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Gibson Brands Forums

Great participation here lately


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It seems like we went through the doldrums for awhile - few posts, little participation.


But - to me anyway - the Acoustics participation has picked back up again. It's been great reading the posts and taking in the media and pics.


Plenty of topics to check. A great way to start the new year.


. . . . . or is it cabin fever setting in? B)




Thanks to all you Acousticats ! [thumbup]

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I seems like we went through the doldrums for awhile - few posts, little participation.


But - to me anyway - the Acoustics participation has picked back up again. It's been great reading the posts and taking in the media and pics.


Plenty of topics to check. A great way to start the new year.


. . . . . or is it cabin fever setting in? B)




Thanks to all you Acousticats ! [thumbup]



The forum is new to me, and ive been loving it... A wealth of information and wisdom. As well as plenty of gorgeous guitars to lust after.... And like minded acoustic fanatics...


Absolutely happy here...

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Sorry to say, for me it's cabin fever. I haven't been playing at all. But, we've been hit with so much snow, I can't get out on the bicycle (my number one passion). So, I've been sitting on the computer, losing fitness, getting fat, climbing the walls and posting on forums.

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Ahhh, yer all a buncha bums and dey don't make Gibsins like dey yooseda, anyways, an' dey didn't even when dey did. An' I'll poke ya inda nose if yoose don't see it da' ways I do, so deahr.


Oh wait, I thought this was the [FORUM NAME REDACTED TO KEEP THE PEACE].




You guys are tops.


Red 333

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I've learned a lot here and have enjoyed many of the discussions. I find myself checking in here pretty regularly to catch up on things and I've been impressed with the civility and knowledge I've found here. That can't be said for every forum out there.

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I've never found a forum that was quite like this little section of the Gibson forums. Loads of nice people, lots of information, good stuff.


I don't post so much but I love skimming round here :)

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I trust the information I find on this site. I have used this information to make decisions, I do not do that with any other music site.

That to me, speaks volumes of the caliber of people here. People who are passionate about Gibson acoustic guitars who share that passion with others here with out ridicule or judgement in pursuit of that passion and we members span the world !

What a treasured resource we all have in this unique site...

Thank you all.

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