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At some point this weekend I have some yard work to do. Among other things, my shed in the back yard has sunk on one side and I have to try and level it out somehow. I know....BORING right... [thumbdn]


Well, hopefully I'll make it down to my neighbors party on Saturday and have some beers, steamed crabs and play some horseshoes [thumbup]

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Hopefully a little surfing - if nature cooperates. Also I have a set of pickups waiting for me at the post office (WCR Crossroads set) so hopefully I have my Les Paul back up and running this weekend! Can't wait ti hear it through the new Marshall JTM-1. [thumbup]

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Heading off to the lake right after work until Monday. My sweety will be there ahead of me so the grass will probably be cut already and a cold beer and bloody caesar will be waiting for me.

There will be some good acoustic jamming happening off and on all weekend.

Can't wait. Gonna disappear from work early if possible.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.



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I have a Led Zeppelin cover band called ZOSO playing in town tonight. This will be the 2nd show I've booked with them. These guys nail it. Next best thing to seeing the original which, of course, you can't anymore. They deliver sonically and visually. If I had a kid or a friend that never had the chance to see Zep, I'd take them to see these guys. They deliver.

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Well, lots of yard work,whoooppppyyyyy....... Then some cold beer.......poolside.....cold beer..... Then I think Sunday is gonna be spent on my buddys cabin crusier, with,......You got it MORE COLD BEER. Enjoy all,the sun is a shinnin'

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I'm continuing work on a client's songs......They're already on broadcast radio, she want the songs re-recorded......


And I'm checking out a plethera of new pedals that seem to be arriving twice a week.....[smile] .....

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Frightened farmers and their serfs started arriving at the estate late last night ranting about an army bearing the sigil of a Green Dragon on a field of Red and White had arrived just before sundown and occupied their lands. They had gathered their women and children and fled south before them.


A rider arrived today bearing news from our King, Ailgheanan IV, who has called forth the Fyrd and is bringing his personal guard as well as the army of His Highness, Prince Thomas. They should be arriving in the lands north of our Shire , Loch An Fhraoich. along with the household forces of my brother Squires, and should be preparing our forces for war. My son Ivarr and I have seen to the peasants and formed a levy of all able bodied men and boys of right and proper age to wage war, and shall march forth in the morning to join our fellow Meridians in defense of our borders from the mighty Dragon Army of the Kingdom of the Middle.



So tomorrow, I go to war!

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It's going to be in the 80s this weekend in the NE. I'm going for a nice bike ride tomorrow and then mowing the lawn at our house (love the tracker!).


Our summer cottage on lake Erie is nearly complete. It's a brand new build and the only things that need to be done are the grass, concrete driveway and shed (ok, it's my man cave). Next weekend it'll hopefully be nice because we plan to be there.

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Overall this is shaping up to be a great weekend. B)


Beautiful weather. TS Alberta looks like it won't do anything to us until later tonight and Monday. Had beer, crabs and kicked *** in horseshoes all day Saturday. Undefeated! [thumbup] Even though I wasn't there, the Preakness race was a big success with a great finish. Maybe we'll see another Triple Crown winner? Orioles are playing great and if we can deal with pitching phenom Stephen Strasburg today maybe sweep the Nationals. [-o<


What more could I ask for? Well, maybe I'll get some guitar playing in also. :rolleyes:

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Still nesting in the new house. Organizing my tools. Cutting low branches off the trees so I don't have to do the limbo on the riding lawnmower. Penny's cleaning out her Equinox. She was garden mouse yesterday, weeding the peonies and irises and also planting some perennials of her own.

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Wow looks like fun! Hope you get it... Guess you'll have to buy a cool hat if you get the gig...! [thumbup]

Well, the drummer had to back out at the last minute so we played a few tunes with no drummer. We'll play some more this week sometime, when the drummer can make it. They're only auditioning two guys, so that's good.




I already have the "skypiece":


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Badbluesplayer, hope you get that slot if that's what you want. It's a good feeling playing music that we want to play when and with who we want to play it. Hope that makes sense the way I wrote it........For me, the weekend looks pretty decent. Good weather here. Upper 70's to mid 80's. Did my yardwork yesterday. Most of my yardwork revolves around trimming bushes and watering them. No cutting grass or fighting weeds. Our son owns a lawn care business (along with working his regular job. He's one-hell-of-a-lot-more-energetic than I've ever been.) and I have not used a lawn mower in the last ten years (no joke, no exaggeration). This Friday is a solo gig at The Fig Tree Cafe & Bakery in Lee's Summit, Mo.. Then, Saturday morning my friend Duane and I do our Saturday morning "folk duo" at the farmers market in Lee's Summit. Life definitly looks different through a prism of not having to go to work in the morning. [thumbup]

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