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OK...What Is It, Really??? Need, Vanity, or Obsession?

charlie brown

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I posted this, in the Epi Forum, but thought I ask it here, too.


As Sacrilegious, as this may sound, or even "Be?" I really DO

wonder, quite often, what all this guitar buying, especially several

versions, of the same guitar, is (Really) all about? And, by the way

I am as guilty, as anyone here, in this regard.


Is it:

Bragging rights? (AKA "It's All ****!")

(Real or percieved) Need?

Just love of guitars, way beyond any real need?

Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder

Trying to make up, for not having enough "toys" as deprived (or, is it depraved...LOL) children?

Keeping up with the Jones's, Smith's Nakamura's, or whoever?

Or, simply...weak minded mass consumerism? (There are, certainly, copious amounts of THAT, nowadays.)


;>) WHADGYA THINK? Seriously....(or, even semi-seriously).



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Mine are tools. I use them to make money. Oddly, right now I don't actually own two of the same model, so each has it's own place in my arsenal of tone.


I also am forced to spend $ on gear, so I can write off said expense.


I know, it's sad......



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I posted this' date=' in the Epi Forum, but thought I ask it here, too.


As Sacrilegious, as this may sound, or even "Be?" I really DO

wonder, quite often, what all this guitar buying, especially several

versions, of the same guitar, is (Really) all about? And, by the way

I am as guilty, as anyone here, in this regard.


Is it:

Bragging rights? (AKA "It's All ****!")

(Real or percieved) Need?

Just love of guitars, way beyond any real need?

Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder

Trying to make up, for not having enough "toys" as deprived (or, is it depraved...LOL) children?

Keeping up with the Jones's, Smith's Nakamura's, or whoever?

Or, simply...weak minded mass consumerism? (There are, certainly, copious amounts of THAT, nowadays.)


;>) WHADGYA THINK? Seriously....(or, even semi-seriously).




Well, I can really only speak for myself. I own three guitars--one SG Special, one Epiphone PR-5E, and one Guild Mark IV. I don't gig (yet,) and I can't really afford or justify new guitar purchases. I have three guitars and none of them are the same model or hold the same purpose. If I had the dough, however, and if I were a performer, I would probably find it worthwhile to own several versions of the same guitar. During a set I'd probably have to switch instruments at least once, and so it might be good of me to have duplicates.

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need, vanity, or obsession...all three i think :-k, i need the guitars "to make the sound that i love". vanity? yes "i love it when people come round and there jaw drops at the sight of my planks". obsession? i think so "i love everything about the guitar, the way it looks the way it sounds the way it stirs your emotions (in the right hands)...the guitar is the greatest invention since time began IMHO [cool]

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I don't have any "duplicate" guitars, unless you subscribe to the "acoustic guitars are all the same" idea. I did own two Strats at one point, but they sounded different.


The second closest thing is my Martin and the Fullerton, which is Martin-inspired.

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Mine are tools. I use them to make money. Oddly' date=' right now I don't actually own two of the same model, so each has it's own place in my arsenal of tone.


I also am forced to spend $ on gear, so I can write off said expense.


I know, it's sad......


:- [/quote']


How do you get to the point where you can write em off?

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For me it's searching for the right sound for studio recordings and gigs as well as guitars that feel great to play. The only 'duplicate' electrics I have are two Les Pauls, but one is a deluxe with mini humbuckers and the other is a standard, so they sound different. I do have two J-45's but they sound completely different, and several dreadnoughts, but again they all have different sounds (different wood, different bracing etc).

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The "writeoff" thing has to do with your income tax and the degree to which you have a legitimate "business" with revenue as opposed to a "hobby." It's not hard to determine that someone who spends X on his activity and derives no reported income for it will be under IRS observation.


Oh - folks... add me into the "I have several guitars, but each is quite different" category.



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The "writeoff" thing has to do with your income tax and the degree to which you have a legitimate "business" with revenue as opposed to a "hobby." It's not hard to determine that someone who spends X on his activity and derives no reported income for it will be under IRS observation.


Oh - folks... add me into the "I have several guitars' date=' but each is quite different" category.





Well, how much do you have to make so it can be considered a legitamate business? I guess that's kinda what I meant

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Is it:

Bragging rights? (AKA "It's All ****!")

(Real or percieved) Need?

Just love of guitars' date=' way beyond any real need?

Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder

Trying to make up, for not having enough "toys" as deprived (or, is it depraved...LOL) children?

Keeping up with the Jones's, Smith's Nakamura's, or whoever?

Or, simply...weak minded mass consumerism? (There are, certainly, copious amounts of THAT, nowadays.)


;>) WHADGYA THINK? Seriously....(or, even semi-seriously).




Hmmm...love...yes...bragginng rights...I'm not gonna lie...a little. Obs/comp....no. Most my guitar purchases have been premeditated to some degree. I own 2 very different MIA Fender Strats. 1989 Strat Plus and 2001 Am Std. Both serve different purposes. Will I buy more MIA Fender Strats? Probably but not before I find the right Tele.


Do I have more guitars than I need? of course but some could be swapped for something more important like a 5 string bass and a GOOD a/e guitar. There's 3 guitars I have but don't need and 3 I would sell for the right price. I may come to a point and say "Yeah I don't want to buy any more." Once I reached 14, I thought I didn't want any more for about a year. I sold 1 and got another (LTD FM400 w/ HSC for a mere $200, I couldn't say no).


I have no need for a hollow body but I want one real bad. It's just a hobby but I do gig out.

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Nathan... I'm sure the law has been changing since I ran a biz' date=' but it's one of those things you might wanna check with a tax pro. I would not care to get you in trouble with the IRS.





Thanks, I hope Murph checks back and could shed some light, since he is in the middle of it

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I, also am looking for a different sound in each guitar. I have 3 LP's but, they are different sounding and feeling. 4 Strats bought over the years and also used in 2 Countries. And yes, part of it is from not having any guitars at times in my life. Or having to sell guitars, to pay rent or eat. So i'm making up for it now. And than it's about making music, no more no less.

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For what it's worth... a "business" is some activity from which one might reasonably believe one might make taxable income from. Where I live, that even means almost everybody needs a sales tax license. Then there's pretty much a mandatory sort of thing, depending on who might decide to flag your IRS return, that it is provably making some cash or at minimum has the potential to do so. Otherwise it's a hobby and no tax writeoffs.


Again, this is the sort of thing I really believe should be done in consultation with a tax pro.



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I, personally, look for a different sound in each guitar. Much like Jamman and FirstMeasure, I do have duplicate guitars (2 LP's) but they sound completly different. What I, personally find annoying is when someone only has 1 kind of guitar (Example:All LP's, All Sg's, ect.) That is just a collection, and I could not really picture a player/gigger, owning 20 Les Pauls. But I don't really mind if they all have a completely different sound, but if you have 7 Les Paul Customs, I find that ignorant. So, I agree, it's Need, Vanity, And Obsession. Though, some people, (Musicians That tour year-round) could actually need 5-10 guitars. BUT, any collection over 15 guitars is an obsession.

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Charlie Brown, you've hit a nerve here...





You know me, it's nothing more than weak-minded mass consumerism.




Bragging rights?

Not really. I don't go into detail telling anybody what all I own.

But if they come by the NeoCon Compound and want to see them, I'm happy to oblige to an extent.

It's a habit I developed years ago with firearms.



(Real or percieved) Need?

No way in hell. Can't justify any of my gear except from the shaky rationale of a collector. Art with strings?



Just love of guitars, way beyond any real need?

Sure. And I'm tight as hell with my money elsewhere so this is the one area I binge a little.

I have no swimming pool, hot tub, Harley, boat, etc. and I don't go to sporting events - except NHRA.

Both my trucks have over 150k miles on them - I drive them till they die and buy used again.



Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder




Trying to make up, for not having enough "toys" as deprived (or, is it depraved...LOL) children?

Nope. I would admit under duress to being a tiny bit depraved though....



Keeping up with the Jones's, Smith's Nakamura's, or whoever?


I have only one coworker who even plays guitar.

He lives up the road from me and is a stark novice - worse player than ME!

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Is it:

Bragging rights? (AKA "It's All ****!")

(Real or percieved) Need?

Just love of guitars' date=' way beyond any real need?

Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder

Trying to make up, for not having enough "toys" as deprived (or, is it depraved...LOL) children?

Keeping up with the Jones's, Smith's Nakamura's, or whoever?

Or, simply...weak minded mass consumerism? (There are, certainly, copious amounts of THAT, nowadays.)




Probably all the above except "bragging rights" and "keeping up with the Jones's . . ."


I'm not a professional musician. I am a musician [keyboard, guitar, sax], a hobbyist, and a collector now that I actually have reached a point in life at the age of 50 where I have [albeit limited] expendable income. In other words, I ain't rich, I just live comfortably. I'm more worried though about starting to use words like "albeit" than I am about my guitar collection. [cool]

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Well, in all honesty, I'm in the "Just Love Guitars, Beyond Any Real Need" camp, too.

I'm proud enough, of what I own...and enjoy sharing photos, here...but, I'm not a

snob, at all, about any of them. They run the gamut, of price ranges and are from

several countries of origin, but...the vast majority, being made in the good old USA!

But, my "off shore" guitars are very nice, indeed...I would not have purchased them,



So, it's all good! Just curious, more than anything, about how other's felt. ;>)



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I don't really have a big collection, but for me it's just love of guitars, beyond my needs.


If I had more money or less expenses I would probably splurge some more on guitars, but for now I have to be satisfied with my Les Paul, SG and Strat. Oh yeah, and the acoustic [cool]

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Were I suddenly to become wealthy - not very likely - I'd likely have a few more guitars and a nice music room for them. Likely also a keyboard... whatever.


But I'd also prefer different types of guitars and if - as I said - I were really wealthy, a slightly custom version of a 175, a Hummingbird and a few others with mostly Gibson style necks - perhaps a shade shorter.


Thing is, different kinds of music require different types of setup and, IMHO, different types of guitar. For example, I'm a really light string guy on an electric, but I can't imagine flatpickin' the heck out of some poor, innocent little strings with a piezo sorta setup that makes the electric pretend like it's an acoustic.


Too, I think I play an SG body more differently from a 175 type than it might at first appear.


So... Hey, great fun. Different guitars for different kinds of playing as well as different sorts of sounds. I could even feature two "identical" flattops, one with light and one with not so light strings - the light strings for fingerpickin' and the not so light for messin' with bluegrass. Hey, I like finger-style jazz up to my ability, but I also like just lettin' it go occasionally either rockin' or bluegrassin'.


If I were wealthy. <chuckle>



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