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I remember when...


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The lounge was a cool place to hang and talk about all kinds of stuff and guitars...


The lounge has a new trend now : get as many posts as possible,

no matter how stupid the post, eg. "Who's the best lead player" etc.

A lot of guys who made great contributions and/or brought up

interesting ideas for discussions do not post anymore.

They just stay away from this kindergarden.

Too bad.

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I don't know.


When a cool guy makes a cool thread and poeple post cool stuff, it will be cool.


I like the stuff Searcy is putting in. I like a lot of stuff here, and a lot of the guys.


I DO think it has become a very unforgiving place. There isn't a lot of tolerance. I'm not just talking the mods, I think everything. So, less and less happens, and more and more don't feel appreciation or think it's worth taking a chance on posting.


The thing about forgiveness...no one is perfect, and nothing is perfect. If there is no forgiveness, it's only a matter of time until there is nothing and no one left. Except of corse, someone who doesn't need to be forgiven anything. But there is no such thing...only a man who doesn't need to be forgiven YET.


I think what we have now, is exactly what happens when we don't forgive. Not much left.

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There is crtainly a sea-change in the place these days.


I appreciate the 'Don't Read It If You Don't Want To' riposte - and as a general rule I don't read the rubbish - but the main 'problem' (only such as I see it, of course) is the sheer volume of utterly nonsensical, idiotic and vapid threads being posted nowadays. The Forum has had a few problems in the past with dull posters but nothing like that which has been appearing over the last week or so.

This 'Sheer Volume of Shite' (if you'll excuse the term), in turn, makes it difficult to find anything which might be of genuine interest to those members here who posess even a modicum of intelligence.


Again, I appreciate the " In Which Case Why Don't You Post Something Interesting Yourself ?!?!?! " argument. Yup. Mea Culpa.


So; what's a realistic solution?


Do we intelligent Forumites call for a Power of Veto whereby we can petition a motion to have 'boring, barmy or bland' threads removed?


Do we ask for an 'Extraneous Rubbish' section to be added in the Main Menu to where all such inane posts, thereby voted by the cognoscienti, can be flushed jettisoned?


Or do we just try to post more interesting threads ourselves?




All of this is meant slightly tongue-in-cheek, needless to say....................







but the stress there is most definitely on the word slightly...



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I dunno guys....there are plenty of on-topic replies in those threads.


I haven't posted any because I find it a little annoying but that's it...others clearly do not find it annoying since they are responding.


*shrug* I dunno what else to say...some people like his threads...

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Good topic.


The change started only maybe a week ago or less, far as I can see. I comb back two pages to find good threads or missed ones and though I do feel self-concious posting on something that was shoved that far back, I do PM people with thanks for posting or say, "screw it, I'll bump," and post a reply.


I know what to leave alone for fear of re-bumping, so I stay away from the favorites threads.

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The problem isn't even the number of stupid topic. After all, stupid is sort of in the eye of the beholder. The problem is that this asshole... and let's not be vague, there is only one guy doing this, is purposely bumping his own topics in an attempt to see to it that the front page is dominated by his topics while simultaneously trying to see just how massive a negative score he can run up.


I'm all for ignoring topics I don't find interesting and usually do a good job of that but this seems a bit different to me.

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Is it just my screen or has a whole raft of 'Best?' topics disappeared?


Perhaps the Mods have taken pity on us all and exercised a "General Cull for the Benefit of the Health of the Herd"-style action.......



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Guest Farnsbarns

How can I form my opinions about the best all round guitarist (as if I need one anyway) without first reading those of a load of people I don't know. I'm lost.


On a serious note, someone mentioned above that there were many on topic replies to those threads, and there where. Scary isn't it!


To all those who posted serious responses... Please consider putting that time in to playing, practising and enjoying your guitars. After a long day I'm off to take my own advice.

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I don't mind the signal to noise ratio,


The lounge seems to be an opened place where (almost) anything goes, so knowing that going in, I have no issues with filtering what I have no interest in reading.


I think we should just try to get along as best we can, there is enough division in our societies already.


As musicians/guitar players, we should be able to take advantage from the fact that we all share a major common interest and cut each other slack.



In short -- Coexist dudes..

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I don't mind the signal to noise ratio,


The lounge seems to be an opened place where (almost) anything goes, so knowing that going in, I have no issues with filtering what I have no interest in reading.


I think we should just try to get along as best we can, there is enough division in our societies already.


As musicians/guitar players, we should be able to take advantage from the fact that we all share a major common interest and cut each other slack.



In short -- Coexist dudes..


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Okay, this is from a guy who spends most of his time in the Acoustic part of the forum. However, I do read a lot of what is posted in The Lounge.----- In particular it's heightened the possibility that somewhere along the line I'll get an electric Gibson. I like the videos, especially the ones that focus on the old time blues players, and I like the information that's provided. I think every forum has its share of stupid/ridiculous/juvenile threads. One thing this forum rarely has is the thread that starts something like "Can you guys help me pick what guitar is best for me?" A well-known site has those threads continuously. Those threads almost make me scream....lol.... And I see a lot more civility in here than I do on another forum. There are disagreements, but usually things quiet-down and don't need the mods. Part of the changes some "old timers" see(and I mean that respectfully) is likely an increase in members because of an increase in interest due to the guitars coming out of Montana. New people mean different viewpoints and interests. People who are getting their first Gibson/s look at things differently than those of us who have known the brand since the 60's, and earlier. Those of us who are mature (?) might find some the topics younger members are eager to discuss to be a bit boring or not relevant. Basically, I think the forum is changing with the membership, with the times. Back in the 90's, we had something very similar happen on The Johnny Cash Forum. For several years it had been those of us who actually were The Old Guard from the 50's-70's who made-up almost all of the membership. Then, when Cash again detonated upon the world scene, a huge number of very eager and often very young new members poured-into the forum. Lots of (what many of us considered) boring and unimportant discussions and questions. Similar discussions and questions that I likely had as a teenager. BUT, that was just how things were and after a while everyone gets up-to-snuff and things are fine again.


Anyway, I think this is a good forum, and The Lounge is a good representive for Gibson. From my experience, other guitar forums don't really come close to this one.

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1) 2003 Gibson Les Paul Standard Trans Amber.

2) 2010 Gibson Les Paul Historic R8 Tobacco Burst.

3) 2011 Gibson Les Paul Historic R8 Tea Burst.

4) 2010 Gibson Les Paul Historic R8 Sunrise Tea Burst.

5) 2010 Gibson Les Paul 68 Custom Historic Ebony.

6) 2010 Gibson Les Paul Historic R7 Jr Washed Cherry.

7) 2011 Gibson Les Paul Historic R7 Custom Historic Ebony.

8) 2003 Gibson Reverse Firebird Tobacco Burst.

9) 2001 Gibson Explorer Clapton Cut Reissue Korina.

10) 2005 Gibson J-185ec Cherry.

11) 2011 Fender HSS Deluxe Stratocaster Sunset Metallic.

12) 2005 Gibson Flying V TV Yellow.


I had to look up my insurance papers. msp_flapper.gif

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