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The Legal Moral High Ground


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You all know me quite well...This is my first non-music thread...I have been studying law for quite some time now, for many reasons...I am legally disabled, on SSD, and due to health reasons I am currently a recluse...Yes, I'm a musician, etc etc, which is why I belong to this forum...I have been gearing up for several major legal battles; in all of which I am the plantiff...

I do not welcome these, but they are necessary and must be done...So far, so good; I tend to win...I am fully on the moral high ground here....In short though, I'm pretty scared, as I'm not as strong as I used to be..........Perhaps it would be encouraging for some prayers and moral support...Nothing else or more...I almost feel odd asking for words of encourgement.......

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Damain, From what I've read in the past, you have a good head on your shoulders. As far as you worring about your Health, no one knows it better then you. So take your time, do what you have to do, and keep your mind clear and on target. You'll just do just fine. You got some good, ( Got your back kinda people) most of the time here, So your doin just fine. [thumbup]

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best of luck to you, BUT having the "moral high-ground" won't help you one bit in court, you have to get in there, get dirty w/them, and MAKE them do whats right, because our civil "legal system" is rife w/payoffs and improper acts.


I know what i'm speaking of, because even having the ABSOLUTE moral "high-ground" I was all but forced to accept about a 1/100th %(of the origional projected amount) settlement in a wrongful death case involving my son, because my attorney and an "expert" witness intentionally "threw" my case at the last possible second to protect a major railroad company...I know in my heart they were both "paid off", but settled anyhow because I realized( at my attorneys urging) that no matter what course I took, a multi-billion dollar company would ALWAYS be able to "get to" somebody with enough $$$ to protect themselves.


our judges don't give a flip about who's right...it's all about what will benefit THEM the most....it was explained to me that in modern America, "justice" is no longer a desired result, but a "system" that is followed in court, and whoever starts with the most $$$, usually gets the result they desire, right or wrong.

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I think you can tell that I am a person that believes that you can do anything you set your mind and passion to do. If you know you're in the right then do what ever you have to do to win. I'm also a big believer in that everything happens for a reason so in the case you don't win just know that it wasn't meant to be and it is life's way of pointing you into a new direction. I can only say that I try to approach everything as a win - win situation regardless of outcome. I can honestly say that every hardship I have ever had has eventually turned out for the better. It just sucks at the time but if you really believe this it will provide enough comfort to keep you going to see what that next thing is.


My sincere best wishes for you.


Kindest regards,




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Assuming you're in the legal, as well as moral "right," you may take that as guidance and a measure offering composure when push comes to shove in a courtroom.


Assuming you're not in the legal, but are in the moral "right," that also should bring composure and an opportunity to make a point, win or lose.


I look at this sort of thing from two perspectives: First, the practical side of both legal and moral positions in a lawsuit; second, from the perspective of having known many people involved in various sorts of civil lawsuits and their perspectives both from a "good" and "not so good" potential moral right from my own perspective.


The bottom line is that it's kinda like playing a gig: Sometimes absolutely everything clicks and you sound wonderful; sometimes stuff just doesn't work for whatever reason that's probably at the bottom line between the player's ears. But worrying about which result may come from a gig - or a lawsuit - tends to be counterproductive.


So best of luck to you, truly, and you have my hopes and prayers that whatever the conclusion, your head and heart will be better for the experience. Frankly to me that's the very best outcome for you or anyone else I've known who has been involved in such.


Edit: BTW, try to argue the other side's potential points, too, as though you were that side's advocate. It will enlighten your own arguments.



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Good stuff here - Milo never fails - and I'll add another good luck to the pile.


The most important part of the fight is THE FIGHT.

Most people never actually get around to that part, throwing in the towel well in advance.


Surrender NEVER equals victory.


My Dad (retired military) told me - take the fight to them, then take the fight OUT of them.

My you persevere and triumph. [thumbup]

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I hope everything works out for you, I know what it's like to have health problems change you're life...it isn't fun...and today those who need help the most are the first to be thrown under the bus...Good luck and fight the good fight....

Slay the Dragon!

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What makes you think that you are on the moral high ground? I'm sorry but not knowing the situation I will not pray for you to "win." Nor will I pray for you to "lose." I've met a lot of people who thought in their mind they were right and clearly they were not.


I will pray for God's will to be done and leave it at that.

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What makes you think that you are on the moral high ground? I'm sorry but not knowing the situation I will not pray for you to "win." Nor will I pray for you to "lose." I've met a lot of people who thought in their mind they were right and clearly they were not.


I will pray for God's will to be done and leave it at that.


Very true dj. Damien starts this thread stating that we all know him quite well but I'm sorry we really don't.

We know nothing about him or his situation which is kind of why I didn't say I hoped things went in his favor.

I do pray that the case can be resolved with the best possible solution for all involved.

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Thank you for the positive support of all kinds and from all angles......It does help.......


I am in the legal right as well......


For the three negative posts; that's OK, not a problem....negativity will always exist.....


I have been sparring legally on this for a year now....It is a legitimate fight.....I will win......


The legal system is what it is.....It is important to understand it......


I have worked hard to learn...Quite a few lawyers tell me I know more than they do.......

Of course I take this with grains of salt....My involvement in the fields of law have been

both peripheal and 'engaged'....No need to explain yet......I worked as a shop steward for

years, and the Union's in-house lawyer wondered why I was so persistant in upholding and

insisting upon the rights of wrongs to be fixed..And she said I should be an attorney.

I sparred with a couple of Oregon's top prosecuters and sent them running to mommy...

I advacate for the disabled when I can...I've been offered schooling..in law.........

I must abide by the rules of SSD, my health, God, and my conscience..

This thread is about words of support....and thank you all.....


Any more posters with negativity; start yer own anti-Damian thread...

Be a troll, it's been done before................


This is a thread of positivity....................and support..........


And yeah, there will be media coverage when I win.........

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Very true dj. Damien starts this thread stating that we all know him quite well but I'm sorry we really don't.

We know nothing about him or his situation which is kind of why I didn't say I hoped things went in his favor.

I do pray that the case can be resolved with the best possible solution for all involved.



Who is DAMIEN ??

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For what it's worth, although I've "covered" both lawsuits and elections for a long time, and have my best guesses on outcomes that tend to be pretty close to the conclusion, I'd never bet money on either one.


That's why I wrote what I did, btw.


"So best of luck to you, truly, and you have my hopes and prayers that whatever the conclusion, your head and heart will be better for the experience. Frankly to me that's the very best outcome for you or anyone else I've known who has been involved in such."



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Who is DAMIEN ??


I don't think anyone was being negative. You sound quite capable in this type of court case and my hope is everything works out for the best.



Many things are written on forums and that doesn't make it true or false. My point was only that I don't know you or your situation and you don't know me.


We're all just some guys that talk music and guitars at the water cooler everyday for a few minutes.


I'm sure your hardened courtroom experience has given you a little thicker skin.


I can't speak for anyone else but I apologize if you thought I was being negative.

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