars like Epi's need an upgrade to electrics etc.


I have a cheap Tokai Firebird which has been 'Duncanised' to great effect..... :blink:




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None of mine are stock. Then again none of mine are 64 Strats either! [biggrin] Seems like there is always something I want to do to them. But I'm not a collector. Never thought of them as important in that way. Obviously if I had one that was immensely valuable I might feel differently, but regular old Strats, Teles and Les Pauls... heat up the soldering iron, baby!

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I'm a tinkerer and I love to mess with stuff. And I haven't screwed up a guitar since like forty years ago. [thumbup]


Seriously, though, whether you mod your guitar is more likely to be based on whether the guitar is for playing or collecting, and whether you think any modification might effect the value of the guitar. All my guitars are just musical instruments to me, and I won't hesitate to mess with them. On my ES339 I did a lot of work on the fretboard, I replaced the bridge posts with some longer ones, replaced the bridge and tailpiece and I've dressed some frets as its become necessary. On my LP Studio Deluxe I replaced the pickups with BB1/BB2's, pots and caps and rewired some of it so that it is now wired more conventionally. Also put on an Aluminum tailpiece. It sounds really different - like an LP is supposed to sound.


So if you want to change something, go ahead - just don't screw it up. [scared][biggrin]

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Your R0 could really benefit with new pots/caps. Best cheap upgrade you can make. Those linear pots are absolutely useless.


You've got me thinking R9. What would you upgrade to and what specifically would be the benefit? I'm lacking in knowledge on this.



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My old MIJ LP copy has been modded quite a bit.

New pups SD 59 in the neck and SD JB bridge, new caps and pots, input jack, three way switch, nut, fret dressing and crowning. The pup cavity had to be made bigger to fit the new pups and the pickguard had to be modded a bit for the pups too.

Made for a new guitar. Kept all the parts.



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My first thought was that I'd never mod my Rics but I may change the pickups to the old style toasters at some point.

Others like my Gretsch and sunburst Casino have had their guts replaced with quality US parts. The Casino also getting new tuners and nut.

My next project will be better pickups in my MIM strat.


So to answer your question I guess my Lennon Casino would be the only one thats staying stock for sure.

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Never done anything yet, but I plan to put a Bigsby on my LP, as well as my future tele, Epi Sheraton and SG... [flapper]


I will probably get a used Mexi Tele, and put in different pickups and a bigsby.


Sheraton expected upgrades are TV Jones Filtertron and Powertron and a bigsby


SG will probably just get a bigsby.


I like tremolo

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Mucho improvo over the standard pots and caps. Your LP will be clearer and the knobs will be more usable.

Yes, mucho improvo!

Another option is to just buy the pots/caps from RS' "loose electronics" section and save around $25.

There's also a member at MLP who sells these and for around 1/2 the price.


Dave, if you never adjust your tone/volume pots and keep everything on 10 you may or may not hear (much of) a difference; it depends on the guitar. Right now, your tone pots are like on/off switches at around 3. Those RS pots have a nice taper all the way from 10 to 0. Their values are also more consistent. I think their tolerance is +/- 10%. Your R0 has CTS pots rated at 500k but the actual value may be much, much lower.


Another mod (I think) every LP owner should do is '50s wiring. Keeps more treble as you role down the volume pot. Once you go '50s, you don't go back!

Save this picture.


Maybe you should stay away from me. I'm a bad influence on you. [biggrin]

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Never done anything yet, but I plan to put a Bigsby on my LP, as well as my future tele, Epi Sheraton and SG... [flapper]


I will probably get a used Mexi Tele, and put in different pickups and a bigsby.


Sheraton expected upgrades are TV Jones Filtertron and Powertron and a bigsby


SG will probably just get a bigsby.


I like tremolo


Once that Bigsby bug bites, it's terminal. I've got a tele project on the table that's getting a B5, modded a dot studio adding a 2nd vol and tone pot and a B7, that thing weighs a ton. I usually get the 1" spring to get a little more travel. I loves me some Bigbsy as well. [thumbup]

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Every guitar I own has had some mod performed to it........ I have yet to pick up a guitar that didn't need something done to it to suit me.... Most of my new Gibby's get the pups yanked for Tim Shaw era pups, 74-75 humbees or 79-83 Dimarzio Super D's

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