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Taking Halloween Lights to the Next Level


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Can't say it isn't creative and ingenious work.  But I don't see it.

All that work and expense to acknowledge a day that isn't really any kind of holiday. It was, for decades, a day and night "celebrated" mostly by kids.  Walking for miles on end, in all kinds of different costumes collecting candy that people used to gladly hand out to any kids that climb their porch steps and yell, "Trick or Treat!"  These days, not so many kids come around anymore and for not so long a time.  When I was a kid I'd make several trips out(once my bag was filled I'd go home, empty it out and go back out there covering the homes in the opposite direction).  And more and more parents have opted to take their kids to those stupid "Trunk or Treats" where cars are backed into a huge circle, usually at any nearby municipal parking lot.  The car trunks are opened with people handing out candy from their car trunks as the kids walk around the inside of the circle of cars. Just so the kids will be "safe" from a danger that never did really exist.

Personally, if I were to do something like that to my house, I'd pick a better band.  [wink]


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24 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Can't say it isn't creative and ingenious work.  But I don't see it.

All that work and expense to acknowledge a day that isn't really any kind of holiday. It was, for decades, a day and night "celebrated" mostly by kids.  Walking for miles on end, in all kinds of different costumes collecting candy that people used to gladly hand out to any kids that climb their porch steps and yell, "Trick or Treat!"  These days, not so many kids come around anymore and for not so long a time.  When I was a kid I'd make several trips out(once my bag was filled I'd go home, empty it out and go back out there covering the homes in the opposite direction).  And more and more parents have opted to take their kids to those stupid "Trunk or Treats" where cars are backed into a huge circle, usually at any nearby municipal parking lot.  The car trunks are opened with people handing out candy from their car trunks as the kids walk around the inside of the circle of cars. Just so the kids will be "safe" from a danger that never did really exist.

Personally, if I were to do something like that to my house, I'd pick a better band.  [wink]


I think nothing like this is like it was when we were of the age to participate.  For me, that was somewhere around 50 years back in time.

Neighborhoods have changed.  They are not the same.   At least not where we live.  I hope it's not like that everywhere.  But it is here.

People tend to keep more to themselves for whatever reason.  Backyard cookouts with neighborhood families don't happen anymore.  Block Parties where bands would play and everyone would show up and gather in the back streets, don't happen anymore.

Ironically the whole "social media" and maybe the media in general,  instead of bringing people closer together has done the exact opposite.   

When it comes to things like Halloween,  parents no longer feel safe letting their kids wander the streets with a group of friends at night.    Our parents had no such worries.

There was an advisory posted by our local PD here warning parents to be vigilant about the content of their children's candy bags this Halloween.  The reports are that people will be dropping lethal doses of fentanyl and other such kinds of narcotics into the candy they are handing out.   

We all know with some of these drugs, it takes a microscopic amount to kill someone, never mind a child!

Why on earth anyone would even think to do that?  Really makes ya wonder where we are heading as a culture.

So yea,  "Trunk or Treats",  "Halloween "Parades" in the middle of the afternoons on a Saturday or Sunday (not on the 31st) have taken the place of one of the more fun traditions that we as kids, grew up looking forward to.   

While Technology leap frogs like it has never before, as a society (PEOPLE in general) over these last 20/30??  Guys the last thing we are really doing is advancing.  It's going the other way,  very rapidly.

"The times they are a changing"

PS: I know I'm off topic here   the OP was probably intended to be something interesting and funny   don't mean to be a buzz kill.

Edited by kidblast
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2 hours ago, kidblast said:


PS: I know I'm off topic here   the OP was probably intended to be something interesting and funny   don't mean to be a buzz kill.

Well kind of both things..  I quite like the drone displays they are cool..  But it was the singing pumpkin that I actually found amusing.. I just wanst expecting that.

And then thats why I put in my post, its a very strange world we live in..  We have wars and a pandemic and energy crisis and all sorts of horrible things going on in the world. And then someone does something like this display and you have to think my goodness why would someone go to that sort of effort, surely we have better things to do and worry about than silly drone displays.

On the other hand.. Just because the world is a bit screwed up (understatement), should we all stop doing things that are fun and stop enjoying life... And as I say it did make me laugh..

As said.. Its a very odd world we live in full of extremes.

Edited by Rabs
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Halloween took a big hit in the late 70s when the media  decided to scare the crap out of parents with false stories of razor blades in apples.  Within 2 years - the kids were relegated to going to malls or churches for paltry handouts.   The scare gradually wore off, like most do, and kids went back to the streets. But it immediately became commercialized - expensive costumes,  skulls and spiders made in China,  special pumpkin carving kits.   Last week - we went to get our candy for the kids coming to the door.  $25 a bag.       I'm sure the little kids today enjoy it as much as we did 60 years ago in our home made costumes.   I do, however, have a problem with adults who go around, without kids or costumes,  looking for Jello Shots.   Yeah - 'Get Off My Lawn".  

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2 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

 I do, however, have a problem with adults who go around, without kids or costumes,  looking for Jello Shots.   

This is a thing?

I guess everybody knows I've been clean and sober a long time...

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1 hour ago, fortyearspickn said:

Halloween took a big hit in the late 70s when the media  decided to scare the crap out of parents with false stories of razor blades in apples.  Within 2 years - the kids were relegated to going to malls or churches for paltry handouts.   The scare gradually wore off, like most do, and kids went back to the streets. But it immediately became commercialized - expensive costumes,  skulls and spiders made in China,  special pumpkin carving kits.   Last week - we went to get our candy for the kids coming to the door.  $25 a bag.       I'm sure the little kids today enjoy it as much as we did 60 years ago in our home made costumes.   I do, however, have a problem with adults who go around, without kids or costumes,  looking for Jello Shots.   Yeah - 'Get Off My Lawn".  

My city used to have a candy "safety scan" set up in our community center every Halloween in most of the '70's and into the late '80's.   They stopped then and I happened to talk to a cop at a store and asked him why.  He explained that it was too costly a program to keep up.  The scanning equipment cost a lot to lease, and the added cost of having officers work overtime in order to do the scanning,  Plus he said that in near 15 years of scanning Halloween candy not ONE tampered piece of candy ever turned up.  On the same note...

We first heard such scare stories when around here the story was some kid from Garden City, MI got cut up bad biting into an apple he got in his candy bag that was rigged with a razor blade.  Years later I happened to work with a guy from Garden City and asked him if he knew who that kid was.  He gave me a puzzled look and said,  "WE always heard it was some kid from TAYLOR, MI."   [wink]

I've only seen some adults dress up a bit while escorting their kids trick or treating.  Or to hand out candy(My sister in law does that).  But it's the mid to later teens who go begging without wearing any kind of costume that always got me.  And that's been for many years now.  But a few years ago, when I was still handing out candy at Halloween, a trio of 15-16ish year old black girls came to the house(I usually sit outside to pass treats out) so unable to resist, I facetiously asked one of them, "That's a clever costume you're wearing, but I can't make it out.  What are you supposed to be?"  And without missing a beat, the girl said, "A ho!"   [laugh]  Laughing, I told 'em that deserved another handful, and gave each another generous handful of candy.


Edited by Whitefang
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Only a Metalica (or similar) fan would do this. I cant imagine a Willie Nelson fan doing it.

Halloween? I'm old enough to remember when there was no Halloween in the UK. As a kid, I only saw mention of it in Peanuts cartoons. 

I remember Cinema before popcorn became associated with it. (I haven't been to the cinema since because of the popcorn noise). 

The UK eventually always adopts American culture when there's a money angle.

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3 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

Only a Metalica (or similar) fan would do this. I cant imagine a Willie Nelson fan doing it.

Halloween? I'm old enough to remember when there was no Halloween in the UK. As a kid, I only saw mention of it in Peanuts cartoons. 

I remember Cinema before popcorn became associated with it. (I haven't been to the cinema since because of the popcorn noise). 

The UK eventually always adopts American culture when there's a money angle.

  Long as I can remember there's always been popcorn in movie theaters.  And those small bags of potato chips that were actually in noiseless bags.  But the Park Theater in my hometown didn't have a soda fountain.  We had to get our pop(soft drinks) from a coin operated dispenser.  And by the cup only.  And you had to be quick because their wonky  machine would often drop the cup sideways and all the beverage would pour out onto the floor if you didn't hurry and set the cup right before the pop was dispensed.   And the popcorn was served in cardboard boxes similar to cereal boxes the when empty we would flatten and sail them off like frisbees, careful to do so when it was certain the usher wouldn't see who it was that threw them.  [wink]

And also making that noise by blowing into certain empty candy boxes.  Boston Baked Beans' boxes made the best sound.


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We've kind of strayed from Halloween here 40.  But while we're here, Years later I shook my head in disbelief at the  success of the TV show "Mystery Science Theater 3000".   Imagine.  People making money on a show featuring three individuals, one human, the other two robots sitting in a theater heckling the movie.  And to think.....

Me and my buddies got routinely thrown out of the theater for doing the same thing.  😜  If we only knew........   


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