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Do you think our pets enjoy the music we play and listen to?


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Hard for me to tell. Although my dog began to tremble upon hearing the theme to Good, Bad, and the Ugly in the car. He looked interested in the ah-ee-ah-ee-ahhhh coyote calls in the song, though.


My dogs usually just take naps while I play bass.


Here's my pug sitting in my lap while I play, back in the old days:



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Animals absolutely hear and like music.


I had a cat that liked rock and roll but didn't care for jazz. True story. He would sit in front of the stereo.


Had another cat that liked to play instruments. Besides being pretty good at hitting the piano keys in time with the music, she liked to pounce on the drum pedals and liked to pluck my guitars and bite on the headstocks while they vibrated.


These dogs here now like to come up and watch me play. They get all attentive and wag their stub tails.


Had also 2 dogs that BEGGED AND WHINED when I tried the clarinet. It was that bad.

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My Frankie sings to tunes. Things with 'high pitch' send him off on one.


lashurst !! your "Frankie" is a spitting image of the young version of my "Rocky"




^5 to you!


all 6 of our dogs gather around and lay in various spots about the livingroom and take turns between napping and watching me EVERY time I plug in.......my spkr cab is 5 feet off the floor so the vibration doesn't hurt their ears, and they really seem to love it when I play.

oddly though, when I get out an acoustic, my senior citizen (Rocky) is the only one that stays with me, and thats because we're absolutely inseperable.

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My first wife had a big black cat (18#), Angus, that loved blues music. Whenever I would be listening to some old style mudbone blues he would jump up in my lap lay down. He didn't do that for any other kind of music.

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I am petless right now (in an apartment) but when I open the window and play a bunch of European Sterlings sit in the tree outside and seem to stay there until I'm done, so take from that what you will, I think they dig it [razz]

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:blink: Well.... I thinks so, they want to be scratched and get attention and I can't do that and play guitar at the same time...


youll have to teach them to pick for you then instead of chicken picken, youll have kitten picken [thumbup]

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Our chihuahua used to come in and lay at my feet when I played. One of our poodles comes in an lays on the couch when I play now, but the other one doesn't. I'm gonna have to say some do and some don't.



Maybe they'd like it better if I played classical.... /chuckle

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I've teased about the cat vomiting on the living room rug when I tried to teach myself how to fiddle, but it's only a half joke. He just left the room.


Yeah, I think animals respond to music. In fact, I think it's been fairly well documented.



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