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hmm this should be fun! do any of you guys remember what your first post on the forum was?

I think I started a poll on the dusk tiger when it first came out. but it might have been on my

old account which I lost the password to [flapper] anyways, go and find your post! post it here when you do [thumbup]

Ive seen funny and odd first posts on the forum, like chewykiz's first post? LOL I'll never forget that one [flapper]

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Well....I´m kind of new here, so my post is still on page 3.


Here it is anyway, :D





I am a drummer that plays guitar, and I always heard so much about Gibson, but had never played one until some months ago. And now.... I am a Gibson freak!!! I am sure many of you understand what I mean. So much that I made a music video about it, which I perform all the instruments and vocals

This is dedicated to all of you


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I believe I originally registered for the Gibson forums in search of information on a old tenor banjo I picked up, although i had been lurking around for a while. The helpful people around here referred me to a couple of Gibson banjo sites that were very helpful. It turned out to be a 1932 TB-1.




Posting pictures here is also the only reason I opened a Flickr photo site account, and the only thing I use it for.

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My is gone as well. I think it got lost in one of those forum "crash and purges" back in mid '09. I posted in the "Introduce Yourself" forum. It was a pretty boring, "long-time-Guest/first-time-Newbie" post, if I remember. It's been all downhill since then, eh?

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I think my first post was on the acoustic board asking what the little point on the bottom of the fretboard of some guitars is called ( A Birds beak - by the way was the answer) - but it was three (3) Gibson forums ago and is long gone from previous major crashes.


Yea, I was back on the original with Gilliangirl, The Hall Groper, Farmer Roy, a bunch of names I don't remember but she (GG) probably will.


Back then our computers used GZ34 rectifier tubes, and had to warm up.


And we liked it.

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Can't find it. The archives don't go back that far I guess. Or one of the infamous crashes deleted it.

Too bad. I was kinda curious to what it was, now that you brought it up. Oh well. It was most likely

looking for info about my 05 Faded LP Standard. I began at LPF and MLP and finally came here looking for

info on the faded finishes. I'm sure I posted in the Les Paul section, since there was no lounge then.

I learned more here in my first few months about Les Pauls than I thought humanly possible.

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MIne's long gone also but I imagine it was on the Epi side after my wife bought me my first Casino.


I just remember going to the Gibson web sight to register my new guitar and discovering this whole world of guitar players/ lovers with a plethora of info and pics of their beautiful instruments.


It was about then that I developed something I later learned was called GAS.

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I don't know how many times this forum was upgraded, but I first joined late '04 or early '05.

A few of the regulars then were, Raptor, Ponec, Lous1952 and Hal Groper.

I haven't seen any of the older members since I came back here.

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Ah jeez....i think mine was in the Introduce Yourself section...i opened up by saying I didn't own any Gibsons...hehehe


Then there was a battle about Buckethead....the rest is history. :)

Yeah, the i cussed you out and hated you for a while.

Then we met on Eharmony.com and...the rest was history. [smile]



Just kidding about the eharmony **** dude. [lol]

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