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Do you ever drink to settle your nerves?


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Our lead singer for our jam sessions is not a regular drinker, but when recording a new piece he likes a couple of shots of whiskey. Apparently it helps his voice.


He can make a shot of whiskey last an hour, he just sips it and drinks diet sodas. BTW we never play drunk, what's the point? it ruins your performance.

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...If you have to get drunk/high to calm your nerve's then you have a chemical in-balance in your system and you should seek help right away....


Don't you mean a "chemical imbalance"? I would think that a chemical "in-balance" would be a desirable condition.


And, yes, I occasionally stop off for a beer on the way home after a tough day at work. It's theraputic.

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I was drafted in '68, started drinking "to settle my nerves" just before I came home in '70. I settled my nerves for 20 years and became a fookin' drunk in the process. In January of '90 I decided my Mom and Pop didn't raise a fookin' drunk and I quit. I've been sober now longer than I was a fookin' drunk. Sober's much better for me. [thumbup]

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When I drink, it's usually social, and I drink to catch a comfortable buzz and have a good time.

If I'm stressed, pissed off, needing to escape to a zen place to recollect myself - I go to the gun range and work on my target/self defense shooting. It relaxes me.

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I was drafted in '68, started drinking "to settle my nerves" just before I came home in '70. I settled my nerves for 20 years and became a fookin' drunk in the process. In January of '90 I decided my Mom and Pop didn't raise a fookin' drunk and I quit. I've been sober now longer than I was a fookin' drunk. Sober's much better for me. [thumbup]



Dude if I had your backyard I wouldn't drink either! [thumbup]

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Not since 2002... [bored]



This is me...Clean and sober since spring 2007.




If you have to get drunk/high to calm your nerve's then you have a chemical in-balance in your system and you should seek help right away.


Jokes aside, this is bad if you can't go through your normal day with-out stimulant's!



I used to get hammered before playing...9 months sober now



I was drafted in '68, started drinking "to settle my nerves" just before I came home in '70. I settled my nerves for 20 years and became a fookin' drunk in the process. In January of '90 I decided my Mom and Pop didn't raise a fookin' drunk and I quit. I've been sober now longer than I was a fookin' drunk. Sober's much better for me. [thumbup]



Congratulations to you guys. 11 years for me. Life's never been better and I wouldn't be learning guitar if not sober.

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I never-ever drink alcohol or do anything else to get high or settle my nerves before or during a gig. Been there, done that when I was younger and discovered it's a bad thing for me to do.


Fortunately, I've never had stage fright or any nervousness at all about performing. I've been doing it since I was a kid and I actually feel better and more relaxed on stage than I do on the dance floor.

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I generally have a beer or two after work. I like a couple of beers while playing guitar but more than that and it just gets sloppy.

I used to have 2 beers before every softball game. It seemed to help me loosen my grip on the bat. Once again, more than a couple and the effect becomes the opposite.

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Jokes aside, this is bad if you can't go through your normal day with-out stimulant's!


Alcohol is a CNS (central nervous system) depressant. The opposite of a stimulant.

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Don't drink to settle my nerves. Do drink cuz I like a few pops on the weekend.

The last several years red wine is my bev of choice. And as one other poster already said, a few drinks while playing is fun, but there comes a point when it gets sloppy and not so musical.


Plus, guitars take more bangs and dings from drunken strumming than any other style of playing... that's a statistical fact I just made up. :^o

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Some people can drink a drink without getting adicted. I voted yes and said I do drink after work a glass. sometimes not sometime a few...but if I read the coments after me ... Some peeps think I am a drunk now? I also sometime drink just for fun with friends or for the good tast of it.



So true, some people can happily drink every day, even for some to excess without getting dependent. I drank heavily every night for around 4 years and was fine, a friend of mine got a addicted after just a couples of months. I rarely drink now, (crimbo/new years). I do how ever understand the need to get inebriated in the evenings, the rule I've always held is as long as you ain't having it(whatever) for your breakfast then you don't have a problem :)

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.... I do how ever understand the need to get inebriated in the evenings, the rule I've always held is as long as you ain't having it(whatever) for your breakfast then you don't have a problem :)


And that is a really dangerous rule. I never drank during the day. But I drank to black out every night. My doctor told me that if I drank that way for another year I would have been dead.

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When you talk about addiction, alcohol is so dangerous because it is a slow poison. Takes years of hard drinking before your body really starts to be heavily damaged. The other thing about alcohol is that it is water soluble so it gets into every nook and cranny of your cells. It saturates your system. Yikes.

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Fortunately, I've never had stage fright or any nervousness at all about performing. I've been doing it since I was a kid and I actually feel better and more relaxed on stage than I do on the dance floor.

I've always been more comfortable in front of a crowd than in one.


The only time I feel at all uncomfortable entertaining is in front of a few friends. Still wouldn't call it nervous, but there's that feeling of "Should I quit now and join the party or keep playing".

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