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It's finally here!!!!!!!


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I had dropped a few hints lately about a new guitar but didn't want to really say anything until I actually had it at home. As we all know, the first rule of any guitar forum is that "a new guitar technically doesn't exist until photos are posted".


If any of you remember the previous thread, then you know what I bought and may have even seen the photos I took at the shop. I was in there a week ago friday just to see what was new, and while I was there I noticed a couple of unopened Gibson boxes leaning against the counter. I always check out the codes to see if I can decipher what's inside but couldn't figure one of them out. It was then that they pulled it out...


He explained it was a canadian only Limited Edition R8 in a custom Mapleburst finish. The canadian distributor (Yorkville Sound) had commissioned a special run of 75 guitars. It was pretty awesome looking but I had no thoughts of buying it (shut up, Tim). Since I had my camera I figured I'd take some photos to share with you guys. After posting a teaser and seeing the reaction, I started thinking about it more and more, especially after seeing all the threads about the prices going up on R8s. The price on this was only 40 bucks more than a regular R8 (and that's the old price). Needless to say, I went back monday and put a chunk of cash down on it and after selling my Taylor last night, I picked her up today. Enough yapping already. Enjoy the (plentiful) photos...


Wait, wait, wait...

The coolest part is it actually comes with a bottle of maple syrup in the case. Now that is case candy. Here you go...
















By the way, for those of you who frequent more than one Les Paul forum (come on, we all know it happens) don't be surprised to see this thread posted elsewhere. I just want to share the love.

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Nice guitar junkie.


I can see it now.....sometime in the future....you're in your twilight years, and in order to cover the high cost of <whatever>, you decide to sell your Canadian MapleBurst R8. But wait! No one will buy it! Either (a) the syrup has spoiled or <gasp> (=P~ you didn't keep the case candy, and put it on your pancakes instead!



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that's a beauty for sure!

What a plain top!!! You should run the competition between Tim and Flight =P~


now I think we're all waiting to see as you'll get this one inside your avatar ... =D>



BTW, it's NOW very likely I even will have *some news* here ... I'll let you know about it...

in the meantime, keeping my fingers crossed

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