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2010 Census


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How many of you are going to fill it out and return it' date=' [b']and how many are going to exercise your civil disobedience and trash it?[/b]


milod, what's your take on the census?



Now I will. We all have SSNs. No body died and I filed my taxes already. that's good enough.

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I was selective in what info I included.


First off - 2.

Second - They have my address, that's how I got it.

Third - My race? Human race. But I marked white since it's so uncool nowadays.

Fourth - Do I live elsewhere part of the time? Yes. The reason I marked? Other.

Fifth - My phone number is (202) 456-1414. Always somebody home at that number.


Everything else was left blank because it's none of their fxcking business. Never was.


So what's changed in the last decade?

The government has...

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I filled mine & my Dad's out and mailed them Monday night after getting them on Monday.


What's the down side of filling it out?

That's precious time you could have been playing guitar!


I'll fill mine out w/ Crayons

EDIT....and tell them to thank their lucky stars I did it all because I could have been playing guitar instead.

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A recent E-mail "forward" I got...



You SHOULD watch this video BEFORE filling out any Census Bureau paper


http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=iUMurKinTVE .







The form I received asked the number of occupants of this address; the name' date=' age, date-of-birth and ethnicity of each occupant and the whether each occupant sometimes stays somewhere other than this address. Nothing more was asked other than whether this is a house or apartment and my home phone number, which I did not provide.


No questions about source of income or disability payments. Nothing about which to feel suspicious or paranoid. [cool[blink][biggrin]


Perhaps the more suspicious people are getting a great big ol' form chock fulla personal questions about things you'd never tell a stranger. Not here, though.

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Received mine Monday morning. Filled it out Monday evening. Mailed it back Tuesday morning. DONE. That is how to avoid anybody knocking on your door on the subject.


The Jerry Day video that was posted by Charlie Brown is complete bullshit. NONE of the questions he started out his rant with are on the form, maybe he should have read it first. If the questions he states are what they ask after knocking on your door, then mail the form back and they won't knock on your door


The best way to insure your privacy is to fill out the form and mail it back.

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How many of you are going to fill it out and return it' date=' and how many are going to exercise your civil disobedience and trash it?


milod, what's your take on the census?[/quote']


I got mine in the mail yesterday. I plan on filling it out with the answers I think area appropriate, and mail it back at the last possible date.

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I'll fill out mine tonight. The only thing to hide is my unnatural, mixed race marriage. Wait, people see us out on the street holding hands. OMG! Quick, someone lend me a tinfoil hat.

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Received mine Monday morning. Filled it out Monday evening. Mailed it back Tuesday morning. DONE. That is how to avoid anybody knocking on your door on the subject.


The Jerry Day video that was posted by Charlie Brown is complete bull****. NONE of the questions he started out his rant with are on the form' date=' maybe he should have read it first. If the questions he states are what they ask after knocking on your door, then mail the form back and they won't knock on your door[/b']


The best way to insure your privacy is to fill out the form and mail it back.



Yeah, As I stated at the beginning, it was just a "Forward!" Including the phrase "You MUST see this...blah, blah, blah!"

The amount of BS, that permeates the Internet, is astounding, these days! Both Pro, and Con/Hate! So...as in

everything, it's consumer or in that case..."downloader," BEWARE! ;>b


The other thing is, there IS no "privacy," anymore. Hasn't been, for decades! Won't stop me, from doing what I

want, or need to do, as I'm not prone to doing anything that would be all that "suspicious," or even interesting,

to "The Government," or anyone else, that wasn't directly involved, in the first place. So...???




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The census is important in regards to the representation of your state in congress, and other allocated resources that are important to most communities. They of course like to ask all kinds of other questions that seem intrusive but are asked so as to get as much data as possible

for their charts and graphs etc.


The IRS is about the only folks I fear...........Gestapo thugs that they can be.

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The Constitution states that every 10 years the people will be counted. I filled mine out stating how many of us lived in my house. That was IT! Not one piece of info more.


However, I have a great story about my current, long running battle with the US Census Bureau.

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I must have gotten a different one than all of you.


Mine wants to know how many people are living in my house, April 1st., 2010. So I have to wait several weeks before I can fill mine out.....





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Local and/or city government and schools are given much of the funding they receive based on population and the Census is how the population is determined a local community loses literally thousands of dollars for each resident that does not fill out the census documents. Fast growing communities in places like Arizona and Nevada even split up the costs and paid for a special 5 year census in 2005 because of the amount of money that was on the line.

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They do.

I was actually hoping I would get the long form so I could have some fun with them.


Did anybody else put the phone number for the White House on theirs?




OK' date=' now that explains your earlier post. I didn't think you would actually post your phone number here [crying

Not that I tried calling it [crying]

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