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WTH did you do today?

Mr. Gibson

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Back dismantling the machine shed. I’m gonna be an expert nail puller when this is done.

Had .25 rain last night. Radar returns were red but it seems the atmosphere is so dry around here it disappears on the way down.

The whole state has been hit by this drought,but we’re drier than any other part. The price of food is gonna rise up on account of it.

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My front picture window has had some weird crap going on with the plaster beneath it bubbling and crumbling like something out of a horror movie.  I had some fellows over today and it was what I thought it was: Carpenter Ants.

Those little bastards had eaten away about 8' of the sill and were going up the support beams.

The carpenters said I caught it just in time, if I had waited any longer the front of the house would have started sagging which would really suck!

They Sawzalled the piss out of the place, new timber, gigantic double glass window put back in with ant resistant foam and tomorrow the vinyl siding goes back up.

Guess a lot of the house is made with cedar which the little ****ers don't care to munch on.

I think I'm going to have to do some long overdue yard work and pick up a boat load of cedar mulch to put around the house to keep the bugs at bay.

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I mowed and edged the yard, the land, the park, the gardens, and everything. 

9 straight hours of yard work, and it was especially tough after being away for nearly a week. 

My battery-powered mower finally succumbed to the battery-recharge-cycle misery, and I was that close to being done.

I had just the front yard to do, and I would be finished. 

So I went to my neighbor, and borrowed his gasoline engine jobbie. 
I didn't bother to adjust his deck height, for fear of screwing him up on his next mowing. 

Can you tell?




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Can you do mine next?

I was involved in troubleshooting something in the wind tunnel that was made in the early 80's. We have about 3 electricians (including me), at least 4 mechanical guys, 2 control engineers, and at least 3 guys with Aerospace Engineering degrees (one has a BS degree, one has a Master degree and one has a Ph.d) and it is kicking our a-ss. 

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On 6/15/2021 at 7:43 PM, sparquelito said:

I mowed and edged the yard, the land, the park, the gardens, and everything. 

9 straight hours of yard work, and it was especially tough after being away for nearly a week. 

My battery-powered mower finally succumbed to the battery-recharge-cycle misery, and I was that close to being done.

I had just the front yard to do, and I would be finished. 

So I went to my neighbor, and borrowed his gasoline engine jobbie. 
I didn't bother to adjust his deck height, for fear of screwing him up on his next mowing. 

Can you tell?




Yep! Why did you work so hard doing a park and all? Did they pay you? 

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6 hours ago, Retired said:

Yep! Why did you work so hard doing a park and all? Did they pay you? 

I call it the park. 

It's my parcel of land on the other side of my creek. 
I keep it nice for the visiting birds and squirrels and raccoons. 
(And the occasional walking ladies who want a rest.)






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4 hours ago, sparquelito said:

I call it the park. 

It's my parcel of land on the other side of my creek. 
I keep it nice for the visiting birds and squirrels and raccoons. 
(And the occasional walking ladies who want a rest.)






Oh, that makes since. Sort of like our In laws. They have a big spread of land by a golf course in Michigan. Its a wooded area that is all lit up and has concrete bench's so if people come over they can go back there. He  never mows it though, he hires all the work done. You can do that if your'e a multi multi multi millionaire Lol.  Actually we don't know his wealth, he may very well be in the billions? 

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Lots of stuff today but mainly became the proud papa of maybe 40 baby boa constrictors.

I was wondering if she was ever going to have them and today was the day.  

Mom's pretty big (maybe 9-10 foot) and she put herself into a 5' cage with a 3' shallow rubbermaid container and had the babies in the container.  I don't know how many are in there but they look to be a couple inches deep.

I'll leave them alone until tomorrow and then put them in individual containers with a damp paper towel and a water dish.

Boas give semi-live birth (soft eggshell kind of like us) and it bursts when they come out.  They live off of the yolk for 2 weeks, shed and then are ready to start eating small mice.  

I'll keep one for myself and sell the rest.  

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Worked in my garden this afternoon - good thing too as it started to rain after I'd finished for the day.

I've always been prone to cramp - inherited from my dad -  and after a few hours gardening I know I'm going to suffer later (when I try to sleep and bend my legs for instance).  Taking salt doesn't help or stop it happening,  nor does quinine.  If I get it in the back of the thigh it's so painful it feels like the tendons are going to rip right out of my leg and I have to get up and straighten up - quick.  

When I was a kid I would sometimes be woken up by the sound of my Dad gasping with pain then staggering about.  I understood why by the time I was a teenager - I would get it bad after sport at school.   The best thing is heat treatment like a long hot bath.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Went swimming.

This afternoon started painting fence panels with Creocote (like the Creosote we used to have but water-based).  Each panel is 2 sides, 6 x 6 and I use 4 litres doing 3 sides; brushing - I don't have a spray.  I only bought 16 litres so need to buy some more.  Got 3 panels, 6 sides done.  Rain forecast tomorrow so I hope that doesn't wash it all out.    I've got another fence replacement booked for September so I'll need lots of it then. 

Steak pie and chips tonight.  Salt and vinegar on the chips, ketchup with the pie.  Didn't bother with mushy peas this time.[biggrin]


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Got up early, ran down to a reptile show and sold 42 hatchling boa constrictors, came home and found a straggler perched on a power strip (got two more loose somewhere or other) and finally purchased a good CD player, a 2010 Rega Saturn with a new laser and power assembly.

Should be here next week.


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On 6/17/2021 at 3:12 PM, mihcmac said:

A raining day at my mountain house..


A good day to continue refining my new practice nook...


Love the guitars and your place. Hawaii is a great place, but too expensive to live there for our tastes. 

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Well, It wasn't today but yesterday my wife surprised me big time.  She said to me, "Come On with me, we're going shopping." We went to several places and she was looking at very large tool chests. So I was beating around looking at some also. Haha, She was looking at the expensive ones while I was looking at the cheap ones. Then she told me, She was sick and tired of my old tool chest.  ? It's an antique! I had it since 1970 and it is full of my tools I used in my race car days. My Uncle gave me most of them from the Air Force and I added with all the metric tools. Then she told me she was more tired with all the tools I have in our house and my tool chest has dried grease all over the top and bottom & she didn't want to bump up against it.  It's not that bad, plus I store my hearing aids in one drawer thats lined when I'm mowing or using power tools. Well, mine is about a $200.00 chest, and in the end, she spent over $1,200.00 for a very large tool chest for me to put every thing in it very neatly so I can find where things are. LOL.  She bought liners for each drawer and was going to order socket holders marked for each size. First she asked how many sockets I had? I said, "Hold on and I'll run out and count them?"  I came back in and said, "138" 

"Forget that, she said, That will cost m a fortune."  So I'll clean my top tray, paint it red to match the Craftsman tool chest and use it for just my sockets.  What a great wife I have. Guess this is my Fathers Day present?  

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16 hours ago, Retired said:

I love those red flowers there. I forgot the name of them and they are common in Hawaii. My mom calls them a little Boy Flower Lol. 

The Phallic looking flower is an Anthurium, they grow really well here.

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On 7/10/2021 at 10:40 PM, CNJ said:

Put new brake pads and rotors on the car.  Mechanic's price: $1400.   DIY price $425 plus heating pad for back.  Also rubbed four ounces of bourbon on my gums to help promote healing.

My God! Is that what it costs today? What happened to the $25.00 price per wheel of the 70's? 

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