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What do you do when you have bad days?


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Burn up your amp with sweet leads and hellified guitar riffs............. and of course this is after your homework is finished and checked by your parents.

Ok dad...:-


Everyone has and had bad days you just forgot them because you dont want to relive them.

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I think it was Gene Simmons who said "Every day above ground is a good day". But I know what you mean Dem00n.


I for one, can't play guitar unless I'm in a good mood. So I usually just try to be left alone on a "bad" day.

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Thats when I do my best playing' date=' no lies. I'm pissed and something really cool happens; loads of emotions and my playing usually ends up on a totally different plateau which does push me up a new level of playing......[/quote']


I do my best playing when the world seems perfect and awesome to me.


Which is every day.


:- [laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile][biggrin][laugh][smile]


Yeah, my life is perfect.

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...it happens...and then I do different things, depends on the situation, but mostly I listen to a piece of music...

...just try the Adagietto(Sehr langsam) of Gustav Mahler's 5th symphonie...or Samuel Barbers's adagio for strings and you'll admit that your sadness is nothing compared to...

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hmmm' date='


phone in sick and cancel all social events for the weekend and just play guitar and watch DVDS. Lots of nice pizza and cold diet coke;this seems to help me recharge.





Same here, but my objection if the ''diet'' part of the Coke! Oh, and before watching DVDs, I listen to my favourite CDs to 10... I agree that playing guitat emotionally charged is not working...

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I just about forgot about bad days. [crying]


I've not had one since Jan 9, 2009. That was the day I received a liver transplant and got a second chance at life. Doctors were saying I had less than 3 months left when I got the call that they had a matching liver for me.


Nothing but blue skies ahead![cursing]

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mine has nothing to do with guitars...


when i feel myself slipping into a huge pit of sadness, anger, alone, hurt or whatever, i set a timer... i throw myself a pity party. i wallow in it for a set amount of time. cry, sleep, lay in bed, whatever. then when that tuime is up, i go take a shower & start fresh. my pity party is over & i think only positive thoughts.

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I just about forgot about bad days. [crying]


I've not had one since Jan 9' date=' 2009. That was the day I received a liver transplant and got a second chance at life. Doctors were saying I had less than 3 months left when I got the call that they had a matching liver for me.


Nothing but blue skies ahead![cursing


I agree with you, Bd. I just refuse to have bad days. Now, some are better than others...but ALL of them are good.


I've found if you just decide not to dwell on negative things, they'll diminish in importance..



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