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What lessons have we learned in the past three years?


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1 hour ago, zigzag said:

As far as CRT goes, I think all perspectives of history should be taught; all documented historic events should be covered. Kids should be allowed to interpret the impact and meaning of these events for themselves once all sides have been presented.  I also believe slavery and Jim Crow was just wrong. Being an old, southern, white guy who lived through Jim Crow, I can tell you that the undercurrents of racism still exist (being exposed and normalized by Trumpers), and it needs to be extinguished. I feel no guilt for having lived through it or  for being white, but I do not deny that it exists or that my parents accepted it as being "just the way things are."

Remember history is written by the winners and not the losers. 

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30 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Remember history is written by the winners and not the losers. 

Yes. The oppressed are the losers and the censored.

Edit: check out the Springfield Massacre of 1908. 

If you want to read a history of how the monied have screwed the have-nots throughout US history, I'd suggest you get enlightened by reading A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn.

Edited by zigzag
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43 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

We're all just waiting this one out, watch that pendulum come crashing back in the other direction next election.  

Yes. The factions are just too far apart. A republican takeover of the senate, or even the house, would be typical of midterms. It will be interesting to see what republicans will be allowed to run or even win their primaries, since possibly a third will may be disqualified for sedition. But also, gerrymandering is a potent political force. Plus, threats by terrorists on electors may have the desired effects

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3 hours ago, zigzag said:

Yes. The oppressed are the losers and the censored.

Edit: check out the Springfield Massacre of 1908. 

If you want to read a history of how the monied have screwed the have-nots throughout US history, I'd suggest you get enlightened by reading A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn.

Wait, your telling me people with wealth screw over the ones with none. Is that something new? Politicians would never do that no matter what party their in right?

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I've never defended democrats, esp. neo-libs. But to me, they are the lesser of two evils... by a long shot. I think if Hunter Biden is guilty of the offenses he is accused of by the right, he should also pay the price. Hunter may be stupid, but he ain't Trump stoopid. I think Sleepy Joe is creepy, too. But, he's no sex offender... that he's been accused of, or found guilty of, or admitted to.

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1 hour ago, zigzag said:

I've never defended democrats, esp. neo-libs. But to me, they are the lesser of two evils... by a long shot. 

Right now the Dems are in power giving us regular folks the lesser of two evils up are a-sses. Before that it was the Reps. Both are dishonest and nothing but rich privileged a-holes. Show me one poor politician?

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All politicians suck, some just suck less than others.  For me, the ones that suck less are those who limit their desire to insinuate themselves into my life and decision-making (over-reach/over-regulation) and more importantly, those who are less likely to lighten my wallet to fund endless boondoggles.

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Couple stupid questions.

   Why should an attack on an American capital be treated any differently than an attack on an American embassy? 

   Why is it ok for the daughter and ADVISOR of a president to make over 600 million while dads in office but not ok to make 50,000 a month while dads a Vice President? I won’t mention the numerous trademarks granted to a presidents child from the Chinese while dad was in office imposing tariffs on many Chinese imports.

  Why is it ok to use your influence as a son in law and advisor to a president to receive over 2 billion dollars from a foreign government to invest? Payoff?

   50,000 lol!  Manafort was paid more than that by the Russians, to influence the president, while being an advisor to the president!


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2 hours ago, gdecant1 said:

Couple stupid questions.

   Why should an attack on an American capital be treated any differently than an attack on an American embassy? 

   Why is it ok for the daughter and ADVISOR of a president to make over 600 million while dads in office but not ok to make 50,000 a month while dads a Vice President? I won’t mention the numerous trademarks granted to a presidents child from the Chinese while dad was in office imposing tariffs on many Chinese imports.

  Why is it ok to use your influence as a son in law and advisor to a president to receive over 2 billion dollars from a foreign government to invest? Payoff?

   50,000 lol!  Manafort was paid more than that by the Russians, to influence the president, while being an advisor to the president!


Hence a broken system to serve the wealthy. Great very recent public examples! Corruption at its finest. The people who made this abortion of a justice system have broken it for those that asked who broke it. Not petty larcenists or murderers… The people who control the levers of power BROKE IT!

This is why I don’t watch the news anymore. Truth or not, this is depressing and I’m a lucky white person who has a good income that can pretend like this **** doesn’t happen. Well I don’t pretend and am offended but ain’t **** I can do about it and don’t want my BP to go up over this anymore. Let the world burn if it must. Again ain’t **** I can do. This country is broken and it will continue to decline. Have fun arguing about CRT and Dr Seuss dilemmas. This country is diseased…

Edited by NighthawkChris
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And FYI nobody likes Joe. They just hated the dumpster so much they had to vote for a geriatric who ran a campaign in his basement and end up losing a fair election. 100% fair and if anyone says otherwise they are a crackpot in my book. A genuine crackpot of crap.

How am I supposed to teach my kid about being a good sport when you have THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA inciting division the way he has and grasping for straws using all the levers of power to find votes. Yet about 74M support this ****. Diseased is a nice way to say it. 

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24 minutes ago, SteveFord said:

I've learned that politics makes its way into everything on this here interweb thing.

Even a discussion on motorcycle calipers.  How stupid is that?


yea, I despise politics. I hate 'em all. both sides of the aisle.   my bikes calipers are hanging in there but thats about the only damn thing.  sheered keyway in oil pump, leaking main seal, head gasket leak, fork seals worn out.  '92 Electraglide Sport. 126, 000 miles.  poor thing is beat. 

Edited by Karloff
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22 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

"Sounds as if all you nazis think a bullet in the back of the head is deserved by ANYONE, black OR white,  who resists an officer and despite not endangering said officer in any way.  "

All You Nazis ...  yeah, that's certainly driving home a point.  Again - put up an exact reference or delete the slander and apologize,


"So, what is it makes YOU think I'd be a nazi? "

Trying to imply I called or suggested you were a Nazi - is weak, lame way to deflect from the fact you are calling others ( I assume me) on here Nazis.    "Accuse your opponent of what you are doing."   Provide an exact reference or quote where I suggested you were a Nazi.   Of course - I've asked you back up your accusations here   several times and all you do is deflect.   For example:   " I never once condoned police brutality under any circumstances.".  Provide a quote or reference where I suggested you did.  If anything is clear from your comments - it's that you believe police are brutal and abhor it.  The opposite of condone. 

I'm done with trying to get you to support your accusations.  Will let you have the last word.  

You crack me up.    Cherry picking quotes and deleting previous statements in a feeble attempt to look innocuous.

If I recall rightly, you made the suggestion that I sounded more like a nazi.   My statement of "I never once condoned police brutality under any circumstances"  was to clarify the idea that this would NOT qualify me for a nazi attitude or tendency.  Not to address any suggestion I ever did condone it.  But others here seemed to be OK with it judging by some of the comments made suggesting that if those guys complied with the police, they wouldn't get what they deserved, or some such crap.  You seem content with taking things out of context and drawing conclusions based on that.

In another post somewhere back there, you referred to me as my feeling  rioters had cause to riot.  When what I actually suggested was that if police and other authorities wished to avoid those destructive, violent riots, which actually start as protests but (and usually, due to outside agitators) deteriorate into riots was to avoid giving anybody a reason to protest.  Like shooting non threatening unarmed young black kids for no good reason.  Or "taking a knee".  

But I've dealt with sieve headed people before, like an ex sister in law of mine, who, when during a discussion about the topic, and after I stated I didn't support capital punishment, came back with, "So, you think all killers should get off Scot free, eh?"  [blink]  And all I did was to say I didn't support the death penalty.  NOT that I think all convicted murderers be set free or not be subject to any kind of punishment.  :rolleyes:

22 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:


You know what was really hilarious?  When Biden was elected and immediately called for "unity" between the left and right.     After the BS they pulled for the previous 4 years?  I don't think so.   We're all just waiting this one out, watch that pendulum come crashing back in the other direction next election.  

"They" who?  The previous four years were Trump years, and after Biden had any political authority.  So, is it a "guilty by association" thing with you to think he was being hypocritical in his call for unity?   Look, you can't say "democrats" and lump them ALL in the same boat, any more than you can with republicans.  There are exceptions to every rule, even the rule of thumb.  I have a tendency to cut Biden some slack due to his inheriting a political quagmire.  And caused mostly by people who misused and misunderstood arcane terms and concepts, turning them into catchphrases of  incongruity.  Which then incites divisive thinking. 


On 4/23/2022 at 2:13 PM, zigzag said:

Michigan... the state where the governor was going to be kidnapped (and who knows what) by idiots who were upset that their rights were violated by mask mandates. Most republican legislators are sticking to their stories in support of a fraudulent election, along with  some 30% of Americans, in a country where electors are being threatened to the point where states are having problems finding electors who will do their jobs due to threats.


Those idiots too, were convinced somehow that if they pulled it off,  that it would somehow be a large part of what would cause this country to have the "next civil war".  And they're armed to the teeth in preparation. 


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5 hours ago, Karloff said:

yea, I despise politics. I hate 'em all. both sides of the aisle.   my bikes calipers are hanging in there but thats about the only damn thing.  sheered keyway in oil pump, leaking main seal, head gasket leak, fork seals worn out.  '92 Electraglide Sport. 126, 000 miles.  poor thing is beat. 

Sounds like my old Buell Ulysses with 140,000 on it.  The thing stranded me 3X in two months, time to let the old thing go and move on.

The penultimate break down was kind of creepy: it popped a belt right as a monster storm was moving in so I went down an embankment into the woods to make a phone call and get away from the hightway traffic.  I make my call and look up and there's a guy up in a tree with a compound bow watching me.  Okay, time to go...

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7 minutes ago, SteveFord said:

Sounds like my old Buell Ulysses with 140,000 on it.  The thing stranded me 3X in two months, time to let the old thing go and move on.

they were great bikes. I worked at the local Harley dealership for 6 years. we had a Buell test ride day once. a guy pulled up on one of those $$$ custom choppers & wanted to test ride a Buell. I stressed to him the fact that the front brake will STOP YOU FAST !. use one or two fingers especially where he was used to that chopper.  he didn't make it a mile down the road, squeezed the front brake and flew over the handlebars ... lol. 

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