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Your Acoustical Performances!!!

duane v

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Here is my version of a Ryan Adams song - Do I Wait...


Its two tracks... One with me singing and playing my Gibson SJTV. The second is also me singing... the same melody as the first track with my Gibby with chorus and compression. This guy on AGF (Sombrero) seems to do this to give vocals depth. I love the effect when he does it, so I thought I would try it.



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Here is my version of a Ryan Adams song - Do I Wait...


Its two tracks... One with me singing and playing my Gibson SJTV. The second is also me singing... the same melody as the first track with my Gibby with chorus and compression. This guy on AGF (Sombrero) seems to do this to give vocals depth. I love the effect when he does it, so I thought I would try it.



That did sound good ! Chorus just as a GB effect, or did you play it thru a pedal?

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Steve. Awesome. Double capo? What kind is that? Excellent job.



I'm using Shubb's Partial Capo to emulate the DADGAD tuning and just found that using a standard capo on the 2nd fret raises the pitch to give my voice and the song a bit more of an edge.

Here's the link http://www.shubb.com/partial/ and there's lots of fun to be had with these things.

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In defiance of the video police, here's a great old tune I'd guess everyone on the planet has heard at least once. Played on my new Kamaka HP-1D Pineapple Deluxe, just in from Hawaii a couple weeks back. Very sweet toned instrument............




(hmmmm.......videos used to embed on the forum........sabotage?)

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Nice rendition, Jason. Good to hear you and that sweet guitar. BTW, what kind of camara are you using? Are you playing into a mic also, or just the mic in the cam? Both the video and audio are real good on your videos. The reason I ask is that a good friend of mine filmed my performance at an outdoor event a couple weeks ago and the sound was horrible. The video was very good, but my J60 sounded very tinny, literally no mids or lows in the audio....Anyway, good video.

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Thanks for the comments everyone. Larry, I either record these with my wife's iPad or like this weekend, my iPhone. They are pretty good recording devices. I put them pretty close to me which may account for the sound. What did your friend use to record you?

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