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Musically, What are you working on?

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I've been working on a lot lately.  It seems that Chord Progressions and different Major and Minor Scales seem to be the focus of all my efforts.  This also includes both major and minor blues scales and their relative minor or major scales for improvisation and soloing.

As far as the chord progressions go.  I'm finding it so useful to creating good sounding music.  The use of Harmonized major and minor chord progressions as well as 7th chords, has been a real benefit to my growth as a musician.

What are you working on?

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Back in the 80's I fiddled with a song by Simply Red called "Holding Back The Years".

I had the words saved, but thought I would put an arrangement together.

His voice is very high, so that was one hurdle to overcome.

I'm having a lot of trouble with bursitis in my right shoulder (reaching over the dreds), but I have something cobbled together I'll try to record later today.

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Currently learning "Blackbird" by that British Invasion group from Liverpool.

It is my present assignment from my music teacher, and the most difficult part (aside from his insisted upon fingering positions) is my badly torn left Rotator Cuff which makes just holding a guitar very painful.

To try and mitigate the discomfort, I'm using my smallest body, a 12-fret Washburn  Parlour, instead of my Martin & Gibson Dreadnoughts, or Guild Jumbo. Still hurts like hell, but a boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do.


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I'm not working on a particular tune although I should. I'm working on trying to improve on slide, standard & open tunings and trying to improve on phrasing when soloing. trying not to fill every space with a note ... some separation between licks & phrases. 

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4 hours ago, RBSinTo said:

Currently learning "Blackbird" by that British Invasion group from Liverpool.

It is my present assignment from my music teacher, and the most difficult part (aside from his insisted upon fingering positions) is my badly torn left Rotator Cuff which makes just holding a guitar very painful.

To try and mitigate the discomfort, I'm using my smallest body, a 12-fret Washburn  Parlour, instead of my Martin & Gibson Dreadnoughts, or Guild Jumbo. Still hurts like hell, but a boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do.


I actually learned (my arrangement) of Blackbird some years ago....it was very satisfying!

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5 hours ago, DanvillRob said:

Back in the 80's I fiddled with a song by Simply Red called "Holding Back The Years".

I had the words saved, but thought I would put an arrangement together.

His voice is very high, so that was one hurdle to overcome.

I'm having a lot of trouble with bursitis in my right shoulder (reaching over the dreds), but I have something cobbled together I'll try to record later today.

I actually recorded it earlier today.


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I’ve just finished writing songs, performing & recording a new Surf Album with my brothers old High School Surf Band, “The Redondos”.. All original new Original Surf songs that pay Tribute to the Surf Bands of the 60’s…

We are putting the Artwork which was done by our old High School friend who is a very talented Photographer and Artist..

We will be packaging it up & sending it out for Pressing CD’s & some Vinyl Albums..

We will release it through CDBaby & their Distribution with ITunes, Amazon & many other Stores..

It has been a long time coming for this Album.. It has fulfilled my brother & his friends dream from long ago.. I’m glad I was invited to play along..

Here is a Video one of my other brothers & a friend made featuring an Instrumental Surf Tune I wrote & performed, “Surftopia”, the title song of the Album…


Edited by Larsongs
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8 hours ago, RBSinTo said:

Currently learning "Blackbird" by that British Invasion group from Liverpool.

It is my present assignment from my music teacher, and the most difficult part (aside from his insisted upon fingering positions) is my badly torn left Rotator Cuff which makes just holding a guitar very painful.

To try and mitigate the discomfort, I'm using my smallest body, a 12-fret Washburn  Parlour, instead of my Martin & Gibson Dreadnoughts, or Guild Jumbo. Still hurts like hell, but a boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do.


I learned it then forgot it. I’m almost to where I can do the foot tapping again. 1, 2 3 , damn it start over.

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5 hours ago, DanvillRob said:

I actually recorded it earlier today.


Great job! Definitely higher than I’ll ever get! You handled it well! 

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I had been working with my niece on her music exam. She had to come up with an idea on some guitar music and I helped write it and then I did a recorded version for her to learn (so it had to also be quite basic). She wanted something that could be like a theme for a horror show or something like that and she wanted it to start of slow then get fast. Thats all I had to work with. In the beginning when I started recording it I hated everything I did and really started to question if I could even do it at all any more. But after some editing it actually turned out reasonable. I enjoyed the task anyway.

Thing is for me these days I need a reason to do stuff like this. I do enjoy it but when doing it by myself, just to do it.  Well  I feel its a lot of work for something that in the end very few if anyone will ever hear so I dont really see the point any more.. Which is sorta sad but hey.. It is what it is.

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I have a few songs that have been kicking around for a good while now but after Covid and some natural disasters and stuff in the last few years the band has only done a few gigs per year and its time to (hopefully) inject some new life into the setlist. On Saturday we should just about get the drums/bass/rhythm guitar to a decent enough level where we can record it to share around and work up lead guitar and vocals over the next couple of rehearsals. Whilst the songs actually feel a bit old to me now, its nice to see the boys getting enthused and working on their parts so I'm enjoying it quite a lot versus rehearsing the usual set [smile]

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I'm currently working on Romanza, Spanish Romance.  Here's a young Lady doing a particularly appealing rendition.  Mine doesn't sound anything like this yet but we live in hope🙂


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"The City of New Orleans".     I wouldn't call it 'work, because I enjoy it.  And I do it when I feel like it. No rush.   Funny how a song you've 'heard a million times' suddenly attracts your attention. I assume it's not because the song changed, but because my musical  taste/appreciation  has.    Last one I learned was from the musical "Hamilton".  I have no idea what inspired me to tackle that one!   "You'll Be Back".       

My problem (one of them) is that I've taken a vacay on keeping up on the playlist of songs I had nailed - for a couple of years.  And they're starting to get fuzzy.  I need to change my attitude and not let little things like cutting the grass get in the way.   Since I have a small, captive audience of a wife and 3 dogs - there is no real  'fan appreciation' factor. 

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I'm working on recording a song that my girl drummer and I first performed at a sports fest back in late September. 

She helped me to improve the song lyrics a bit, and then we practiced it maybe two times, and then performed it at the gig. 
But we never properly recorded a clean version of it. 

As a father of a softball league daughter (and a granddaughter active in her local rowing club), I have a soft spot in my heart for athletic girls. 

Heather and I laid down a live track last Saturday, with my intent to layer some bass guitar, lead guitar, and vocal harmonies.
But I didn't save the file properly, and I lost all that we had done. 



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1 hour ago, fortyearspickn said:

"The City of New Orleans".     I wouldn't call it 'work, because I enjoy it.  And I do it when I feel like it. No rush.   Funny how a song you've 'heard a million times' suddenly attracts your attention. I assume it's not because the song changed, but because my musical  taste/appreciation  has.    Last one I learned was from the musical "Hamilton".  I have no idea what inspired me to tackle that one!   "You'll Be Back".       

My problem (one of them) is that I've taken a vacay on keeping up on the playlist of songs I had nailed - for a couple of years.  And they're starting to get fuzzy.  I need to change my attitude and not let little things like cutting the grass get in the way.   Since I have a small, captive audience of a wife and 3 dogs - there is no real  'fan appreciation' factor. 

40....you're speaking my language!     I've heard songs all my life, that suddenly catch my attention.

I think it's because songs take us back to times and places and events from out past.....and as you acquire more wisdom, they mean so much more.

I put an arrangement together of "The City Of New Orleans" some years ago..... Steve Goodman songs are tougher than they appear!

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1 hour ago, DanvillRob said:

40....you're speaking my language!     I've heard songs all my life, that suddenly catch my attention.

I think it's because songs take us back to times and places and events from out past.....and as you acquire more wisdom, they mean so much more.

I put an arrangement together of "The City Of New Orleans" some years ago..... Steve Goodman songs are tougher than they appear!

Yeah. They are more sophisticated for want of a better word. Another artist gone too soon. 

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15 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

I learned it then forgot it. I’m almost to where I can do the foot tapping again. 1, 2 3 , damn it start over.


Just keep practicing, and who knows, one of these days, you'll be able to tap in time again.

Or, you could find a crowbar, pry open your change purse, and buy a metronome.

If not, maybe the Gibsonians will take pity and start a Go-fund-me for it.

Here's hoping.



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I try to keep things simple.  I work on fundamentals (both guitar and bass), adding new songs from time to time, in an attempt to suck less.  Not exactly sure how well I’m succeeding.

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I’ve come a long ways on my guitar technique (at least for me).  I almost always start a song playing open chords, but then I end-up playing at the 5th-7th frets as I play melodies instead of strumming a chord.  For some, it’s pretty routine stuff, but for my level of playing I feel like Chet Atkins.   Music is a very enjoyable journey for me.  I’ve never pressured myself to be a real good picker.   I’ve just picked-up the easier things to do.  It’s never been a completion for me.  I just like to play.  ….It’s also a form of therapy.  I write a lot of songs.  Many are unfinished and some of those will likely remain that way.  That’s just part of songwriting for me…..Recently I came-up with a chorus and am now working on the verses to a new song.   Sometimes what you consider to be the chorus eventually becomes a verse as the song kind of starts writing itself and something else becomes the chorus.  Sometimes you have a line you really want to use and because you won’t drop it, you have a real hard time moving forward.  I have that happen a lot…lol…..   Hopefully, I’ll finish this song, because I really like the chorus.

The years have changed this heart of mine, but like a flower that withers on the vine,

I seek nourishment so I can bloom again, that’s when I reminisce about old dogs and old friends.

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  • 3 months later...

My music teacher has me learning "Affirmation", written by Jose Feliciano, but made classic by George Benson.

I can get through it, but I'm not planning on playing it at Carnegie Hall, as the performance would take too long, and the audience would get bored, and then downright nasty.

And the other day I happened to hear "Ain't no cure for love", sung by Jennifer Warnes. I found the music on-line, and am fooling with it as well.

To my surprise, I discovered the song was written by Leonard Cohen, whose work I can't stand, so I guess I've finally found something he composed that I like.

Who knew?




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