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Good Guitar Performance

Twang Gang

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I had not heard of this player before, but I am pretty out of touch so many of you may know of her.  Happened to see an Austin City Limits show last night (believe it was recorded sometime in 2020) and was thoroughly entertained.  Her playing is creative, expressive and it was really refreshing to hear someone play and it  was not just the same old formulaic content.  She has a boat load of effects pedals and other gear, but she uses it very tastefully and it is not overbearing.  She did do a little political rant mid way through the set, but again it wasn't obnoxious and only lasted a couple minutes at most.  What I liked was the playing.

I'll try to post a link: Austin City Limits:Jackie Venson / Mavis Staples Season 46 Episode 4606 - Bing video

From seeing a few other vids of her on YT she seems pretty blues based, but a lot of her playing reminded me of Robin Trower.  The most creative live playing I've seen in quite awhile. 

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Oh, never mind.
I see that Austin City Limits is aired via the overtly-political public television network PBS.

Carry on then, Jackie Venson, by all means. 

You brought your message to the right promoter and via the appropriate conduit, most definitely. 
And anyone who dials into PBS knows exactly what they are signing on for. 
So it's all good. 



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23 hours ago, sparquelito said:

Oh, never mind.
I see that Austin City Limits is aired via the overtly-political public television network PBS.

Carry on then, Jackie Venson, by all means. 

You brought your message to the right promoter and via the appropriate conduit, most definitely. 
And anyone who dials into PBS knows exactly what they are signing on for. 
So it's all good. 



Get off your high-horse righty.  There is still such a thing as the 1st amendment.  But anyway---

Thre's a lot of amazing women blues guitar players.  One I often "push" when this kind of topic comes up is----


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3 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Get off your high-horse righty.  There is still such a thing as the 1st amendment.  But anyway---

Thre's a lot of amazing women blues guitar players.  One I often "push" when this kind of topic comes up is----


Jennifer who . . . I just found my new obsession.

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1 hour ago, Whitefang said:

Get off your high-horse righty.  There is still such a thing as the 1st amendment.  But anyway---



Just because you have the right to do something, it doesn’t mean you should do it.  
YOU appear to be the one on the high horse. Not Sparky.

Edited by brad1
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"Get off your high horse, righty". 

I feel a song-writing binge coming on now. 

Such a sublimely-appropriate song title, given the absurd, intellectually-dishonest, and vapid set of media-politically-stoked circumstances surrounding Ms. Venson's little rant. 
And especially considering my own chosen political independence from such nonsense. 

It's like you want me to channel Warren Zevon and Randy Newman in my next creative endeavor. 



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On 6/27/2021 at 12:59 PM, Twang Gang said:

I had not heard of this player before, but I am pretty out of touch so many of you may know of her.  Happened to see an Austin City Limits show last night (believe it was recorded sometime in 2020) and was thoroughly entertained.  Her playing is creative, expressive and it was really refreshing to hear someone play and it  was not just the same old formulaic content.  She has a boat load of effects pedals and other gear, but she uses it very tastefully and it is not overbearing.  She did do a little political rant mid way through the set, but again it wasn't obnoxious and only lasted a couple minutes at most.  What I liked was the playing.

I'll try to post a link: Austin City Limits:Jackie Venson / Mavis Staples Season 46 Episode 4606 - Bing video

From seeing a few other vids of her on YT she seems pretty blues based, but a lot of her playing reminded me of Robin Trower.  The most creative live playing I've seen in quite awhile. 

I'll have to go back and listen to it tomorrow. I got my left hearing aide back today and so I can hear again. "Praise the Lord." Unfortunately, they sent me a new one which is great, but it was not charged up. It went dead around supper time so I have both on the charger. How bad is my hearing without them? I had the computer at full volume and my ear right next to the speaker, and like Sgt Schulz says:  "I HEAR NOTHING."  Lol.  And nothing in the house or room is on and Deb's in bed! 

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14 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Get off your high-horse righty.  There is still such a thing as the 1st amendment.  But anyway---


Speaking of the 1st Amendment, I exercised it this morning, and wrote you that song I promised earlier. 



Get off your high horse, righty
You aren’t allowed to disagree with the words she spoke
You ain’t with it, whitey
And you’ll never, ever be woke

There’s a word on the street
It’s murder, it’s blue on black genocide
Ask any suburban liberal you meet
A black kid walking up to a cop is tantamount to suicide

They are killing them by the score
and stacking them up like cord wood
Every year it’s not less, it’s more
And if you don’t believe me, I hope the Lord would

 Get off your high horse, righty
You aren’t allowed to disagree with the words we spoke
You ain’t with it, whitey
And you’ll never, ever be woke

The reality is this
and there’s no denying
Straight facts they’ll dismiss
Because there’s profit in lying

Nearly two white kids are killed by cops
for every single black one
But the false media narrative never stops
They’ll never support a cop, they’d rather attack one

The politicians repeat the BLM lie
Because it’s profitable to pander
People of ALL colors die
ALL lives matter, forgive me my candor

But there’s no use speaking the truth
When the narrative is all that matters
“Whatever gets them into the voting booth,”
The TV news anchor natters

Get off your high horse, righty
You aren’t allowed to disagree with the words she spoke
You ain’t with it, whitey
And you’ll never, ever be woke


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   The political hypocrisy is killing me anymore. I used to laugh at it but now just wow! We now have politicians calling for the removal of the  female athlete that turned her shoulder to the flag from the US team. Beating cops with American flags is ok though. Just a normal visitors day at the capital right? (Said the guy that helped barricade the door!LOL!)  Religion anymore is just as bad. Common sense is no longer a thing. Oh wait using your head to understand something is now being woke! Believe what we tell you and nothing else! Bring back religion to schools but you can only practice our religion. Everyone I know received their religious teachings from their preferred church. Yup let’s start teaching religion in school but don’t you dare teach any history that mentions race or slavery. To the “patriots” wearing clothing that looks like it was made from an American flag, the difference between you and the protester burning a flag is he knows he is desecrating the flag. You don’t. 


I’m afraid of the future but I have faith in our kids. 

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3 hours ago, sparquelito said:


Speaking of the 1st Amendment, I exercised it this morning, and wrote you that song I promised earlier. 



Get off your high horse, righty
You aren’t allowed to disagree with the words she spoke
You ain’t with it, whitey
And you’ll never, ever be woke


Now, DID I allude to my thinking you're not allowed to disagree with ANYBODY?  

If you read closely( if anybody in AL can  [wink])  You'll realize I was referring to your obviously misguided belief that PBS forwards some particular political agenda.  And I'm willing to bet you still believe that "communism"  and "Socialism" really are something other than economic systems.  But probably to your dismay, neither of them is a system of governance. You will not lose any freedoms or rights because of a communist or socialist economic system.  But it's my opinion that as economic systems, both of them only look good "on paper".  it's been proven in the late '80s that any communist economy will obviously fail due to:

1. The corruptible foible of the humans overseeing it.

2.  It's apparent inefficiency.

And it was THOSE TWO factors that brought about the fall of the Soviet Union.  NOT Ronald Reagan.  OR the POPE!  

And this whole business about "woke".   Misunderstood and misused by everybody.  All it really refers to is having an awareness of social and racial injustices.  And what's wrong with that?  And actually, "Antifa"  is originally a compound abbreviation of "Anti-Fascist".  And I see nothing wrong with being against fascism.  And ya gotta wonder why right wingers consider "Antifa" to be some kind of enemy.  [wink]  And I really don't believe there's an actual political activist group that calls itself "Antifa".  It's just an idea someone(we know who) came up with as a "sleight of hand" distraction from what their true intentions are. 

17 hours ago, brad1 said:

Just because you have the right to do something, it doesn’t mean you should do it.  
YOU appear to be the one on the high horse. Not Sparky.

I think I just cleared that up for ya, Brad.   YOU need to clear up why you think anybody SHOULDN'T speak their piece. 


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Guys Whoa Whoa.  All I was saying was I liked her guitar playing.  This is a guitar forum isn't it?  Just close your eyes and listen to the music, and skip over the 2 minute political rant OK?  She's entitled to wear a dress with names of dead kids (I guess) and to say what she wants, but I don't pay attention to any of that stuff.  Just listen to the guitar playing - it's good.

And the other girl players that were posted are perfect examples of why I found her refreshing.  It is not the same old blues licks that we've heard thousands of times, and it's not a cover of someone else's song, and it's not shredding as loud and as fast as you can play.  It has dynamics, the volume goes up and down as does the tempo.  There is some creativity that is sorely lacking in a lot of other performances. 

Edited by Twang Gang
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Not my cup-o-tea.

This thread just goes to show us all that politics has taken over the conversation almost completely.

Folk on the right are made out to be heartless and folk on the left are made out to me sheep.

There is no middle anymore, the fence belongs to the left, (if you pretend to not care, you're siding with the left).

Almost every post is 'attacked', it seems....rather than simply enjoyed or ignored.

Just my opinion.

(by the way.....I'm as guilty of this as anyone)

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6 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Now, DID I allude to my thinking you're not allowed to disagree with ANYBODY?  

If you read closely( if anybody in AL can  [wink])  You'll realize I was referring to your obviously misguided belief that PBS forwards some particular political agenda.  And I'm willing to bet you still believe that "communism"  and "Socialism" really are something other than economic systems.  But probably to your dismay, neither of them is a system of governance. You will not lose any freedoms or rights because of a communist or socialist economic system.  But it's my opinion that as economic systems, both of them only look good "on paper".  it's been proven in the late '80s that any communist economy will obviously fail due to:

1. The corruptible foible of the humans overseeing it.

2.  It's apparent inefficiency.

And it was THOSE TWO factors that brought about the fall of the Soviet Union.  NOT Ronald Reagan.  OR the POPE!  

And this whole business about "woke".   Misunderstood and misused by everybody.  All it really refers to is having an awareness of social and racial injustices.  And what's wrong with that?  And actually, "Antifa"  is originally a compound abbreviation of "Anti-Fascist".  And I see nothing wrong with being against fascism.  And ya gotta wonder why right wingers consider "Antifa" to be some kind of enemy.  [wink]  And I really don't believe there's an actual political activist group that calls itself "Antifa".  It's just an idea someone(we know who) came up with as a "sleight of hand" distraction from what their true intentions are. 

I think I just cleared that up for ya, Brad.   YOU need to clear up why you think anybody SHOULDN'T speak their piece. 



You sort of exploded there, old buddy. 
In so many directions unrelated to Jackie Venson's inappropriate mid-set soliloquy (and the song I wrote spawned by her words) that I have to wonder whether you have been keeping some contentious issues bottled up inside you. 

That's not healthy, friend. 
You need to let those emotions out more often. 

That's my advice. 

John Sparkman
Political Independent, Free Thinker
Harvest, Alabama


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Here are some factual, objective truths. 
These are facts. 

* John Sparkman of Harvest, Alabama loves the guitar playing of Jackie Venson. 
She's sharp, inventive, and interesting. 
I like her, a lot. 

* Many people, of all political persuasions, feel that it's inappropriate for musical artists to interject political diatribes into their performances. 

* It's a tragedy when anybody, of any skin color, dies during the commission of a crime, or while interacting with policemen.
And it's a tragedy whenever police officers end up killing somebody, for whatever reasons or circumstances. 

* The reasons and circumstances of those killings are all, individually unique, complicated, and very much sad.
And it's never as simple as black and white. 

* There are people and entities who are all too willing to lie, exaggerate, and take advantage of these tragic killings for a political purpose and a selfish, political end. 
And the narrative matters more than the facts and details of the individual deaths, perpetrators, and police officers. 

Thank you for your time and attention to these simple, inarguable facts. 


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On 6/28/2021 at 12:38 AM, merciful-evans said:

vids not working for me. Maybe because I'm uk?

Nice to know someone's getting through though.

Maybe because the guitars are not plugged in.     🙃

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4 hours ago, SteveFord said:

There's only one cure for this bickering about nothing:


Yes, well back in the day when there where no old people rocking out, it seemed like everybody of that generation were in agreement anyway. We were young, (some) politically disenfranchised, optimistic, unfeasibly confident, but right. Well... mostly. 

None of that applies now. Those of us old enough to recall The Fish Cheer & the Vietnam war are no longer on the same page as one another. Its not as simple as us against them. Depending on your POV, we either got corrupted or grew up. Or at least it would seem that way if we in 1969 could see ourselves today in 2021. 

So no, political agendas may have been cool then, but today you're going to upset somebody, because we are old and fkuced up mature and wise now.

(So why don't these young agitators get this?)

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