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Unexpected Trip to the Hospital


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So whats been going on?


I've missed a few days here because I was having some rejection issues with my new liver. Thats always kind of scary because it could put me back on the list for another transplant and I'd like to just keep this one.


After week of steroid mega doses the rejection seems to have quit at least for now, back to bi-weekly blood work! I have grown to hate needles! [cursing]

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Thanks for the good thoughts, I really do appreciate them all.


Matt I feel the same about the prayer's. I think it has got me this far post transplant. I have a magnificent medical team that and prayer keeps my worrying to a minimum.


After the first round of steroids my wife started calling them "Randy Drugs". Viagra has nothing on this stuff! [flapper]


Hey... and thanks for thinking of your GF buds and dropping us a line!!


Not a problem, you guys ARE my buds! [thumbup]

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you know you're in our thoughts and prayers.

When will you be sure it takes?


Well it has taken for now, I'll have blood work again on the 16 and then every two weeks just to make sure nothing changes.


This is something that most transplant patient's have to deal with. Due to the organ that was transplanted in me having a different DNA my body will always recognize it to be a foreign body and therefore will attempt to fight it just like a virus or anything else that isn't supposed to be in me. Because of that transplant patients have to take med's that reduce my bodies immuno system ability to fight off things. These meds cost about $2500/month but insurance covers most of that thank goodness!


Its all good though, cause I have had two years that I would not have had without the transplant. When I look at the big picture these last two years are really a gift from the liver donor.


Ever since the operation I've always said to my family and friends, "be thankful for every moment you have and never pass on a chance to tell your friends and family that you love them, because it may be the last chance you get".


So having said that..... I love all you guys! B)

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Well it has taken for now, I'll have blood work again on the 16 and then every two weeks just to make sure nothing changes.


This is something that most transplant patient's have to deal with. Due to the organ that was transplanted in me having a different DNA my body will always recognize it to be a foreign body and therefore will attempt to fight it just like a virus or anything else that isn't supposed to be in me. Because of that transplant patients have to take med's that reduce my bodies immuno system ability to fight off things. These meds cost about $2500/month but insurance covers most of that thank goodness!


Its all good though, cause I have had two years that I would not have had without the transplant. When I look at the big picture these last two years are really a gift from the liver donor.


Ever since the operation I've always said to my family and friends, "be thankful for every moment you have and never pass on a chance to tell your friends and family that you love them, because it may be the last chance you get".


So having said that..... I love all you guys! B)



Back at ya man!



And may I take this opportunity to encourage everyone to be an organ donor. What better legacy to leave than someone's extended life?



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Stay with it Bow! [thumbup]


Glad to hear you're doing okay, and NeoCon Compound prayers coming at ya from me and the missus.


And yes, thank God for the donor.

Regardless of how we feel about the here-after, it's crazy to take perfectly good tissue with us, eh?


God bless you buddy.

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Just got to this thread after work...


Yeah, you've my prayers too but... I've a hunch that your own spirit and sense of humor that you've retained are probably your best medicine and other medicines merely reinforce it...


Lash - you be bad. <grin>


Here I'd considered and rejected a bad line about onions always =making liver better, and then you did your line.


Actually... hey, I like fried onion and I think they're good for you as well as taste good. My point on that beyond the joke comes back to that "spirit" thing. It's awfully powerful. Some of mine is with you.



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I'm so sorry you are going through this Bow, you will certainly be on our prayer list.... it is amazing how common trans plants are today, that doesn't make it any easier, but doctors have so many better drugs to help now...hang tuff brother...

God Bless!

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