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Does this reflect badly on me?


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As of April 1st , they are raising the price of cigarettes form an average of 3.50 a pack to about 7.00 . I refuse to pay this and gleefully told my wife that I plan on puttin' 'em down for good. She informed me that she will buy cigs ( even though she is not a smoker) as she doesn't want to deal with an angry badjuju342 in withdrawals..... What is she trying to say here? I'm a rotten person that will spiral down to a truly evil bastard? =D> Somehow , the thought of your wife not happy of the prospect of a healthier you just doesn't sound real uplifting , I dunno....

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I can remember the days when if you were old enough to crawl to the counter with 1.00 , you had your nicotine fix. I smoke less than a pack a day but I am NOT paying 7.00 a pack . It goes against what little moral fiber that remains in me. I'm in my early 40s so quitting is a pretty good idea.

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They were 42 cents a pack in 1972 when I started. When I quit in Feb 2007 they were up to $6.60 a pack. That had no influence on my decision to quit. I have no idea why I quit, I just did. I did not turn nasty and maybe you won't either. When my wife has a cigarette I just about gag but at the same time I miss smoking. Not the smoke smell and the cost and the inconvenience, just the idea of sparking up. I still feel like I'm being punished for something.

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Good luck, man; they've been over six bucks a pack in NJ for years and what I ended up doing is looking for the buy-2-get-1 free deals (not as difficult as you'd think) to keep the cost down. I wish I had some advice for you on how to quit but, if I did, I wouldn't be a smoker. However, I did go to a hypnotist a few years ago and quit for like four months until I got drunk at Ozzfest and started bumming smokes off of everyone in sight.

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My opinon? Best thing that coculd happen.


7 bucks? You know around here they were like 2 bucks (for the good ones, the cheap stuff made with who knows what where about a buck a package). Now they are like 3 bucks... I wish they were 15 bucks... that way less people would be smoking... I just hate how that stuff smells (and I used to smoke 3-4 packs a day, quit some years ago).

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As of April 1st ' date=' they are raising the price of cigarettes form an average of 3.50 a pack to about 7.00 . I refuse to pay this and gleefully told my wife that I plan on puttin' 'em down for good. She informed me that she will buy cigs ( even though she is not a smoker) as she doesn't want to deal with an angry badjuju342 in withdrawals..... What is she trying to say here? I'm a rotten person that will spiral down to a truly evil bastard? #-o Somehow , the thought of your wife not happy of the prospect of a healthier you just doesn't sound real uplifting , I dunno....[/quote']


A lot of people become real a$$holes when they are trying to quit and think their behavior is justified. I used to smoke but never got hooked so when I stopped it was easy.


I have personally know people that became just visceral-nasty, personally I have no sympathy, not that much anyway. I have actually told people to start smoking again just so they stop being an a$$.


I used to have a friend that actually cried after blowing up all of this in public. Now that was extreme, I think he needs pills or something.


What I am trying to say is that I kind of understand where your wife is coming from...

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Just send your wife to a hotel for a week. They say that once you get past the 4th day or so you're pretty much through the physical withdrawl. I quit just over 6 years ago and found that to be true. It's so nice to be free of the

habit. Also, now, every year when "The Great American Smoke Out" rolls around I don't have to walk around

feeling guilty all day. Good luck! #-o

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What is she trying to say here?

Somehow ' date=' the thought of your wife not happy of the prospect of a healthier you just doesn't sound real uplifting , I dunno....[/quote']


She's firing the opening salvo in the battle to kick nicotine.

Putting herself in a position to say "See? I TOLD you so!" later in the war when you get off track.


The sting of that, coupled with the memory of this day, is designed to whip you into submission and treat her like the queen you married all those years ago when you acted like you loved her and wanted her to be near you always.


She's selfishly trying to create a better you for herself, and will indeed kick you in the nuts if that's what it takes.


Women suck.




Okay, my wife would do the exact same thing if I had any bad habits.

Good thing I don't, eh?




Good thing my wife rarely reads my forum posts....

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I have not smoked for four weeks now! I havent found it hard...Its all in the mind IMO.... But then a pack here costs nearly £6... If we went by last years exchange rate a packet would have cost you around $11...





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The physical craving stops rather quickly but it is the psychological ones that will trip you up and are probably the hardest ones to break. Many times a day a smoker will "reward" themselves with a quick hit of nicotine.

On march 17th I will have my 19th anniversary of quitting. I was fortunate in that I had a relatively easy time of quitting. No cravings at all until two months ago. Hit me right out of the blue - my brain said - gee why not go for a smoke and the craving and taste for a Marlborugh came back.

I even started dreaming about smoking again. I don't dare have one in case this time I cannot quit. I have absolutely no idea where this is coming from but sure is puzzling.



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Anything you have done once you can do twice (wouldn't you say?) So at 6 o'clock in the morning you have not smoked in 6 to 8 hours. If you wanted to you can stop for another 8 hours (without telling anyone) Just don't do it. Well by noon you have been NOT smoking for 12 hours so just go another 12 hours. Anything you have done once you can do twice. If you can NOT smoke for one day, surely you can do two days. I can tell you that in five days you will not longer be on the nicotine roller coaster (I assume you understand how that works). Then you just need to keep on NOT smoking. In a month it will not matter. I quit in 1974. I'd be dead today if I had not quit. At least 12 relatives have died because of smoking (beginning at age 50). One had oxygen going up his nose and was lighting cigarettes. Others had lungs taken out. One guy I know had bladder cancer -- cause by smoking! He has an ostomy AND a tube instead of a bladder and a colon. It's actually EASIER to stop smoking than to survive cancer -- including chemo therapy.

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Don't sweat it unless she just upped the insurance on you nobody is nice when they quit smoking so she probably isn't to excited about the next month if you quit. Probably a good warning to not take it out on her since the "I told you so's) will last longer than the withdrawl pangs. but quit anyway just be nice I did it years ago you'll never feel better and live longer.




Make a deal with the wife if your mean she gets the seven dollars a day or fourteen if you smoke heavily if your nice you get it! that way she'll get the money for the first couple weeks but then you'll be saving big bucks and can have a new LP in no time you both win!!!

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Make a deal with the wife if your mean she gets the seven dollars a day or fourteen if you smoke heavily if your nice you get it! that way she'll get the money for the first couple weeks but then you'll be saving big bucks and can have a new LP in no time you both win!!!


That's a really nice idea.



A pack of Camels is now $6.51 down the street from me. It used to be $5.15 when I started smoking. Pretty soon they are going to add another dollar on I think. It's good incentive for me to quit.


My plan is to spend the 6 bucks I'd be spending on butts everyday on scratch tickets for one month. I'd be throwing the money away on cancer anyways so I figure I might as well take a risk that will make me money. I've never bought a scratch ticket before so I figured I'd give it a shot.



Props on wanting to quit.

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I quit Jan 1 2008 when Illinois passed a "No Smoking In Bars Law"


I smoked 2 packs a day.


My reward is my ES-339, the end of the cough, 20 pounds, and the ability to break into a laugh without coughing.



I'm over 15 months and much richer in $, and other things.


Think about it.....



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As of April 1st ' date=' they are raising the price of cigarettes form an average of 3.50 a pack to about 7.00 . I refuse to pay this and gleefully told my wife that I plan on puttin' 'em down for good. She informed me that she will buy cigs ( even though she is not a smoker) as she doesn't want to deal with an angry badjuju342 in withdrawals..... What is she trying to say here? I'm a rotten person that will spiral down to a truly evil bastard? =P~ Somehow , the thought of your wife not happy of the prospect of a healthier you just doesn't sound real uplifting , I dunno....[/quote']



Wow. I told my girlfriend that I intended to quit while she was on the way home from work one day, and she said to me, I better have smoked at least 3 or 4 ciggs before she got home.


I said thanks for the encouragement. I haven't quite yet. lol

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