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The first day I had my SG I hit the headstock on my ceiling and chipped it.


It's pretty much covered in scratches and dings now but only one that goes to the bare wood.


Hahaha first day I got my Explorer I hit the headstock on my coffee table and dinged it, visible up close but meh. I think its a guitars right of passage into a good life, after that first ding its like...meh!...then you play the crap outta it :D well thats my crack pot backwoods lumberjack theory at least.

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Ahh yeah I jacked up the face of the headstock on my SG too. I changed strings and I was clipping the extra string that was sticking out of the tuners with some dykes and I accidentally dug the dykes into the headstock right on the Gibson logo. It's probably the worst and most noticable damage on my SG but it's not too bad. I'm over it.

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Hahaha first day I got my Explorer I hit the headstock on my coffee table and dinged it, visible up close but meh. I think its a guitars right of passage into a good life, after that first ding its like...meh!...then you play the crap outta it :D well thats my crack pot backwoods lumberjack theory at least.


Like that thought [thumbup]

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Guess it's the same reason you get a ding on a new car within a few day's of buying it or how you can drive around with a small chip in a windshield on your car for years without anything else happening but get a new windshield and a rock will fly up and chip it again within days of the replacement.


Murphy's law!

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My SG Std. bass has come close to a ceiling fan once. I do my playing in a small room so I'm really careful about the fan now. So far I haven't had any dings in her yet.

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It seems like every time I leave a bass on stage after setting my stuff up, a sound guy will wopp the end of a cord into it; all my basses have mysterious little round dents in wierd places that show up only after a job. I guess I should learn to put 'em away 'til everything's been run on stage. I tried putting a bass in the stand backwards once and presto-changeo - strange little round dents on the back! Oh well - they are "tools" after all, and things happen no matter how careful you are. Kinda makes you wonder who would pay extra $ for a "road-worn" anything! [confused]

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Just after I got my SG I was dosing in bed, and I had one of those "waking dreams" where you always wake up really fast because something happens, you're not quite asleep but awake either.


Anyway I dreamt in the waking dream that I was playing my SG and when I was down I went to rest it on the side of the bed and I smoked the body of the SG on the metal frame and I woke up really fast. It was scary.

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Dropped bread with peanut butter on it falls face down...You always got a pimple on school picture day...a dropped screw always lands under the refrigerator...you always itch when your hands are full...new guitars are scratch magnets.


That Murphy has one sadistic sense of humor.

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Just after I got my SG I was dosing in bed, and I had one of those "waking dreams" where you always wake up really fast because something happens, you're not quite asleep but awake either.


Anyway I dreamt in the waking dream that I was playing my SG and when I was down I went to rest it on the side of the bed and I smoked the body of the SG on the metal frame and I woke up really fast. It was scary.



What exactly were you "dosing" on? [laugh]

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