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Do your animals listen when you're playing?


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I had to laugh the other day as I was practicing the tunes I play with the band. At one point I drifted off and started playing a nice chord progression I stumbled upon... Very often as I'm playing one of my cats will come in and sit at my feet as I'm strumming along. So there we were, I'm playing a really nice chord progression, the cat's there at my feet. He had his back to me and just sort of staring off and seemed to be listing. As lovely as that whole picture was all of the sudden I hit a clunker of a chord and my cat turned and looked up at me and let out a big meow.... [biggrin] Everyone is a critic these days....[cool] But it made me think, wow... he was really listening and knew I hit a stinker and let me know...

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Yes. While not as fervent in their fandom as my chihuahua used to be, but our poodles will come and lay on the couch and listen to me play.


They didn't used to, so I must be getting better....




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Only when I play gypsy jazz on my acoustic, she sits near my chair ... my cat kinda likes Django style over rock/pop ... and if I wanna make my life a bit shorter, the one thing I need to do is to crank up my DeVille [biggrin]

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I live on the third floor of an apartment building, and sometimes when I have the window open and I'm playing the local birds will come and hang out on branches outside the windows, It's happened more than once so I'm assuming it's not coincidence but who knows.


I wonder though, with how much more sensitive their hearing is, are we hurting our furry friends at all?

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Whenever I'm working in the studio or practicing guitar my 14-yr old mutt comes in and plops down to watch or listen or sleep (he's so old it's hard to tell the difference now). I always think it's pretty funny and wonder if the high or low frequencies that we can't hear bother him. I'd like to think he's coming to listen cuz he likes it [biggrin]

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One of my cats threw up this morning while I was practicing Roxanne right before I started work. Not sure if it was because of my playing, the song or her change in diet yesterday. It was devastating but I'm not deterred.

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Is that a sheltie? I used to have one' date=' unfortunately mine died years ago before I ever got a guitar. [crying']

He's an Australian Shepherd, and he's insane in the best possible way, save for the barking. :-

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My cat loves guitars. He's always been around guitars and music. He's 16 now and is very ill at present. He still likes to come over and listen and watch my fingers while I'm playing. He came and stayed at the studio with me for 3 weeks earlier this year while we were working on an album. He would hang out in the control room and listen. He's not keen on mandolins though. Maybe it's the high frequencies he doesn't like so much.


Here he is with our drummer:




And here's one a few years ago when he was in better health:



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